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Signal changelog
  • I'm actually pretty disappointed with the development of new features. SMS integration was great and now gone. And what they introduced in the last fwo years? Messages formating, planned-send and editing.

    I had to use telegram few times in the last weeks and the bots, emojis, pools or location sharing make it feel pretty powerful.

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    As if the tip actually goes to the dashers.
  • If I'm not happy I should drive for it myself? If you're not happy go change your job

    The problem are not the customers, it's the employers.

    Also keep that attitude up - people ordering less, driving by themselves because of the expected tips and you end up redundant.

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    Reddit Falls Short of Ad Growth Targets Ahead of Likely 2024 IPO
  • Reddit was like the StackOverflow for life

    ..sometimes coding too We're like regressing to friend's or known in person people's opinions, because Internet will be full of bot and sponsored content and opinions. Either way, double money for corporations, sponsored content ->more sales; people not trusting reviews and trying out stuff just to find out it's rubbish ->more sales

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    GTA V source code has been leaked.
  • I imagine with this code the modders are going to make the game greate for next ~5 or more years. SAMP was pretty popular for quite some time

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    venture capitalism goes brrr
  • Discord is the same problem for the internet as the Facebook grups were. Its hermetic, the info stays there, its hard to search thus the same problem is being asked over and over. StackOverflow and Reddit strength is that's they are indexed and easy accessed

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    Youtube for iOS without ads
  • And they don't work. I tried uBlock on my IPad Air 2 and no add blocked. PopUpBlocker Strict was also important for me, but also doesn't work. DarkReader seemed to work.

    I created a NextDNS account and configured the app, still ads on YouTube in Firefox.

    The only two for me that work are Brave and Vivaldi. As I really don't like what Brave does I'll stick with Vivaldi.

    iOS is such an uncomfortable and greedy ecosystem...

    Edit: Just now I created a piped account and installed Yattee and is it the closest you can get on non-jailbroken iOS?

    Here's the configuration

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    Help me trash my FireTV stick
  • I have a 2,5' 1tb hdd connected to my router and Kodi on Xbox and Firetv. You only need some website to download content from to your hdd.

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    [question] Docker .yml file to start mariadb-php-apache
  • while having web: image: php:8.2-cli I was getting prod_maria-php-apache-web-1 exited with code 0 but after changing it to web: image: php:8.2-fpm it's not giving errors anymore. Still haven't found the solution for the test.php being not accessible

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    [question] Docker .yml file to start mariadb-php-apache
  • sadly it did not help, is unreachable by the browser.

    also after making changes to the .yml I cannot restart the containers with sudo docker compose restart. Web container restarts ok, but two of them give me "permission denied".

    How about if I dont need phpMyAdmin (I'll access the database through heidiSQL, but I want of course the php to work), can I change the container to be php-fpm? Or maybe changing the config to use nginx?

  • Hello. I bought a HP t630 and wanted to learn some ubuntuServer+Docker. My file structure looks like this: ```

    /home/bg/docker_stacks (main folder) /home/bg/docker_stacks/prod_php-maria-apache (this project folder) /home/bg/docker_stacks/prod_php-maria-apache/docker-compose.yml


    /home/bg/docker_stacks/prod_php-maria-apache/html/ /home/bg/docker_stacks/prod_php-maria-apache/html/test.php

    /home/bg/docker_stacks/prod_php-maria-apache/php/ /home/bg/docker_stacks/prod_php-maria-apache/php/php.ini empty ```

    inside test.php there's ```


    inside docker-compose.yml there's:

    ``` GNU nano 6.2 docker-compose.yml web: image: php:8.2-cli ports: - '80:80' volumes: - /home/bg/docker_stacks/prod_maria-php-apache/apache:/etc/apache2/sites-enabled - /home/bg/docker_stacks/prod_maria-php-apache/html:/var/www/html - /home/bg/docker_stacks/prod_maria-php-apache/php/php.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/php.ini depends_on: - mariadb extra_hosts: - 'ax710.test:' # - 'some-other-host.test:' networks: - dev-env phpmyadmin: image: phpmyadmin:latest ports: - 8080:80 environment: - PMA_ARBITRARY=1 - PMA_HOST=mariadb depends_on: - mariadb volumes: - /home/bg/docker_stacks/prod_maria-php-apache/php/php.ini:/usr/local/etc/php/php.ini networks: - dev-env mariadb: image: mariadb:latest restart: always environment: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: '123' MYSQL_USER: 'bg' MYSQL_PASSWORD: '123' MYSQL_DATABASE: 'db' volumes: - mysqldata:/var/lib/mysql ports: - 3306:3306 networks: - dev-env

    volumes: mysqldata: {}

    networks: dev-env: {}


    When on my laptop I open: - cockpit works fine - phpMyAdmin works fine

    heidiSQL - at opens the database without problems or does not work

    Any ideas how can I make test.php open in my browser? Any other suggestions are appreciated as I'am newbie in Docker.

    Where can I find the detailed rules for Real Debrid?
  • So what may be the cause of a person to monitor the account? Some policy violation, and then they'll see account sharing, get mad = ban? :D

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    The final nail in Reddit's coffin dropped today:
  • More lightweight = faster and more content on the screen? Nowadays cool looking websites are slow and with 25% margin on both sides.

    I feel the same all annoyed for example when doing some extensive search on PC vs mobile. No matter if it's a shopping hunt on ebay or gathering information. On PC i scroll-click 10 links, iterate through them, Ctrl+w the ones being useless and chosing/read betwend the ones left. Something unclear? Double Ctrl+C and deepl pops up with a translation.

    5min on PC vs 20min on mobile, where I have to click each link, fight those pop ups and cookies consent, go back, wait anoyingly long 2 second webpage loads and repeat.

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    Starlink lost another 43 satellites last night. Over 300 satellites have burned up since July 16th. NOAA has 3 job openings for space forecaster.
  • Woah, that vid has 2 minutes of initial intro/sponsor crap.

    Ltdw Besides he just reads two articles saying that the failure rate is alarming, cause unknown but also the userbase is over 2 milion people, and doubled since January 2023 where it was around 1 milion. A life expectancy of the satellites are 5 years, so the early editions launched in 2019 should still be operational.

    He also said that June magnetic storm that hit the satellites caused 100 milion loss with 40 satellites burned. As there are 4500 starlinks in orbit already, their cost estimates for 11,12 billion USD.

    Edit. Spelling

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    It wasn't worth it anyway
  • Firefox with uBlock - "daily driver" Firefox Focus - just to quick open a link and forget about it not having to close the tab KiwiBrowser - kind of power user browser with all Chrome add-ons available to install, so uBlock and ViolentMonkey work fine.

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    YSK: you can setup pihole on any old rooted android (5.0+) device
  • Nah, just install Blokada from fDroid. And use that old smartPhone for maybe an AlfredCamera surveillance. But the noBattery mod is useful anyway.

  • Lemmy

    Ender 3 Pro

    Hello Lemmies.

    album with photos in order 1-7:

    EDIT: Direct links may be more convinient pic 1-7

    I am new to 3d printing as I bought a used Ender3PRO. After initial problems with no adhesion I leveled the bed a couple of tiems. My method is to pinch the paper between the bed and the nozzle to grab and feel a strong friction taking out the paper-sheet. Then in PrusaSlicer I set the Z-offset to 0.2mm and it started printing fine-ish (pic.1, 2, 3 and 4). I made some printer vibrations dampener and figures (around 14 prints ~1,5h each). Next I printed a PS4 Slim Stand (pic.5) and separations between layers appeared.

    I increased a bit the temp and run a second piece of the PS4 stand and a dissaster appeared (pic.6) and since then the adhesion to the bed is gone. One in 5 attempts with some glue the filament sticked to the bed, but the next layers have a lot of missplacements and eventually filament sticked arround the nozzle and a destroyed print.

    The problems I noticed since the beginning:

    1. adhesion is not great. The nozzle clean line is 80% of attempts dragged with the nozzle to the center of the bed when the brim starts printing. And gets curved just outside the hotend.
    2. a 1-2mm of filament is always outside the nozzle (overextrusion?). I usually clean it with my fingers - wrong?
    3. the printer has a glass bed but I would like to try using the magnetic Ender sheet. The glass is glued to the printer (pic.7)? Can I place the magnetic sheet on the glass? Should I then set Z-offset on the printer settings to avoid nozzle coliding with the bed?
    4. On retraction, the extruder makes a loud click and sometimes a squeak. Is it normal?
    5. I had a hard time to put the filament in the tube of the extruder. Like it was missplaced and had to bend the tip of the filament.
    6. I washed the magnetic sheet with dish-soap and I'll try my chances today.
    7. The PLA is black, stock Ender3 filament which I suppose is not best quality, but should be sufficient for start... Im also considering moisture in filament as I don't have a sperate room for my printer. Pic.6 - can it be caused by moisture?
    8. After what happender on Pic.6 the extrusion was really poor which I think was due to clogged nozzle. After heating to 240*C, pulling out the filament, needle-cleaning the nozzle the amount of filament extruded returned to what it was at start.

    Some settings:

    • 205C and 60C for first layer
    • 200C and 55C for the rest
    • retraction ON
    • no Z-hop (I'll try to avoid it for now, since it didn't help)
    • brim on
    • 0,2 layer height
    • first layer speed 20mm/s, rest ~40mm/s

    Any advice welcome and I'll provide more info if You have any questions.
