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  • I will never work a day shift again if I can help it. Absolute misery waking up like that.

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    This is fine
  • With social media, you follow people, not topics and people for some batshit insane reason are willing to use their real name and face. With a forum, or in this case link aggregation platform, you follow topics. There is no real incentive or reason to follow an individual on a forum.

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    Amazing! Behind that impeccable space suit beats a heart... of recyclable duranium!
  • Man... I've been trying to make an Airwolf x Trek video edit work for months now. Can't get it right.

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    I've been told this is offensive
  • Look at the top section of it. The bottom section is fine, but the top is way off.

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    Is there is a watermark free resources list?
  • A more useful angle would be something like "This has a watermark and I don't like that. Is there a version somewhere that doesn't have one?"

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    Is there is a watermark free resources list?
  • I can't think of a list, but outside of webcomics, I have never encountered a watermark in the media you have listed. Movies/videos would require someone actually sitting down with editing software, being somewhat competent, and time. Games? Nigh impossible.

    I guess what I'm getting at is in order for people to be helpful here, you need to be more specific.

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    Glory to your Hole!
  • 9
  • This is a long watch (2 hours!), but worth it. My biggest gripe is the licking of Berman's boots, but the overall presentation is fantastic.

    Female Q and K'Ehleyr are the same person.
  • Not really. I was just making a joke. No offense meant by it.

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    Female Q and K'Ehleyr are the same person.
  • Do you constantly have a Pikachu gif open in your tabs?

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    Crumbs causes a ruckus
  • Here's the article.

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    Emotional Support Dog
  • Even then, the Imperial Navy doesn't exactly have a large variety in weaponry. Blasters, bombs, and maybe one guy with a lightsaber if he feels like it. The Turbolaser of the Death Star was just a scaled up version of a blaster. The Borg would transport a small team up and adapt within seconds. It's a non-fight after that against the whole Navy, even for just one Cube.

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    [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • OK, so that tweet from Sam was a screenshot from the last episode. He trolled us all!

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    Which one have you already tried?
  • I mean, the assumption for me is that a sandwich will get eaten if made.

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    MAGA pastor claims Kamala Harris deployed "witchcraft" in Trump debate
  • Eh, a lot of scam preachers have infamously done just that. What makes it unrealistic is the practical range for Bluetooth. And even if they figured that out, since they were not inside her ears canals they'd be effectively speakers which the mic would catch.

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    Which one have you already tried?
  • Because in its creation, many sandwiches that could have adhered to standard construction methods were sacrificed.

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    [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • That seems likely. Especially if a TPK happens and they don't get to show the end (whichever way that might take the story).

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    [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • I think that if there were multiple deaths, there would likely be some kind of ceremony in one of the two one shots (Mighty Neon and Vox Machina), wherever the "final blow" happens.

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    [Spoilers C3E107] Episode Discussion
  • This feels like more than a teaser lol

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    Stay out, it's Willie's time
  • 11
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    A little background: Through my teens in the 90's I did a lot of the things you may expect. I was a script kiddie on mIRC, made a tank game in Unreal Engine, and did some Quake modding. From 2002-2004 I landed a job doing Java web dev, SQL, and overall database administration because my father's friend needed someone that could do that. I was ok at the job, but not great. Being young, my hobby that turned into a 9-5 made me want to stab my eyes out and I quit.

    With that said, I can understand a lot of what's going on, but it doesn't "click" anymore. I spent 20 years as a career machinist, but I physically can't do that anymore. Here's the rub - my twin brother is a brittle diabetic and can't work (lots of other stuff going on as well), and our mother is getting old (father passed this year). The only reasonable way forward that I can see in order to be able to support my brother is trying to get back into development.

    When I stopped, subversion was what we used. I'm trying to understand Git, but it's a giant conceptual leap. I guess, what I'd like to hear from you all is a way to jump back in as quickly as possible in such a way that it may be a career.



    Vote! We, the people

    Kirk was right. Go vote.

    cross-posted from:

    > I am by no means a constitutionalist, but Kirk is right here. Go vote, if you're in the US. There has, arguably, never been a more important election in US history.

    0 We, the people

    Kirk was right. Go vote.

    I am by no means a constitutionalist, but Kirk is right here. Go vote, if you're in the US. There has, arguably, never been a more important election in US history.

    8 Voice by Kylie | Feminizing Voice

    Hey there, I'm Kylie! A passionate Trans Voice Teacher, Artist and Writer. There were many aspects of transitioning that took away my own control and confidence; just as voice training did for me, my mission is to give them back to you. Whether your dream voice is mtf, ftm or androgynous, I will hel...

    These are paid services, but seem to be legit. I can't vouch for it since I'm not a customer.


    This video has good stuff in it. I promise it is worth the watch.


    This video sums a lot of stuff up fairly well.


    Kdenlive 24.08 is out packed with nifty new features, enhancements, and quality-of-life improvements, specially for Effects and Transitions.

    cross-posted from:

    > #Kdenlive 24.08 is out packed with nifty new features, enhancements, and quality-of-life improvements, specially for Effects and Transitions. > > \#Kdenlive 24.08 is out packed with nifty new features, enhancements, and quality-of-life improvements, specially for Effects and Transitions. > > > > \#kde #videoediting @kde


    Shotcut Made Motion Tracking Easier [Tutorial]

    This is one of the things that hangs people up moving from Adobe. In my experience, it works ok but you need to sometimes actually mess around with the algorithms to get the results you want. This tutorial is a decent explanation.


    My recommended tools (mostly the ones that I have experience with).

    In my (limited) experience, different software works better for different styles of projects. Here’s my personal list of software that I use for various projects which can all be easily installed from most (all?) package managers:

    • Kdenlive

    • ShotCut

    • Olive

    • OpenShot

    Kdenlive is fantastic for quick edits, though it can do a lot more (beyond the quick edits it is clunky imo). ShotCut can do cool things like motion tractking easily. Olive is fantastic for subtitles, but I absolutely would not recommend it for anything with audio since for me the playback when rendering just completely fails.

    I know that it seems insane (and should be unnecessary), but I will often do a chunk of a project in one particular editor and then move it to another. Say, for instance, that I want to rough cut down a huge file or just do basic transitions I will do that in Kdenlive. And then use ShotCut or Olive to add additional things depending on how easy it is to do whatever in that editor. It is clunky, but that's what I've found to work. I've only done about ~100 edits this way, so I'd love to hear from more experienced people. ETA: OpenShot. The workflow isn't for me, but some may like it.

    Props to for the suggestion to make and pin this post.


    Unfortunate Son [OC Edit]

    I know that this isn't a meme, but I couldn't think of another place to post this. Worst case; the song is good.

    Some context here: The song Fortunate Son was written about the Vietnam War and how regular people had no chance of avoiding the draft.

    In this edit, I've used some analogies from the song that apply to current politics in the US.




    This is the closest community that I could find to post this. If it doesn't fit, please let me know and I'll try to find somewhere else to post it.


    It's either look cute and sweat to death, or be comfortable. The mom bras have it IMO.
