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Focusing On Climate Change Too Much Might Slow EV Adoption
  • This is the kind of take I would expect from corporations trying to maximize sales of both electric and gas vehicles. Zero interest in actually addressing climate change, just bare minimum posturing.

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    The home insurance market is crumbling. These owners are paying the price
  • EQ is earthquake. According to USGS, California faces a ~75% chance of a major earthquake in the next 100 years.

    Have a quick google of "California quake risk" for a slew of in-depth (and somewhat scary) articles and research papers.

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    The home insurance market is crumbling. These owners are paying the price
  • I would have thought California EQ was the peril scaring them all away. Very expensive to reinsure - most commercial property catasrophy models (RMS & AIR are the big ones) peg it as the second most risky North American peril after Florida Hurricane.
