As a Brit (but European at heart and strong “Remain” voter), I am quick to remind fellow Brits that English is a language heavily derived from our European ancestors: French, Latin, Germanic (Proto-Germanic, “Old English”, Old Norse, Romance, etc), Greek, Dutch, Spanish, and more.
I know the United Kingdom has been a royal asshat throughout the centuries but the mark of Europe is intense and undeniable; without Europe, there is no such thing as the English language (except perhaps a number of proper nouns that are rooted in the Celtic people and their ancestors) [Edit: see crappywittyname’s comment below].
I hope our European siblings can find solace in the fact that “English” is a distinctly European language that is full of words from all of our tongues.
::: spoiler Tap for spoiler

Wrong. They check forgot to print this on the back of the envelope:

And while we’re at it, why is Greenwich so mean all of the time?
Wanna disco? Wanna see me disco?
Hahaha. If you’re an American yourself, I tip my hat to you sir.
It isn't that bad. It also stated new facts to me, like is new to sarcasm.
If it’s any consolation, it’s Nintendo’s Legal team that are really rolling with it. There’s hope they’ll recognise they’re hurting their brand and Legal’s leadership will be kicked to the curb.
Don’t blame their developers - they likely have nothing to do with it, even Game Freak.
That means you probably ran a few commands.
The first will have added the GPG public encryption key of the package signers to your system so that your system trusts the key and can validate the package is signed by the trusted key.
The second command will have added the vscodium package sources to apt (the package manager for Ubuntu) so that your package manager is aware of where to find the vscodium package.
Finally, the last command will have updated apt so it knows of the newly added package sources as well as installed vscodium via your system’s package manager.
Exactly. OP is looking for a Boolean logical operator “or” and not the bitwise operator “|”.
Which one did you use? Share more detail. VSCodium has loads of different commands one can type and files one can download.
Rat Assisted Takeover
What devices use this chip? Has it been enumerated anywhere?
The box on the far left is disposable dentures. There’s also a couple of boxes of beef fingers in the middle (which is why you’ll rarely see a cow in a field still with fingers).
If it’s the table spread, that’s a butter-like substance made from recycled tables.
That movie was shot in 3B - three beers - and it looks good, eh?
I went wild and started using it for servers about 5 years ago and I shit you not, it’s far more stable than I would have thought. I parse the blog for update notes if there’s any big changes to anything I’m using but given most stuff is offloaded to containers, I pretty much yolo a yay -Syu
every week. Zero issues.
I had more issues with Debian and Ubuntu due to bugs in stale packages or weird default configs than I have running bleeding edge vanilla via Arch.
Given the higher probability of fatality driving it than another vehicle in its class, I still wouldn’t get one for $40K. I value my life a lot more than that.
Personally I find the look of this one hideous.
I lived on a mixture of Lynx, Links2, and Browsh when I first lived on my own as I couldn’t afford internet so I used a friend’s who lived down the road. As I had to use a huge antenna to get signal, I suffered slow speeds and packet loss so I spent a couple of years in text-based browsers.
I got so used to it, I used Browsh for a while after I got internet access to my rental as I can grown quite attached to a terminal-only system and ditching DEs and WMs.