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Using a chromecast without a google account?
  • In that line, is there an open standards, no Google required answer to the Chromecast?

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  • Youtube and Amazon/Audible are already having a monopoly there, they're gonna get squashed like a bug

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    Ditch Telegram for Piracy.
  • Have you seen an XMPP setup these days that doesn't have installed all the extra stuff to allow encryption, voice and a lot of other bells and whistles?

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    Indigenous creators are clashing with YouTube’s and Instagram’s sensitive content bans
  • Naturists and the topfreedom movement also face these same challenges, all with the same root cause

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    What are some adaptations with huge disparities in quality between the source and the anime?
  • Wait, Bofuri S2 was inferior to the novels? Oh man, then the novels must be freaking awesome! Gotta get to that! Any details of from where to where is adapted from the novels to the anime?

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    Mars water: Liquid water reservoirs found under Martian crust
  • Heh, Quato Lives after all

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    Idiomdrottning - FOSS is so dumb
  • Well, you're on Lemmy, one of a gazillion examples of this working

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    📸 Favorite camera app for Android?
  • Maybe it would be worth it to check if this is a known reported bug and follow it

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    ISPs Hijack Cloudflare/Google DNS Requests, Ending Site-Blocking Workarounds * TorrentFreak
  • What's the "best practices" for DNS these days besides running your own local service?

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    Mozilla wants you to love Firefox again
  • They bought an ads company AFTER this person took the reins

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    Mozilla wants you to love Firefox again
  • Not customers, users, otherwise they'll start paywalling features

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    How to use Whatsapp Video Call on Linux?
  • We're seeing the fallout from a commercial service used for public interest communication falling in real time with Twitter, so many public service things that depended or still depend on Twitter have outright broke as it turns into raw sewage and people flee it. That should have NEVER been the main communications medium, and now the price is being paid. I understand as i too am in a place where WhatsApp is near-mandatory, but this is something that WILL have bad consequences sooner or later.

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    Deadpool & Wolverine isn’t just a bad movie – it’s changing what ‘movies’ are
  • I refuse to dignify this ragebait with a click

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    Sam Altman urges formation of US-led AI freedom coalition • The Register
  • "We MUST make the foxes the watchers of the hen-house! It will make everybody safer!"

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    I swear I check them often enough!
  • Only 42?

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    Introducing Proton Wallet – a safer way to hold Bitcoin
  • First AI and now freaking Bitcoin...

  • I am very out of the loop with related recent tech, but once in a while i wish i had subtitles for internet clips, and i understand there's good tech out there for this these days. Is there something i can download in a typical headless Debian machine that i can then point at some MP4 clip to get subtitles? Even if imperfect it's better than trying to type that from scratch


    A couple weeks ago Discord announced their plans to go down the IPO route. This means that there is now a ticking clock until the platform goes full-on enshittified like so many others before them.

    Last time i checked last year there weren't many options to migrate to, mostly Matrix communities (which are not quite the same thing) and Revolt Chat (which is a non-federated but FOSS and self-hostable drop-in replacement for Discord). Revolt sounds like the logical route as it's clearly designed for just this exact role, but it seems it's still early in development and not yet ready for the average Discord user (looks like the voice functions in particular are still in development)

    Has this changed or improved since then? I feel like the use case of "IRC servers, but modern!" should have been solved years ago but feels like it hasn't, i have lots of non-technical people who heavily use Discord who I'd love to rescue from it before it starts actively burning, a replacement that isn't complicated and has all it's features would be welcome.

    https:// /show_bug.cgi

    First focusing on AI and now this, already cancelled my donations, do we have a good fork to move to?

    96 100s of Pirate Sites Go Dark as .TV Domains Placed on ServerHold * TorrentFreak

    Hundreds of pirate sites are currently inaccessible after a domain issue at a single registrar stripped them of functioning DNS.

    The AnimeBytes outage from yesterday was because of this, DNS registrar seems to have gone down with all it's .tv domains, and this has taken down lots of sites


    Initial reaction from one of the main admins was that if in 12 hours there had been no news they'd nuke the servers, seems like they're not gonna do it anymore. Many domains registered by one admin were seized at the same time, so might not even be aimed at the tracker. Waiting for more news.

    Update: Looks like the DNS registrar itself was the one that went down and took lots of sites with it, TorrentFreak article: 100s of Pirate Sites Go Dark as .TV Domains Placed on ServerHold - TorrentFreak

    0 Inventor of NTP protocol that keeps time on billions of devices dies at age 85

    Dave Mills created NTP, the protocol that holds the temporal Internet together, in 1985.

    32 Valve: Most games made with AI tools are now welcome on Steam

    New reporting system will enforce "guardrails" for "live-generated" AI content.

    Well shit...

    36 Duolingo Fires Translators in Favor of AI

    The popular language-learning program Duolingo cut 10 percent of its contracted translators last month amid a generative AI push.

    Duolingo is very much on the Enshittification path, seems like they fired a number of translators and have the rest just proofreading AI.

    For the interested, here's the place where you can request your personal data and delete your account


    Twillio just announced they're discontinuing the Desktop version of their popular Two Factor Authentication client. Their proposed solution is for users to move to the mobile app, which of course doesn't fulfill the use case of people who explicitly chose Authy because it had a desktop client.

    If you use Authy and depend on the Desktop client you will have to consider migrating to something else.


    Today somebody in a group I'm in which has some accessibility issues was yet again complaining that their Dragon Speaking software was not playing nice with Firefox, which led me to see if there was an alternative, and surprisingly i found none workable at the plain user level beyond Dragon, and upgrading for that person might actually be costly (From what they say it starts at nearly $200 but apparently can go as high as $700? Not clear yet).

    So, obviously now I'm checking about the FOSS side of things, a search has been inconclusive as i see stuff for developers, multiple different projects (which is a marked improvement from a decade ago when i last tried and failed to do this), but so far haven't found anything at the user level.

    Have i overlooked something? Or is it that we're many years later still at the "building libraries" stage without actual user-level stuff people can just apt-get or download?

    Quick edit: I must insist, is there something for USERS, not DEVELOPERS, that i have overlooked? APIs or commandline programs or learning models are not a software i can hand to my non-programmer friend to install on their computer to replace Dragon to help them write on Firefox


    So, a relative that all she plays in her tablet is solitaire, saw ads of some mobile crap full of microtransactions and now wants some of those. I said i'd check if there was games kinda like those (all puzzles of some sort), and would highly prefer if they're all FOSS to avoid or at least highly reduce the chance they're gonna turn into microtransaction-laden crap or start syphoning all the data in the phone or something. But given that i don't really play in mobile i have no idea what's available. Checking on F-Droid it just lists every game in the "games" category, "Show all 467 packages", not separated by genre or with ratings or anything Is there a place to look up this kind of thing?


    Original comment, copy-pasted for convenience:

    >why do so many projects start with a discord and not with a wiki, or github, or web presence?

    > simply, discord is the fastest, most frictionless way to do the following:

    > - garner a community of support ensuring that there is an audience for the project > - provide access to idea validation for the creators of that project. rapid feedback for their project = rapid progress > - provide the easy creation of (not necessarily accessible nor good, but) quick resources for the project

    > forums, websites, hell even github can only hope to match the value proposition of discord, and it's something people fail to take into account when they criticise the move to discord as a file host/forum/wiki/project website

    > if you want people to make a file host/forum/wiki/project website, they're directly competing with the frictionless, fast, yet unsustainable and frankly web-shit discord. the fast, frictionless nature is enough for people to use and accept, hell, even to make infrastructural to their project

    > a platform that could create a non-webshit, easy way to provide the value that discord provides, all while being just as fast and frictionless if not faster/more lubricated, would absolutely blow discord out the water

    I am a sysadmin and my level of tech friction tolerance is different from the people referenced here leading projects, but I'd like to gather opinions on this, the fact that this regularly happens as described suggests there's a whole lot of truth to it, but i feel like it's overstating the friction, am i wrong here?


    We have a machine running some stuff on Docker, and little by little it has started to become important to keep an eye on it. However, looking for information on monitoring a Docker server it always seem to assume you're running it in Swarm mode, which is not and WILL NOT be the case of this machine, Swarm adds a layer of complexity unneeded in this case.

    What do you recommend for this case? I for one would love if the thing didn't just give you a view of the things running on it but also gave you notifications if something went wrong (like if a container had to be restarted, or if one suddenly started eating all the CPU or something unusual).

    https:// /RupertBenWiser/Web-Environment-Integrity/blob/main/

    The much maligned "Trusted Computing" idea requires that the party you are supposed to trust deserves to be trusted, and Google is DEFINITELY NOT worthy of being trusted, this is a naked power grab to destroy the open web for Google's ad profits no matter the consequences, this would put heavy surveillance in Google's hands, this would eliminate ad-blocking, this would break any and all accessibility features, this would obliterate any competing platform, this is very much opposed to what the web is.

    263 キャリイ ( Girl, so here’s the tea: Red Hat used to be so nice to everyone but more and more she was getting deals and corporate sponsorships and now she thinks she is far too bougie to be grabbing dollars off the ballroom floor like the rest of us hard-working whores. She thin...

    Linked but also posted as a screenshot for the lazy :P


    0 How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)

    How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse) écrit par Ploum, Lionel Dricot, ingénieur, écrivain de science-fiction, développeur de logiciels libres.

    This blog post by Ploum, who was part of the original XMPP efforts long ago, describes how Google killed one great federated service, which shows why the Fediverse must not give Meta the chance


    Apparently there was a secret meeting between admins of big Fedi instances and Meta, closed under an NDA, and of course they're not saying anything. (Now deleted even from Internet Archive)

    Somebody already made a pact to publicly commit admins to block Meta

    Now we see why concentrating users on big instances is a liability

    Update: Supernaut directly stated that he hasn't been contacted or attended a meeting, and went further to set up a page to visualize instances entering the Anti-Meta Fedipact


    After the (temporary) defederation announcement of earlier i checked the Lemmy repo to see if there was already a ticket on the federation limiting option like Mastodon's that people mentioned Lemmy doesn't yet have. Not only i didn't find it, i also saw that there's about 200+ open tickets of variable importance. Also saw that it's maintained mostly by the two main devs, the difference in commits between them and even the next contributors is vast. This is normal and in other circumstances it'd grow organically, but considering the huge influx of users lately, which will likely take months to slow down, they just don't have the same time to invest on this, and many things risk being neglected. I'm a sysadmin, haven't coded anything big in at least a decade and a half beyond small helper scripts in Bash or Python, and haven't ever touched Rust, so can't help there, but maybe some of you Rust aficionados can give some time to help essentially all of Lemmy. The same can be said of Kbin of course, although that's PHP, and there is exacerbated by it being just the single dev.


    Been just linked to this post, that claims that on Lenny:

    • Messages are never deleted, only hidden, a GDPR violation
    • Deleted usernames are also not deleted, only hidden, same thing
    • Stuff remains on federated servers even if you delete it
    • There's no way to delete yourself from the network if you choose to do so

    Gut feeling says none of this is true or is only half truths, but want to be sure before i invest myself heavily on this platform.


    SNORT has a rule against .ml domains Snort - Rule Docs

    Snort - Individual SID documentation for Snort rules

    Was looking for something else and noticed that SNORT has an explicit rule against .ml domains, automatically flags any DNS query for a .ml domain as "suspicious malware activity". I know that Meraki by default takes these kinds of rules as "Block this", and likely other corporate appliances, so there might be people unable to reach through them. I imagine there's not many but hey :) The site mentions "No reported false positives" for the rule, might be a good idea to register at least one :)
