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  • My son had a book called "You're Called What?!" which featured a tasseled wobbegong, alongside other animals such as the Shovelnose Guitarfish, Bone Eating Snot Flower Worm, and the Aha Ha.

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    UK suspends 30 arms exports to Israel over Gaza war crimes concerns
  • Not a "Starmerite sycophant" whatever the hell that is. I am not a fervent supporter of any political party. I simply do not believe that Labour are inherently islamophobic - I've seen nothing to suggest that. Im not trying to cover anything up or deflect by saying that the Tories are Islamophobic. It's relevant because the Tories have been in power and controlling foreign policy up until a month or so ago. If the Tories were still in charge, there would have been no change to the UK gov's position.

    Not that I think that Islamaphobia is the driving factor behind support for Israel, nor do I pretend to fully understand, besides the obvious fact that they're an existing ally and were attacked by terrorism which kicked this off.

    The tide is turning against the Israelian government's scorched-earth policy but it's taking too long, especially from the US side. Seemingly the Israelian people are also taking issue with their government's position which is more pressure than we can exert from our side.

    Btw Jeremy Corbyn was vindicated for what, defending Hamas and Hezbollah? Plenty of people have stood up for Palestine over the years without standing up for Hamas. Palestinians deserve to be free, not controlled by Hamas terrorists.

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    UK suspends 30 arms exports to Israel over Gaza war crimes concerns
  • Labour has a far far less of an islamaphobia issue than the Conservatives.

    Labour did previously have a antisemitism issue however, and undoubtedly they're hesitant to do anything which might be tagged antisemitic (even if it's not).

    But despite that, they haven't been in power for long and have already done far more than the Tories did.

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    M.I.A. endorses Donald Trump after Robert F. Kennedy Jr. backing
  • Wow, I haven't been keeping up with MIA outside the music, but I feel like I'm missing a few steps between her pro-immigration music and endorsing far right US politicians.

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    UK Labour party 'ordered MPs not to join anti-racist protests'
  • No, they clearly aren't trying to appear racist, or even directly court their votes. They just don't want to actively feed into the idiotic theories that stoke tensions.

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    UK Labour party 'ordered MPs not to join anti-racist protests'
  • It's more that it's a tactical choice to avoid polarising people. There's nothing material to gain by attending the protests, and much to lose in terms of pissing off the far right more and destabilising a precarious situation.

    The shit-stirrers like Farage would immediately whip up some bullshit that Labour MPs attending anti-fascist protests is "proof" that the government are choosing to politically punish the far right protesters. The last thing Starmer wants is a resurgence of disorder.

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    UK Labour party 'ordered MPs not to join anti-racist protests'
  • Even though being anti-fascist is an obvious virtue, I presume it's to avoid the appearance of prosecuting the rioters for political reasons. Starmer wants to make it purely about the lawbreaking rather than their political aims.

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    the mail doxes the hotel of a family fleeing their home country
  • "I can't believe that I got doxxed fleeing my home country to avoid prosecution... after making a career out of doxxing people fleeing persecution in their home country!"

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    Review says puberty blocker curb has not led to suicide rise
  • It's not used as a healthcare metric. This is just debunking reports that a healthcare policy was directly causing an "explosion" in suicides.

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    Wes Streeting defends puberty blocker ban decision after Labour criticism
  • We'll see what he tells parliament, but IMO it's reasonable for him to follow the science, get more trials done ASAP and approve the medicine if the evidence shows. As long as these kids get appropriate care in the meantime without delay.

    Approving medicine counter to scientific advice sets a bad precedent, may cause more issues, and might attract lawsuits from terfs etc.

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    How much rubbish do you produce each week?
  • We have our black bin collected fortnightly and we usually half-fill it. Three of us and pets.

    Our kitchen bin only really is used for non-recyclable plastic and pet waste. Everything else goes in the food bin or recycling wheelie bin. Our recycling wheelie bin is usually completely overflowing, whereas many of my neighbours completely overfill the black bin and barely even bother with the recycling and food bins.

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    Nandy says 'many, many MPs' have been harassed in the streets as she weighs in on Gaza... - LBC
  • Government should only be afraid of losing the next election - they should never be afraid of their life or family's life for doing their job.

    Politicians need to balance opinions from different groups of people, so even the best politicians can never please everyone all of the time. Taking choices you disagree with does not mean they should be afraid for their lives.

    As much as I disagree with many choices of politicians, they should never be threatened in any way.

  • My on-screen keyboard in desktop mode has somehow become undocked and wider than the screen, making it hard to press certain keys which are half off-screen. It still works otherwise - I can open the keyboard by pressing X and close the keyboard by pressing L4.

    I don't know how this has happened in the first place, and I can't find a setting for it in Steam. Any idea how I can reset the keyboard position?

    5 The Tories’ huge new oilfield is a moral obscenity – but Rosebank can still be stopped | Caroline Lucas

    Reliance on oil won’t slash our bills: this is a climate crime that will leave our economy more vulnerable, writes Green MP Caroline Lucas


    It's out in certain places and it's another great chapter. Very detailed, lots of good dialog. We're getting to the peak of the arc!
