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Have you ever been under general anesthesia? What was it like? Did anything strange happen?
  • It varies depending on the drugs used, I've been under multiple times now, the big one being for an open heart bypass.

    That one I saw nothing, felt nothing, but coming out of it I remember them pulling out the breathing tube and putting me on a bi-pap machine. I had to beg to be taken off of it because it was stopping me from exhaling. I could breathe in fine, but the back pressure wouldn't let me breathe out.

    Then the drugs, it was a combination of a bunch of things, propofol (the stuff that killed Michael Jackson), fentanyl (the stuff that killed Prince). Oxy, the works.

    I was having weird hallucinations. If I closed my eyes, I could see a perfectly painted brick wall about a foot in front of my face. I could see the detail on the bricks and the mortar, the texture of the paint. Bonus - every time they put me in a different room, the wall would change color.

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    How many fediverse instances are you signed up with?
  • Started with, then set up kbin when one went down for several days.

    Then I found I couldn't use kbin with Voyager, so I joined

    So 3... but I really only use Kbin is an afterthought.

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    How does everyone here feel about foldable phones?
  • Foldable screens, to me, seem to be a recipe for disaster. Another point of failure.

    Flip phones like from Star Trek are awesome though!

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    Which Dragon Age games are worth playing?
  • Honestly, it depends on how aware you are of fantasy tropes. I found the DA games to be utterly boring and predictible point for point, and I'd be sitting there going "Oh, this is where X is going to happen..." and sure enough...

    If you haven't played a lot of fantasy games or read a lot of fantasy fiction, they're probably fine... I found them annoying.

    Spoilers, probably:

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    Why men lose all their friends in midlife
  • I think you reach a point where you no longer have to prove anything to anyone. If you no longer need an audience, then why hang out with them?

    Look at the people who surround themselves with an entourage, how insecure are they?
