Cool! I've got the Mario 1up sound for mine. Might need to change to something Zelda themed. Then ignore my phone as I don't recognize the noise!
Nice! Lovely job on the paintng!
I like the red faced one, from the top of Hyrule Castle! Another I'll have to add to the collection.
Yeah he's cool! Might have to be the next one to the collection!
And here we are devoting time to cleaning up after them!
It's a nice lock to pick, but I expected the sliders to be more problematic than they were. Looking for the 6 pin version now!
It took a surprising amount of time and assets for what is just a simple roundabout junction!
One more of my favourite screenshots from my last city.
Touch feedback from rotating the dial back and forth, to feel the contact points. When the dial is turned to a correct number those contact points move ever-so slightly. The graphs are a map of the differences in the contact points.