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Alabama Mayor Kills Self After Right-Wing Blog Outs His Cross-Dressing
  • Oh no, poor guy had literally no choice but to participate in a corrupt system by going into politics and becoming a mayor 😭

    Get the fuck outta here.

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    Is it possible to make a world where countries are driven by concern of people as a whole rather than separate national interests?
  • "The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job."

    -Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe

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    What the Hell Happened to my Cookies?
  • Some recipes depend on the dough being mixed just until the ingredients are combined, and not any longer. Other commenters are saying that overmixing cookies can warm the butter too much. With some recipes, like muffins, mixing creates gluten chains that lead to chewey-ness and toughness. So in order to avoid that you stop mixing asap.

    Baking is a chemical reaction and the quantities, order, and methods really do have a huge impact on the result!

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    What's an amusing thing to say before going under general anesthesia?
  • I've been with a number of people as they came out of anesthesia and they were "awake" and talking before they were really conscious of it. Same experience with my own surgeries; I have no recollection of eating a popsicle but apparently I did and tried to share it with the whole nursing staff.

    I think your friend is full of shit.

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    Google Fiber goes big with 20-gig plan
  • What makes you think people are fine with it? ISPs have monopolies over service areas and can do whatever the fuck they want. They have monopolies because of corporate lobbying. No amount of voting gets these corrupt fucks out of office bc votes literally do not matter and there's only two parties, they're both to the right of center, and they're both bought and sold. Just to really make sure, we're all taught from birth that the US is peak civilization and all other countries are backwater shitholes.

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    Self-styled “anarchists” decrying revolutionary violence as “authoritarian” and “oppressive” are so on my nerves.
  • Someone who is attacking you is attempting to enforce a hierarchy/authority on you. Defending yourself is rejecting that hierarchy/authority. If you were to attack back, then I would say you were trying to impose your authority on another. But self defense alone only brings one back to equal footing, where neither party has authority over the other.

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  • Yeah, I only had a handful of CDs because they were too expensive! I jumped on the napster train and got a CD burner as soon as I could.
