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What is your favorite dinosaur?
  • I know they're not dinosaurs, but I like pterosaurs a lot. Their wings look cool and I bet a flock of them in the sky would be a crazy sight!

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    Two have a point. One does not.
  • I poop in cleaner water than people used to drink. I still have teeth because a dentist filled my cavities. I'm typing this comment on a device that can show me nearly anything I want.

    We've got it really, really good. It could also be better and more just.

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    Taking in the best moments while you can
  • Monitoring and fostering a child's emotions and development via play is mentally taxing. Playing Legos, although fun, isn't exactly downtime.

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    Lemmy glitterpost
  • I tried this and it doesn't work. Took a purple glitter pill and checked my poops for a few days.

    I'm guessing my body just absorbed the plastic. Delicious, Delicious plastic.

    I got my pill for free so at least I didn't spend a bunch of money on shit.

  • They are pretty easy to paint and fun sculpts


    This was a fun little kitbash/print. Everything is 3d printed.
