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MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
  • Don't miss the reality of what he's saying here. He's not saying that you should make your own decision about who to vote for, he's just saying that you shouldn't listen to her.

    He still wants you to listen to him, and vote in lock-step with whatever he spews out.

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    What are questions that will make it sound like I can afford a million euro house?
  • There's a guy on the internet who does videos comparing Vancouver real estate with literal European castles of a similar price. "Not livable" money in Vancouver can get you "has gardens and outbuildings with servant's quarters" in some parts of Europe.

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  • Yeah, gravity assists are a cheat code here, but the delta-V is still being changed—just by stealing velocity from elsewhere.

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  • Yeah, orbital mechanics gets a little bit mind-bendy sometimes. If you're in a stable circular orbit, accelerating in the direction you're traveling will actually result in you traveling more slowly because you have moved to a higher orbit, and firing engines to slow down will actually speed you up because you move in closer to the host body and take up a faster orbit.

    This is actually a problem spacecraft deal with regularly. If a Dragon capsule is behind the ISS and wants to dock, using its thrusters to accelerate toward the ISS will actually result in it falling further behind. Decelerating will get it closer, though it will then be in a lower orbit. Orbital rendezvous is tough.

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    A goofy idea to entertain the family
  • I used to play the Beatles' "Here Comes the S[o]n" on the speakers downstairs when I brought our first child downstairs after naps. My wife thought it was funny the first time, but after that it was all like "please don't stop my playlist for your pun" and I'm like "it's a literal dad joke!"

    Now that son is old enough to start his own music and I totally get it. "Hey, I was listening to that!"

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    What's your radical opinion?
  • "Oh yes sure please make my comfort food more difficult to eat thanks"

    I'm right there with you. Serving shrimp tail-on might as well be serving something on a log instead of a plate.

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    Every show with a suicide now has a disclaimer with a suicide hotline at the beginning. Is there any evidence that these warnings make a positive difference?
  • I don't doubt that someone might be thinking that, but I do doubt that any lawyer thinks it's necessary. As far as I know nobody has ever brought suit against a TV show for a suicide case.

    But I'm not an attorney.

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    Teachers are not having a good time
  • This is what I keep saying. If I thought my kids' teachers were evil indoctrinators trying to force an ideology I definitely wouldn't want them to have a gun, and if I thought they were trustworthy enough to have a gun around my child I'd be totally fine with them making any and all decisions about what else they were going to do in that classroom.

    Of course, not being an insane person, I actually want them to not need a gun at all and also for them to have the freedom and resources to teach and stock their classroom as they see fit.

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  • If you're willing to settle for that kind of timeline, you could "launch someone into the sun" by just...leaving them on Earth for five billion years. At that point, the sun will become a red giant and probably expand to engulf the Earth.

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  • Good question, but if you cancel out only a little bit of orbital velocity, you just orbit in a little bit closer. Without any appreciable drag acting on you, there's nothing that will keep your orbit decaying. You'll just be in a smaller, perhaps slightly more eccentric orbit.

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  • Because the Earth is really cookin', and anything anyone you hurl toward the sun will inherit that orbital velocity as well, meaning that they'll actually end up going around the sun, instead of into it. And due to the speed it would pick up on its way in, it would basically take up a highly-eccentric yet stable elliptical orbit.

    "Well, what if we throw them in the other direction, to make up for it?" That's called retrograde, and that's basically exactly what you'd have to do: cancel out the Earth's entire orbital velocity. Which would take a lot of energy, plus a couple of really exacting gravity assists from planets on the way in.

    (Edit to add: I may have explained this poorly. Basically, if you don't change your orbital speed at all, any movement you make toward or away from the host body means you just end up in an orbit of the same average distance, but in a more eccentric [elliptical] shape.)

    By contrast, even though the escape velocity from the solar system is no slouch (42 km/s), you get to start with the Earth's orbital velocity (30 km/s)--meaning you're already a little under 3/4 of the way there. Plus, if you can make it to Jupiter and Saturn, you can get a significant gravity assist, and they're much bigger targets for such a maneuver than Mercury or Venus are.

    So, yeah, bottom line: you only need a delta-V of about 12 km/s to get out of the solar system, but a delta-V of 30 km/s to get to the sun without going into orbit.

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    Unity cancels the stupid Runtime Fee
  • John Riccitello should find it very hard to get a job as an executive after a blunder that massive, but alas he's doing just fine.

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    Unity cancels the stupid Runtime Fee
  • it'll take many, many years for them to even be on the radar for most developers now.

    Probably longer than the company has, to be honest. The engine's best bet is to get purchased by another company that partially open-sources it or something.

  • I had 2FA enabled for before the big update this past weekend, and when I logged out/in this morning I discovered that 2FA had been turned off for my account. I've got it turned back on and I think it's working now, but just a heads up that if you had 2FA enabled you might need to re-enable it.


    In the latest Messages for Android Beta, scheduled send is broken due to a date validation bug. It won't let you schedule messages after today's date number in any month. So, for instance, today's date is 29 November, 2023; it won't allow any messages to be scheduled in December unless they're scheduled on the 29th, 30th, or 31st. Also, it won't allow any messages to be scheduled in 2024, for what I assume are similar reasons.

    Reverting to the latest stable version fixes it and allows messages to be scheduled for any future date.

