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  • Well hate speech is free speech too. Schools don’t want to foster that behavior and so they can make and enforce policies to create the learning environment that they want. Also your argument works for bringing guns into schools too. The second amendment is above those school policies too.

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    Every time someone asks me the make and model, I give a puzzled look
  • Yeah, me knowing model names is more a product of the system we live in rather than my interest in cars. I’m more interested in the mechanics and engineering behind cars than cars themselves. But that could be said for a lot of things.

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    Every time someone asks me the make and model, I give a puzzled look
  • I’m not into cars, I just read things and start associating their names to the objects. Not fucking hard. You assuming that I like something just because I can read and name it is very ignorant. Or is that just something you do, avoid reading and learning what things are called just because you don’t like them.

    Maybe if you weren’t such a condescending asshole you’d realize that we share the same disinterest in “random husks of metal” that are major impacts to global warming and micro plastics.

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    Every time someone asks me the make and model, I give a puzzled look
  • Maybe pay attention to the world around you. It’s literally readily available information that you can see with your own eyes. I’m not a car guy but I can remember reading things I see. Congratulations, you’re the asshole!

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    Every time someone asks me the make and model, I give a puzzled look
  • Hur dur, I can read. It’s called walking by parked cars. I read it then and remember it when I’m driving. It’s really not hard. You guys being so ignorant comes off as asshole behavior.

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    Fixed it for ya
  • I understand what and how net worth is. When did I ever say it was an amount of cash? I said AKIN to an opinion, words mean things. No sources is akin to an opinion. So please keep telling me how words work, super helpful. I don’t care for whatever you google, I’d just have to verify the source and a quick google likely won’t give you great sources. An example okay how about “everything I said was factual, and you know it”

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  • I don’t know how you got this from what I said but that’s completely wrong. Like why are you comparing something that appreciated in value to billionaires? That’s how valuing things works along with supply and demand. The demand for a high preforming player will have their cards go up in value because the supply of the cards is limited. If you believe that that is how billionaires get their net worth then you are just plain wrong. It does require trust. If I don’t trust you, I won’t trust the shit you spew. Facts without sources are untrustworthy and more akin to opinions than facts. Don’t just make up some “logic” and pretend that that is what I was saying.

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    Fixed it for ya
  • You could have just said “I’m an idiot” it would have saved time. Obviously that’s how reduction works. No, I don’t know it. You don’t even give sources, just yeah you know it bro. Yeah, just trust me bro. I don’t trust you, so I’m not going to trust “and you know it” I’m tired of listening to some kid spout regurgitated conservative shit.

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    Fixed it for ya
  • Why are you still yapping? I stopped caring about what you say so long ago. Its quite pointless continuing.

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    Fixed it for ya
  • You really don’t understand what I was saying do you. This is boring, I’m tired of listening to an echo chamber of shit ideas.

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  • However you justify it, it is still betraying your class. Still siding with billionaires. Stop projecting, you’re the one replacing facts with your pet narrative.

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  • There’s only a few ways to become a billionaire. Get money, get more money, and get even more money. Also be born into a family with lots of money. Just because some of that money is in assets, bonds, stocks, and such doesn’t mean that they don’t hoard the wealth. Investing in businesses only makes the stock holders richer it doesn’t trickle down. You don’t have to just shove it into a bank. The extremely wealthy don’t hoard money in a big pile, they just want to see their net worth go up. So I’m not misusing the term hoarding, you just seem to not understand how the economy works.

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  • Responds with a gif, want’s critical thinking. Not to mention a gif that could be interpreted several ways. Maybe use words to avoid ambiguity.

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  • I’m tired of your ignorance, maybe try reading a book or using critical thinking. Otherwise you’ll just stay a sad, ignorant person sucking billionaire dick and getting nothing in return but bing fucked over.

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    Fixed it for ya
  • You are quite wrong. Most want enough money to be content in life. Billionaires want to sit on their dragon hoard of wealth, while shafting those on the bottom line. If you see no sides then you are very ignorant. And no difference between the homeless and billionaires. Yeah fucking right. Billionaires get to just buy companies because they can, spend shit loads on lobbying for things they want. All while homeless people are fucked in a hundred ways. Its disgusting how many anti-homeless measures are being made. Just another reason hoarding wealth fucks everyone over. Humans also rape, lie, steal, murder, etc… we work hard to jail and rehabilitate these people. So maybe we need to do it to the extremely wealth. Nobody wants to be fucked over, obviously. But that is what is happening. Again ignorance is bliss. Generations don’t exist, we just use it to generalize age groups. Classes don’t exist, yet we use them to describe wealth groups. Genders don’t exist, yet we use them to describe people. In every single case you can still be a traitor to something that groups you. I can be trans and say that all trans people (except me) are not valid, that would make me a traitor and a TERF. There are not always allegiances to ideas meant to group people. If you are not in the extremely wealthy class, then defending them is betraying what you are.

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    Fixed it for ya
  • Billionaires want all the money, fuck everyone else. Siding with billionaires means you want to be fucked over by someone who has no care for you. So siding with them makes you a traitor. There’s no allegiance to a class it’s just something that is, I find it bizarre that you assume that you can’t comprehend this.
