
Experienced some misogyny the other day and it made me feel awesome gender euphoria.
Experienced some misogyny the other day and it made me feel awesome gender euphoria.
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I believe that's what you'd call ewwphoria
But I like it, it feels good to be treated like a woman (even when it's bad or demeaning).
CheesyCheese1 [She/her]
All I see here is a real woman
Thanks, that makes me feel slightly better, but I know my voice will always sound awful and manly, I took voice training but no matter how hard I try I sound like a man doing a woman's voice. Also my hands just look like manly hands 😭
You're a woman, so your hands and voice are womanly. Hope you have a good day.
Some cis women have deep voices and big hands, too.
My hands aren't just big though, they have that rough manly quality, difficult to describe.
A moisturizing routine helps. Women's hands get dry during winter months.
Weird but I practice my voice with muppet characters. Grover is 👌 If you can figure out grover and cookie monster, you can sound super fem
The trick = making the voice without hurting your throat
Gotta bounce sounds off the top of your mouth
When I try it always sounds too deep, and I just can't go any higher 😢
Take your tongue 👅 and rest it on the two back molars in your mouth to help focus the sounds you want into a smaller space.
You don't have to ALWAYS do that, no no no, but it'll help teach you how to bounce sounds off the roof of your mouth instead of the sounds originating closer to the back of your throat.
Think of it like doing the splits, you have to stretch your vocal chords in a very specific way to be able to sound how you want. But it takes time and just like with the splits - you really can only make small incremental progress.
You'll get the hang of it hun. 😌
I like to stretch with this song 🎵 https://youtu.be/pTA0DSfrGZ0?feature=shared
"Do you FEEEEEL it ?" That line helps me pinch my vocal chords just right. I still can't sing that line, but after Ward I sound much more fem
OHHH. And you have to open your nasal passages <-
I watched the documentary "I am big bird" carol spinney does both big bird and Oscar the grouch's voice. So big bird is high and nasal, (think like a bird HoooonK with a sustained O sound)
But basically I used some of that as inspiration, if you can make a low Gruff sound like Oscar and also a high nasally Big Bird, that pretty much is what you have to do and just make it sound less cartoony when you get the hang of that.
Would you like me to share my voice therapy worksheets with you?
I'd appreciate that, if I can ask as well!
Heeey I have the same two issues rn, wanna talk about it? Doing training but it all seems so far away
See my other comment here
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btw you are girl! good job!!!