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Where's a good place to look for entry-level GRC jobs?
  • Guess I shoulda done more digging lol. Thanks for the help. Btw, do you know much about PECB's courses? They have some ISO stuff that's GRC specific, might look into it.

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    Where's a good place to look for entry-level GRC jobs?
  • I've actually just done a bit of digging on it and it seems that CISSP is used in Canada, so I might pull the trigger on that. I'm also considering Unixguy's GRC Mastery course. Happen to know anything about it? I don't think it counts as a certification proper, but it might be good to show employers what I'm interested in and that I've already put in some work.

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    Where's a good place to look for entry-level GRC jobs?
  • No certs as of current. Trying to figure out if there's even an entry-level pathway available before I dump more money into education. NIST and ISA: are these international certs or America specific? The latter won't help me much unless I get a remote job. As for regulations, that should be easy enough. I'm already good at research, so.

  • I'm looking to start a career in GRC. Been searching a bunch of different things (e.g. cybersecurity internal audit, GRC analyst, cyber audit, risk analyst, etc.) but everything that's coming up is mid-senior positions, manager positions, etc.

    Enchanted Swing - by Ilya Zomb
  • Running this through reverse image search shows that's not the case.

    EDIT: How tf am I getting downvotes on this lmao. Insane people smh

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    Complete the new MO to enable production of Orbital Napalm Barrages
  • Napalm is aluminum salts of naphthenic acid and palmitic acid. The aluminum saponifies the other two constituents resulting in a fuel-gel mixture. Polystyrene + gasoline is dollar store napalm, not the real deal.

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    Singh: Anti-worker move proof that Trudeau caves to corporate greed
  • I wish there was more focus on the reasons why arbitration had to be forced. Our rail and its workers, and therefore our entire economy, is held hostage by two (two!!) companies. I think it's high time they were split up.

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    The Open Source Computer Science Degree
  • Idk about American universities, but C++ was taught at Memorial University of Newfoundland when I attended 8 years ago. Granted it was a robotics class so maybe it's different. Either way, makes more sense to me to learn C/C++ since most things are programmed in that.

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    The Open Source Computer Science Degree
  • Interesting, but means little without accreditation.

    EDIT: Also, why's it all Java?

    EDIT2: Addressing the downvotes: If you really think that any employer these days is going to be happy with "Learned from a list on Github" on your resume then you're sorely mistaken. It doesn't matter if the courses match an accredited program. The accreditation is what matters because no accreditation = no diploma. Employers like diplomas.

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    I added fogs to my game. How does it look? fogs on or off?. (before/after)
  • Okay, here's my take: that's some good looking fog. Like on a scale of 1 to fog, that's like heavy mist. But here's the thing: every time I play a game with fog, I think to myself "I wish that wasn't there." If you're going to use the fog, give it purpose. A great example of bad fog is Elden Ring. Example 1: Consecrated Snowfield. Boring garbage that only serves to hide how empty the area is. Example 2: Gravesite Plain in SOTE. Takes an already lackluster area and just makes it even moreso with a big wall of white.

    Ironically, Elden Ring also has an example of good fog: Mountaintop of the Giants, Frozen Lake. The fog is generated by Borealis and clears when you defeat him, meaning you're not faced with a permanently boring area in a primarily visual medium. It adds a cinematic intro for the boss as well as an added layer of difficulty for the fight. This is fog with purpose and how it should be implemented.

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    The beast and its master, walking a silent path | Zdzisław Beksiński
  • Surreal art is obviously unreal while still being recognizable to we corporeal beings. This is in contrast to much of abstract art which is too unreal for us to form meaningful connection.

  • This is the laptop in question. It has an x86 processor so basically any distro should work on it. However, it is still a Chromebook which likely means Google fuckery in the BIOS. But it's great value for the money (can get it $300 off at Costco) and if I can plop Linux on to it then I'd love it.


    Been poking around All recently and I've noticed that there is more lemmy activity in Dutch than any other non-English language. German following that, and then Portuguese (I think, maybe Spanish). I see more Nederlander posts than even the UK instances. So what's up with this? Cheers from Canada 😙


    Reading up on One Big Union. The Wikipedia article mentions that at the end of its days it was generating income via a lottery in its bulletin. This gave me an idea.

    In the interest of diversifying news media, strengthening journalistic practices and integrity, creating non-partisan news coverage, and giving Canadian works a national outlet for publishing, I would like to start an online newspaper. However, I would like to limit ads since I find them distasteful at best and compromising at worst. This leaves subscription income and one-off purchases as the main revenue sources.

    The issue with this is that people don't purchase news media anymore. They either look at an ad-supported website or they wait for someone else to buy a paywalled article and copypaste it somewhere. So the issue with a non-ad-supported model is that there's no incentive to buy. Hence, a lottery a la a 50/50 draw or some such. This would give people incentive to buy, increasing the circulation of the newspaper. So I'm hoping someone might be able to provide some insight into the matter.
