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How would you teach digital literacy to 13-18 year old students?
  • Is it moral and ethical to pirate media?

    This is a good one. I had a high school computer class and we had a quiz question that was something like:

    Digital piracy is:
    a. Moral and legal
    b. Moral and illegal
    c. Immoral and legal
    d. Immoral and illegal

    Of course, the only correct answer was "d". I thought it was such a one-dimensional and purposely ignorant question. I'm not even a piracy advocate or anything, but that was kinda ridiculous.

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    What is your favourite open source software that you discovered in the past year, that you can no longer live without?
  • Seconding AltSnap although I use normal controls with an Alt key bound to a mouse button. Special shoutouts to "Action menu" for all the cool stuff it lets you do and "Windows list" which is just a better version of Alt+tabbing if you have multiple monitors.

  • NSFW
    If you have sex with a clone of yourself, is it incest?
  • "designed to be sung to the tune of 'Home on the Range.'"
    (1) Oh, give me a clone
    Of my own flesh and bone
    With its Y chromosome changed to X
    And after it’s grown
    Then my own little clone
    Will be of the opposite sex.
    (Chorus) Clone, clone of my own
    With its Y chromosome changed to X
    And when I’m alone
    With my own little clone
    We will both think of nothing but sex.
    (2) Oh, give me a clone
    Is my sorrowful moan,
    A clone that is wholly my own.
    And if she’s X-X
    And the feminine sex
    Oh, what fun we will have when we’re prone.
    (3) My heart’s not of stone,
    As I’ve frequently shown
    When alone with my own little X
    And after we’ve dined,
    I am sure we will find
    Better incest than Oedipus Rex.
    (4) Why should such sex vex
    Or disturb or perplex
    Or induce a disparaging tone?
    After all, don’t you see
    Since we’re both of us me
    When we’re having sex, I’m alone.
    (5) And after I’m done
    She will still have her fun
    For I’ll clone myself twice ere I die.
    And this time without fail
    They’ll be both of them male
    And they’ll each ravage her by and by.

    Source: autobiography of Isaac Asimov

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    Nipple rule
  • "Todos os Olhos" if anybody wants to look it up

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    What was the first song you played after you got the car you always wanted or your first car?
  • I see a lot of tapes at thrift stores or even antique stores. You could also get a Bluetooth or AUX tape adapter which are conceptually very cool

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    Teacher says contract wasn't renewed because he wouldn't use trans students' preferred names
  • "It's against my religion to use preferred pronouns"
    Also that religion: hi my pronouns are He/Him CAPITALIZED please. Please capitalize them when you use them.

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    I Tried A New Recipe
  • "hole-in-one" or more like holinwuns, stress on the first syllable. We would use cookie cutters to get shapes out of the middle too.

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    what's that one sandwich you can't stop thinking about? be detailed
  • #8 Beef Lemongrass banh mi style sandwich from a place called Baguette in Corvallis, Oregon, USA. I ate it many times in the short while I stayed there, probably 8-10 years ago. Sometimes I think about going back just to have it again...

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    What web browser extensions would you highly recommend to others?
  • Imagus feels like in an alternate universe it could be default browser behavior. When you hover over an image it will expand to full resolution and then you can press buttons to open in new tab, download, zoom in, etc.
    Works on pretty much any website and is nice if the website has sized the images too small or if your eyesight is less than great.

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    What's a perfect trilogy, Video Game, Movies, books, whatever.
  • Half-Life, Half-Life Opposing Force, Half-Life Blue Shift

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    Photo taken by my ruleloved father
  • Yes, it's very dry where I am.
    My thought isn't that 34° is (or isn't) a problem, rather that without knowing where it is it doesn't really mean very much. If OP is in Dubai or northern Mexico or something then 🤷‍♀️ 34 sounds pretty normal. I just think the post would make more sense with some context.
    It's always 34° somewhere in the world.

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    Photo taken by my ruleloved father
  • We don't know where OP's father lives so it's kinda hard to think of 34° as anything particularly remarkable without any context. It's 41° where I am right now.

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    Have you drank enough water today?
  • The fact that people so often use the past tense instead of the past participle is perhaps evidence that it doesn't really matter, descriptively?

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    The word "slyly" looks very aesthetically pleasing. What are other handsome words (any language)?
  • Chinese and Japanese would have so many. My favorite is probably 緑 which means green. I also like the simplified Chinese horse: 马. Special shoutout to 凸 meaning convex, 凹 meaning concave, and 凸凹 meaning bumpy (not sure if this is true in Chinese). There's thousands to choose from so of course there are a lot of other handsome one-character words, but those are the first few I thought of.

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    Essential movies to watch
  • A bunch of other people have mentioned Ghibli movies and since I'm in the middle of a binge through every Ghibli movie I think I'll recommend one that I hadn't seen before a few days ago: Only Yesterday or Omoide Poroporo.
    It's Isao Takahata, not Miyazaki, but it's easily my favorite Ghibli movie and one of my favorite movies of all time. It feels so real and relatable, the whole movie is essentially a really slow-paced series of flashbacks to the main character's 10-year-old self and every detail is so well-thought-out and interesting.
    Very worth watching, although I'll mention as a disclaimer that all the friends I was watching it with thought it was super pointless and boring.

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    Essential movies to watch
  • Love & Pop the Hideaki Anno movie? I don't think I've ever seen anybody else mention it online before

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    Your first anime show/film
  • I'm surprised only a handful of people have mentioned Ghibli movies. For me it was Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, it's probably one of the first movies I remember watching in general. Still my favorite Ghibli movie and I must have watched it dozens of times as a kid.
    The source material for it is a manga by Miyazaki himself and it's much longer and deeper (the movie only covers about 1.5 out of 7 volumes, and changes a lot of details). Highly recommended.

  • NSFW
    Broke her rule
  • Source?



    ie: the main character finds out that everybody else is an actor and everything aside from their own actions are staged. My personal vote is that it would be pretty funny for Death Note to end like that
