Skip Navigation Getting Started with Endless OS 6

Endless OS 6 is available now as a free upgrade for existing users and a free download for new installations! Let’s take a look at what’s new and improved in the latest release of our completely free, user-friendly operating system packed with educational tools, games, and more.

System76 DKMS Drivers for Silverblue
  • rpm-ostree currently does not support DKMS, and it's unlikely that'll be implemented anytime soon, if ever. It does support akmods, though, which is the preferred way to build Kernel modules on Fedora. You could ask if the packager can build that way to support the Fedora Atomic editions.

    If you need these Kernel modules now, I think your only option would be to build manually from source, but that has the downside of requiring a manual step every time the Kernel is updated.

    Edit: there are a few issue reports already:

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    Mangohud randomly stopped working with Steam Flatpak

    A fix has already been published to Steam stable on Flathub. Workarounds can be removed now.

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    Quickly Disconnecting Bluetooth Controller
  • The last commit on that repository was 7 years ago, seems unmaintained. I wouldn't recommend using this.

    If someone decides to use it anyway, don't use their udev rules. Just install steam-devices or game-devices-udev instead. If you don't have those packages available in your distro, all rules can be found in the git repo

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    Massive battery life improvements on AMD over the past year
  • You shouldn't use sudo to run powerprofilesctl

  • Gordon Messmer on fosstodon:

    CIQ built a community on an objection to subscriber-only services, only to build a new subscriber-only service. Will their community accuse them of betraying Open Source?

    PSA: Bluetooth vulnerability and PS3 Controllers on Linux in 2024
  • you are vulnerable during pairing which is for like a minute.

    I said this twice on the PSA: it's hard to tell if your device is in discoverable mode, and it's easy to forget it in that state, or start it accidentally. I've caught my devices accidentally in discoverable mode many times. You could have your PC a whole week in discoverable mode and never notice it, just by having a settings window left open.

    It's more risk than most people should take, hence the warning.

    Still, if you're comfortable with the risk, you're free to change the config and allow insecure devices.

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    PSA: Bluetooth vulnerability and PS3 Controllers on Linux in 2024
  • The controller itself is insecure, it doesn't exactly conform to Bluetooth standard. There's no indication Sony ever planned cross-compatibility, the DualShock 3 was made to be used only on the PS3 console, where the lack of authorization supposedly wouldn't be a problem.

    Of course, you can still use it on a system where you can accept the risk, as well as on the PS3, or wired. The controllers are not e-waste yet.

  • PSA: Bluetooth vulnerability and PS3 Controllers on Linux in 2024

    In late 2023 a Bluetooth vulnerability CVE-2023-45866 was discovered and patched in Bluez. By now, this vulnerability should be fixed on all Linux distributions. The fix has one compatibility implication: support for insecure legacy devices is now disabled by default. The Sony PlayStation 3 Controller (AKA DualShock 3 or DS3) is probably the most notable device affected by this change.

    What to do if you have a PS3 Controller

    The PS3 Controller should still be plug-and-play on Linux when used wired, this change only affects wireless use.

    Wireless use is now disabled by default. It should still be possible to use the controller wirelessly with a configuration change, but that will make your PC vulnerable when Bluetooth is in discoverable mode — that's when you're pairing a device; in GNOME that's when you just have the Bluetooth settings open; easy to have on by accident.

    It's painful for me to say this (I own several PS3 Controllers), but the DS3 is reaching its end-of-life, and we should start to consider moving on from it as a gamepad for PC.

    How to re-enable Bluetooth support for the PS3 Controller

    This is insecure: It will make your PC an easy target for remote code execution attacks from anyone in close proximity whenever your Bluetooth is in pairing/discoverable mode. It's usually hard to notice when Bluetooth is in discoverable mode, and it's very easy to accidentally leave it on. You have been warned.

    TL;DR: The following commands should do it, tested on Fedora 39:

    shell sudo sed -Ei~ -e 's/^#ClassicBondedOnly=.*/ClassicBondedOnly=false/' /etc/bluetooth/input.conf sudo systemctl restart bluetooth

    Long version: Use the configuration file at /etc/bluetooth/input.conf, under the [General] section, add the option ClassicBondedOnly=false, then restart the bluetooth service or reboot the computer. Your config file should look like the following:


    Configuration file for the input service

    This section contains options which are not specific to any

    particular interface


    Set idle timeout (in minutes) before the connection will

    be disconnect (defaults to 0 for no timeout)


    Enable HID protocol handling in userspace input profile

    Defaults to false (HIDP handled in HIDP kernel module)


    Limit HID connections to bonded devices

    The HID Profile does not specify that devices must be bonded, however some

    platforms may want to make sure that input connections only come from bonded

    device connections. Several older mice have been known for not supporting


    Defaults to true for security.


    LE upgrade security

    Enables upgrades of security automatically if required.

    Defaults to true to maximize device compatibility.

    #LEAutoSecurity=true ```

    I'm posting this PSA on ! and ! Please forward this message to other interested Linux communities.


    PSA: Bluetooth vulnerability and PS3 Controllers on Linux in 2024

    In late 2023 a Bluetooth vulnerability CVE-2023-45866 was discovered and patched in Bluez. By now, this vulnerability should be fixed on all Linux distributions. The fix has one compatibility implication: support for insecure legacy devices is now disabled by default. The Sony PlayStation 3 Controller (AKA DualShock 3 or DS3) is probably the most notable device affected by this change.

    What to do if you have a PS3 Controller

    The PS3 Controller should still be plug-and-play on Linux when used wired, this change only affects wireless use.

    Wireless use is now disabled by default. It should still be possible to use the controller wirelessly with a configuration change, but that will make your PC vulnerable when Bluetooth is in discoverable mode — that's when you're pairing a device; in GNOME that's when you just have the Bluetooth settings open; easy to have on by accident.

    It's painful for me to say this (I own several PS3 Controllers), but the DS3 is reaching its end-of-life, and we should start to consider moving on from it as a gamepad for PC.

    How to re-enable Bluetooth support for the PS3 Controller

    This is insecure: It will make your PC an easy target for remote code execution attacks from anyone in close proximity whenever your Bluetooth is in pairing/discoverable mode. It's usually hard to notice when Bluetooth is in discoverable mode, and it's very easy to accidentally leave it on. You have been warned.

    TL;DR: The following commands should do it, tested on Fedora 39:

    shell sudo sed -Ei~ -e 's/^#ClassicBondedOnly=.*/ClassicBondedOnly=false/' /etc/bluetooth/input.conf sudo systemctl restart bluetooth

    Long version: Use the configuration file at /etc/bluetooth/input.conf, under the [General] section, add the option ClassicBondedOnly=false, then restart the bluetooth service or reboot the computer. Your config file should look like the following:


    Configuration file for the input service

    This section contains options which are not specific to any

    particular interface


    Set idle timeout (in minutes) before the connection will

    be disconnect (defaults to 0 for no timeout)


    Enable HID protocol handling in userspace input profile

    Defaults to false (HIDP handled in HIDP kernel module)


    Limit HID connections to bonded devices

    The HID Profile does not specify that devices must be bonded, however some

    platforms may want to make sure that input connections only come from bonded

    device connections. Several older mice have been known for not supporting


    Defaults to true for security.


    LE upgrade security

    Enables upgrades of security automatically if required.

    Defaults to true to maximize device compatibility.

    #LEAutoSecurity=true ```

    I'm posting this PSA on ! and ! Please forward this message to other interested Linux communities.

    Is Bluetooth getting worse on Linux?
  • Hi, I can answer about the PS3 controller issue. I thought about making a public announcement about this, but I forgot. I'll work on that now and then link to it here, but to sum up the situation: Support for insecure legacy devices is now disabled due to CVE-2023-45866, and that includes the PS3 controller. You can re-enable support, but that will make your PC vulnerable when Bluetooth is in discoverable mode — that's when you're pairing a device; in GNOME that's when you just have the Bluetooth settings open; easy to have on by accident.

    I'll explain how to re-enable support in the PSA post. It's a one-liner, but I won't put it here because I think people should be well-informed of the risks before considering it.

    Edit: PSA posted at

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    Does it matter that Gnome doesn't support VRR? And why?
  • Wayland and X11 are protocols, they are essentially just documentation. You need an implementation to be able to actually run programs on it, called a compositor. People tend to think of X11 as a single software because historically Xorg became dominant as the main implementation of the specification, so most of us have only ever used Xorg (but Xorg is not the only implementation of X11, there are many others). Wayland, as a newer protocol, hasn't undergone such consolidation yet, there are many competing compositors implementing the protocol in their own way. GNOME has one such compositor, and KDE has their own, and there are many others. So it's not about "Desktop Environments" all running over the same compositor, as it was on Linux in the Xorg days. Instead, the Wayland features you get are the ones your choice of compositor has already implemented, and can vary between different compositors.

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    [SOLVED] How to customize dead keys under Wayland / Electron apps?
  • You should be able to type ç the way I described for all apps, so you could just remove your custom layout. I highly recommend the English (intl., with AltGr dead keys) layout, it's perfect for coding and writing in English. It's a bit more work to write in Portuguese, though, so it took me a while to get used to it, but it's worth it if coding is what you're doing most of the time. In this layout, you must hold AltGr to get the dead keys, otherwise it's a normal English layout.

    You can also use two layouts — one for English/coding, one for Portuguese — and the keyboard shortcut Super+Space to switch between them. I always have two layouts setup like this, but I never switch anymore because I just learned to love the English (intl., with AltGr dead keys) layout — and I don't write much Portuguese nowadays.

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    [SOLVED] How to customize dead keys under Wayland / Electron apps?
  • I'm using GNOME Wayland on Fedora 39 and I don't have the problem you describe. I just go to settings and select my keyboard layouts:

    • English (US, intl., with dead keys)
    • English (intl., with AltGr dead keys)

    And everything just works. I specially like the second one because it doesn't interfere with keybindings in games, which can be a problem in GNOME Wayland.

    Oh, I think I get the issue you're having, you can't find the Çç character on the Linux layout 😅 I always have to explain this to people migrating from Windows, it's AltGr+, (right Alt key plus Comma). I like this shortcut better than the Windows layout, but I understand some people might not like it. Unfortunately, I can't answer your question, as I too don't know how to customize the keyboard layout. I just got used to the Linux layout.

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    My Steam Year in Review device pie chart
  • Same here! We 100% Linux people don't get a chart, but we know exactly where we stand.

  • PipeWire 1.0 - An interview with PipeWire creator Wim Taymans - Fedora Magazine

    With PIpeWire hitting its 1.0 release we speak with project lead Wim Taymans about what has been achieved and where we go from here.

    With PIpeWire hitting its 1.0 release we speak with project lead Wim Taymans about what has been achieved and where we go from here.

    Ash Vs Bash
  • Although that link exists, that's not what is being used by default. [[ is a shell builtin in ash/busybox, so that takes precedence.

    On Alpine:

    ❯ which [[
    ❯ command -V [[
    [[ is a shell builtin
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    Linux distros need to take more responsibility for security - InfoWorld
  • This article lacks focus and mixes unrelated security concepts in questionable ways. It ends like just an ad for Wolfi. Don't get me wrong, Wolfi is neat, it's probably deserving of being talked up. But it doesn't solve the supply-chain issues pointed out by the article (it doesn't even try). Supply-chain attacks are currently not a major issue in Linux distributions, and enterprises are already tackling the issue of provenance elsewhere, and the article itself notes that. Dependency management for enterprise software is NOT the responsibility of Linux distros. So what is the point of the article? To me, this article is security mumble jumbo.

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    How is powerplans/performance modes handled in laptops running linux compared to windows?
  • I believe the platform power profiles are standard nowadays and coded in the bios, so Linux should have access to them just like Windows does. You can use the powerprofilesctl command to list and change power profiles. Gnome also has a Power Mode switcher on the top menu, it's the same thing.

    I can talk of my experience with the 2021 Asus ROG Strix G15, I have 3 power profiles:

    • performance: Power limits to max; Aggressive fan curve with speed limit to max. Generally loud fans. I need this to play demanding games in the summer.
    • balanced: Power limits to max; Moderate fan curve with a medium limit. Great perf (under sane ambient temp), while not too loud.
    • power-saver: Lowered power limits; Quiet fans.

    Those seem to correlate exactly with the power profiles in Armoury Crate: Turbo, Balanced and Silent respectively. I don't think there's any performance being left on the table.

    Gaming laptops with AMD CPU + AMD dGPU are a great suit for Linux gaming.

    Also, AMD GPUs benefit a lot from undervolting, which is safe to do. It's free performance. I've made a simple systemd service to keep the undervolt always active:

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    [SOLVED] Flatpak version of Steam crashing when launched from desktop
  • Thanks for the report. This issue was supposed to have been fixed in the Flatpak package, but you just brought to my attention that part of the fix was accidentally reverted. I'm sending a new PR right now to try to fix the issue again.

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    *Finally* found a decently priced laptop using AMD's 780m iGPU | Lenovo UK Laptop configurator
  • Here's the update, I've got the USB-C/HDMI adapter today. Connected it to the port that connects directly to the dGPU and even during boot Plymouth was already outputting video to the TV. I also tested hot-plugging and it just works as expected.

    Now for the problems, I ran benchmarks and the performance was as expected, but frame delivery didn't look as good as when using the HDMI port on this device. It doesn't show on the performance metrics, but looking at the screen, the frametimes looked off, stuttering. I'm still figuring out where the issue might be to report it to upstream. EDIT: For people reading this in the future, I've found the issue to be in GNOME's compositor, Mutter:

  • Jump games in Heroic games launcher?
  • Itch has its own launcher which has a native Linux version, you can find it on Flathub:

    Although it doesn't get many updates anymore, feels like it's on maintenance mode. It supports installing both Linux and Windows versions of games and even launching the Windows version with Wine, although without any DXVK/VKD3D options, it's kinda bare-bones, but for the generally simple indie games on the platform it usually works fine.

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    *Finally* found a decently priced laptop using AMD's 780m iGPU | Lenovo UK Laptop configurator
  • I hear you, I have a Legion laptop with a GTX 1060 mobile and I keep the dGPU as primary all the time because I just can't be bothered by NVIDIA optimus anymore. That's the reason I decided to upgrade to AMD, even though the performance of the 1060 was still appropriate for me and I wouldn't have upgraded yet otherwise.

    I don't have any issues with the Strix G15 on Fedora Silverblue. Talking to other owners of the same model and also other Asus AMD laptops on Reddit, I didn't hear any complaints about that.

    The G15 has the HDMI port connected to the iGPU, and the USB-C (DisplayPort Alt Mode) connected directly to the dGPU. I've only used HDMI to connect to a TV, I haven't tested the USB-C output because I don't have a monitor with DisplayPort. So I can't really answer your question.

    Tell you what, I've just ordered a USB-C to HDMI adapter, as soon as it arrives I'll test the output that's connected directly to the dGPU and update you on that. I'd bet on it being plug-and-play, but we'll see. 😉

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    *Finally* found a decently priced laptop using AMD's 780m iGPU | Lenovo UK Laptop configurator
  • You shouldn't generalize your bad experience with NVIDIA's proprietary driver to Mesa. Graphics device switching just works on Mesa, hence laptops with an AMD dGPU are great on Linux.

    Typing this from a 2021 Asus ROG Strix G15 Advantage Edition

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    How to create a sandbox folder, restricting write access to all files contained in it to that folder itself?
  • I've created a tool for similar of use-cases:
    You could run your workload inside, say, an alpine container:

    cd path/to/evil/dir
    contr alpine
    ❯ # inside container, run dangerous program
    ❯ ./dangerous_program

    If the program needs extra dependencies, you'll have to write a Containerfile and build an image with the dependencies installed – there's an example in the repository. Just installing the dependencies at runtime inside the container is also an option, but all changes inside the container are lost on exit.
