They're making head cheeses like in the Rifters books.
I wrote a paper on the origin of the y chromesome in biology class in college and the professor docked me points with the note written in the margins "I don't think humans and papayas have a common ancestor."
Someone has to do something. A lot of someones. All at the same time. All across the world. We have to do something about this. It's too far. We cannot let things go on like this. This will not stand.
I will commit crimes to protect you and anyone like us. The law means nothing to me. You are a human being and that means everything to me. Please stay strong. I know how fucked up it is. I live in rural nowhere and people follow me out to my car to physically and verbally intimidate me for daring to wear a mask in the grocery store. My friends say I am a problem for bringing up the fact that we are being systematically exterminated and that we need to fight it in every possible way. I love you, random internet stranger. Please do your best to stay strong. I will, too. Promise. I do not intend to let you down.
"Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you and you will resent its absence."
The Cask of Amontillado
I'm a trans girl 🏳️⚧️ !!
Hello Kaityy. Congratulations. You did good.
This is just pathetic. She's fucking eight. Something needs to be done to get the power over us out of the hands of every single one of these reactionary fucks.
You're a woman, so your hands and voice are womanly. Hope you have a good day.
I think Soul Reaver 2 was the peak of the series for me. When Kain had his monologue during the climax about flipping a coin enough times that one day it lands on its side, jesus. I get goosebumps just remembering it.