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Twitter's lost 13% of its daily users and its rebrand has failed
  • this fits the narrative nicely but im certain a 2 percent trade for increased profits is not a loss for them

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    What is the current thinking about what platform Beehaw should be on? Stick with Lemmy or try something else?
  • subscription. and yes lol ! I actually rarely see any kind of tech news or news in general without a bunch of negative comments underneath telling us obvious things (companies bad !)

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    What is the current thinking about what platform Beehaw should be on? Stick with Lemmy or try something else?
  • I'm probably leaving regardless unfortunately. this place, whole far better than the rest of lemmy, is way too cynical for my tastes. at least on reddit I got to escape the negativity of the world, on here I'm just constantly being reminded of it in every single news/politics/tech/science thread.

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    France has banned pro-Palestinian protests and vowed to protect Jews from resurgent antisemitism
  • I feel like I'm being gaslit into thinking there's this huge outbreak of antisemitism when all I'm ever reading about is Muslims being murdered?? why are we constantly talking about antisemitism and only antisemitism

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    10 Gaming Songs You Should Totally Give A Listen To 💿🎵
  • down by the river from baldurs gate should be on here lol that's such an earworm

    great list though!!

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    Spotify Premium Will Include Instant Access to 150,000+ Audiobooks (UK/AUS tomorrow, US to follow)
  • Jesus christ the people on here are impossible to please !

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • this is just... not true or at the least extremely hyperbolic

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    Sony Xperia 5 V review: Compact premium smartphone with professional camera
  • then maybe this phone isn't for you

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    What type of game you want to see that doesn't fully exist yet?
  • haven and hearth but before they nuked the xp system 😞

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    What is your favorite movie?? Why??
  • Melancholia ! Beautiful film, great cast, but most importantly it does an amazing job at not only representing depression but also getting the viewer to FEEL the depression and sense of doom that the lead feels, while also portraying the helplessness and confusion of their loved ones. Plus it's a great end of the world film (best genre)

    it pretty much looks at depression and goes "wait. what if the world WAS actually ending?"

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    What was the formative horror game of your childhood?
  • F.E.A.R. and Penumbra

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    Sen. Bob Menendez indicted again for corruption, allegedly had cash stuffed in coat, gold bars
  • it's sad. jersey is my home state but corruption has been so rampant there for so long it's just kind of accepted. mcgreevy, corzine, norcross, menendez, etc.

    bill pascrell is the goat though !

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    How do you find new music to listen to?
  •, word of mouth, /r/popheads, and !

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    clothing recs
  • I second ASOS! They carry a wide variety of sizes and selections

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    How to cope with the idea you may never afford FFS?
  • are you eligible for any kind of healthcare or state healthcare that may cover FFS?

    Do you wear makeup? You can do a lot with contouring and bronzing. I can link a bunch of reccs tomorrow if you'd like. I know it's not the same but you truly can reshape your facial structure with a simple contour kit and some blush.

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    I am a woman
  • and you slay! what's the lip shade ??

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    A High Priority for Moving Away from Lemmy
  • Im sorry you had to witness that. I grew up on forums and message boards in the mid 2000s and onward and Ive still not forgotten a lot of the shock images and other vile things people would post on forums.

    You essentially sacrificed a part of your innocence to aid the community and i find that incredibly selfless and respected, although again I am truly sorry it ever had to come to that.

    I know it's not really my place as a stranger to give unsolicited advice but if you find yourself struggling, there is a form of therapy called EMDR that is supposedly very successful with getting the brain to fully digest traumatic events.

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    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • did beehaw roll back? my two posts from yesterday disappeared

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    how's your week going, Beehaw
  • happy birthday!

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    rule suggestion
  • 38 points and only 5 comments 😢 I was hoping to see more input

  • I'm looking into purchasing a wig (Ive had human pattern baldness since age 20 unfortunately) and I'm feeling a taaaaad overwhelmed with the amount of options and I'm terrified of ordering one and it's low quality.

    I wanna spend the money to get something human hair, lace front, and dark dark brown — but not super super expensive ! that said do you girls have any site recommendations or general advice?


    i started hormones on thursday (yayy!) and wrote this poem today, wanted to share and it and dont really have anyone to share it with lol. note im not a professional poet i just do it for fun :x hope its understandable/someone can relate.

    "Song of the Mirror's Siren"

    the glow of some creators light casts a bright blue hue across my small apartment. the chatter of the finches and the crisp of the air stands in disagreement with the fog that seems to live eternally somewhere, before the world, but at the forefront of my hazel eyes - a protection from the hurt and anguish of living, but cursed as all matters gifted from hell, feral enough to assault all things joyful and loved.

    somewhere deep within the fog, a string appears to pull me, trance-like, into the routine of morning, where i find myself preparing for day with body washed and teeth brushed. a mirror stands above the faucet porcelain, forming window into the depths of hatred itself, where sirens sing songs of vanity and sin.

    a struggle to keep my eyes at bay, i glance into the mirror, horror struck, as eyes meet with a stranger. he beckons out for help, but sings another's name - a name whose song is so familiar, but a name that isn't mine.

    his voice seems to penetrate outward from the mirror, calling through the fog as a lighthouse does a ship, blurring the line between metaphor and life. the melody arouses chaos within my soul, a contradiction between face and heart begins to form, and just as the ship turns starboard toward the light, i feel the string grow tighter, pulling me nearer.

    inches from the stranger now, i gaze into his eyes and see reflected an image of ship cast into rocky shores, of a life lived long and truthless. terrified at the horrors seen, i stumble back from the mirror, collapsing onto the frigid tile, the string snapping, and the fog escaping the room with such calamity as to whisk the siren back into the hell of which he came.

    a newfound lucidity fills the crisp air, meeting the chatter of the finches in a song so full of life, so blissful, so present. i stand and look into the mirror, now gazing upon the reflection of a face so new, yet so familiar! on her face forms a smile, "Hello."


    It I look up my account ( on Mastodon it shows my latest comment as 3 days ago?
