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Israel orders Gazans to flee, bombs where it sends them
  • Predictable? Yes, par for the course for this insanely violent and fascist regime.

    Inevitable? It's well documented that the IOF ignored many warnings about the incoming Hamas resistance. Not only that, netanyahu funded Hamas to weaken the Palestinian cause weak and fractured.. Let's start there.

    Least bad choice..... It's sickening to me that you suggest there aren't better ways to conduct war than to bomb hospitals, schools, and refugee camps. For a military that's supposedly one of the best in the world to say 7000+ children needed to die is a joke. It's incredibly obvious to any reasonable person.

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    Despite Gaza death toll soaring, U.S. unlikely to rethink weapons supplies to Israel
  • And providing billions unconditionally. Like seriously, unconditionally? Like they could kill tens, hundreds of thousands, a million, and you'd still fund that? Biden deserves a shit stain or ten on his name.

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    Israel orders Gazans to flee, bombs where it sends them
  • imposing a high cost should anyone consider future attacks against Israel's civilians.

    Right now they're giving gazans tens of thousands of reasons to want revenge against this bloodthirsty regime. They're actually doing the opposite. Yes go devastate these people who have nothing left to lose, that's definitely how you reduce extremism.

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    Christopher Nolan Calls Zack Snyder’s ‘Watchmen’ a Film ‘Ahead of Its Time’: It Should Have Been Released Post-‘Avengers’
  • I keep telling people to watch the HBO show from 2019. It has some obvious flaws but Regina King is always fire and IMO episode 6 is still some of the best TV I've seen.

    It also came out the year before the BLM protests of 2020 and damn was the subject matter relevant. Almost prescient.

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    The Washington Post is very worried that American women don't want to marry Trump supporters
  • I would guess a large portion of that 42% of women are on the older side, which, for the purposes of this article, would not really be considered peak marriage or dating age.

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    Modern apartheid.
  • Agreed, but let's use the term z*onist because there are plenty of Jews who denounce this despicable regime.

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    CNN Host Left Stunned As IDF Confirms Israel Hit Refugee Camp With Airstrike
  • Lmao thanks for the laugh, I've never seen someone cite the Geneva convention to justify bombing women and children 🤡

    Edit: let me reiterate, lmaoooooooo
