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Blood Meal
  • Rest assured, i don't agree with it either, but as you say this seems to follow from the statement

    We shouldn't treat/cure cancer, cancer happens in nature and we're a part of nature
    We shouldn't try to prevent rape, rape happens in nature and we're part of nature
    We shouldn't try to limit animal suffering, animal suffering happens in nature and we're part of nature

    It's the good old argument from naturalism

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    Blood Meal
  • If i see you get attacked by wild animals i guess i won't try to help you, wouldn't want to go against nature or anything

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  • The image is obviously upside down
    Standing desks is out, the new fad is hanging upside down like a bat while working

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    Those poor plants
  • "our new cancer drug is 99% effective!"

    "So it doesn't work in 1% of cases? Then what's the point, throw it away, we just have to accept that cancer is going to happen"

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    New rule
  • Odin craved knowledge to ensure the safety of the gods and the world, but the knowledge he was after was only knowable by the dead, so he impaled himself on his spear and hanged himself from one of the branches of Yggdrasil, there he stayed for nine days and nine nights on the border of life and death, at which point he succeeded in his quest.

    Don't trust the living or the dead, put your trust in those inbetween, put your trust in Odin 🙌

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    Best Patients 😁
  • My greats fear isn't to die in an accident, it's to barely survive an accident. To be kept alive but with no quality of life and in constant pain, that's not life, that's hell.
    I don't want people in that situation to be euthanized, i just want them to be given the choice, because that is what i would want
