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Does not compute, captain
  • I have to say, I suspected this. Being honest. I said to myself, "What could run off Stamets," and that's exactly what I came up with. The benefit of being closer to 40 than 30 I guess.

    Now to join your community. Thank you genuinely for commenting here for me to see directly. I'm not good at creating content (every time I ever got a burst of creativity on reddit I was banned for posting too much so I just stopped making memes) but I comment like a sumbitch!

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    fr fr ong
  • As a Southern gal myself, I got whiplash from the implication that people sayin "fixin" are trying to sound important.

    I promise, among those of us who say that kinda thing, it's seen as a mark of ignorance and bein low class in general. The idea that a hillbilly accent can seem "important" is banana sandwiches to me.

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  • I tried but no amount of injecting humor made that funny. Came across as more onejoke nonsense to be honest.

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  • I don't understand what point you're trying to make. Everyone in the comments is dunking on the person for being weird. Or talking about what even is the point of Instagram (a point I agree with but I'm kind of old).

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    Just gotta work it in somehow.
  • They are explicitly complaining that there are several users posting content they don't enjoy.

    Don't you know the entire fediverse is supposed to be cultivated to PatFussy's personal taste?

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    Does anyone use a diet, fitness, food tracker that you like?
  • MyFitnessPal had a problem with anorexic using the app to compare their disordered eating in competition. From there it went downhill fast.

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    By 2030, nearly half of all U.S. adults will be obese, experts predict
  • I have no idea. It's monstrously large so that might be why.

    I was buying them and eating half of one for breakfast but with like no protein and no redeeming qualities beyond "not hungry" and "taste good" I knew it wasn't a real option. But my point here wasn't "this is what I do," my point was, "people are being disingenuous when they pretend it's not a real option many people are taking."

    I work 12 hour shifts. I do meal prep of curries or stews and that makes a good, cheap meal, but the storage required to freeze 3 meals worth of meal prep for 4 days of work... plus the time it consumes in making and properly cooling and storing those meals... it's not a luxury many people have. Convenience options are very appealing for many reasons and there's this place where "I have to spend at least a day a week planning for work, preparing and putting away food in order for it to be healthy" yoyos around to, "I don't make enough to buy healthy convenience food." If I had kids I'd never be able to prep like I do. Hell, it's difficult as it is!

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    By 2030, nearly half of all U.S. adults will be obese, experts predict
  • I'm the wrong person to answer this. I react badly to eggs (just know it's gastrointestinal and unpleasant) and I have oral allergy syndrome (specifically bananas).

    Love hot sauce though!

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    By 2030, nearly half of all U.S. adults will be obese, experts predict
  • I had a hard time arguing against Sam's Club muffins for breakfast.

    For less than $6, I can have nine 710 calorie muffins. But the cost to my health to eat that much pure sugar with extremely little nutrition and like zero protein?

    But that'd breakfast for 9 days for less than $7 (including tax.)

    People who say eating healthy is cheaper if you're willing to spend the time have never been to Sam's Club.

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    Plummeting interest rate
  • There was this mean thing people would say back in like the 90s, that the people complaining online win every argument because everyone who had success was busy being in a relationship.

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    How Two Pharmacists Figured Out That Decongestants Don't Work
  • Didn't you hear? Massive shortage on. Most of us can't get our medicine. (And it's not "medicine" jackass. It's the difference between me being "employable, constructive member of society" and a "disaster in human form.")

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    Would it be a bad idea to code Gnomes as autistic in the game system I'm working on?
  • Autism can present in many ways and many "levels." Are you talking about making all of your gnomes a specific, similar presentstion (ASD 1?) Or are you talking about specific stereotypes of autism? Are you talking about giving them all your very specific brand of behaviors associated with an autism diagnosis?

    Because this is all important. If you're making them all have racial traits that are like you, then I say, have at, but maybe don't call it autism specifically, because you're representing a specific type and others might feel unrepresented. Or if you're making them all have behaviors we associate with a specific type of ASD, then make sure there's room in there for them to present in their unique ways.

    Example: All gnomes have ASD traits. Make a roll on a chart for all known associated behaviors, randomly assigning those traits. Maybe this gnome is bad at eye contact, but maybe that one is bad at eye contact and also hypersensitive to sound. Maybe this one is extremely interested in obscure music, or that one is really great at drawing.

    There's a lot to figure out but I think you can do it! If you want to. It's cool to write things we're familiar with but also to be true to our own experience. I have ADHD but my behaviors are very different from my ADHD boyfriend, and both our types are valid.

  • YSK: Just because something is easy for you, does not mean that it is easy.

    ETA; Why you should know; everyone has natural talents, everyone has skills they developed with practice or over time. Something that feels easy to you might be difficult for someone else to grasp, or they might have a different background or a different way of doing things. When you show someone else how to do something, or when you ask someone else to do something, you need to set aside your expectations on how they might do that thing, or how quickly, or how well.

    Be patient. Understand not everyone comes naturally to every new skill or new talent. Some people have learning disabilities or just a lack of familiarity with skills you consider "basic." And try not to belittle someone for needing extra time to master something you find "simple" or they may never try again!

    Edit2: Kind of like how I can't figure out how to edit this to save my life. I've been belittled in the past for being bad at things so my instinct was to delete this, but seeing all the conversation, I couldn't bring myself to do it! Consider me a lesson in action!
