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Just tryin’ new things
  • I promise to stop taking risks once everyone settles down. I want to be clear about something. I'm not taking over the world, I'm un-taking it over. And you're right I often don't know what to do and that can get plenty wild, but its only because I keep being presented with impossible false dichotomies.

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    FOIA(s) - For discovery advocates
  • The felon, a man you thought you hated. But when you looked him in the eyes you saw yourself. What's gravity? We're all victims of causality, spewing forth without rhyme or reason concepts like treason, but we're all here to live and the way to do that is to give with a full heart, not a heart stop full stop.

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    Trump exempts himself from ethics pledge as watchdogs sound alarms
  • There once was a man from Jamaica, Who liked to sling pieces of paper. The tropical sun was a topical one, And the walri could see it much deeper.

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    FOIA(s) - For discovery advocates
  • Oh yeah! I was planning on putting tracking numbers on the Lemmy community where I'm putting my letter codes. Yeah tracking numbers to the max thanks friend

  • I wanted to let you all know about a program I wrote in Python which can be used to request large information sets as individual letters. Basically you list the documents you're interested in and then you create a list of requests that apply to all of the documents. So for instance if you have 10 documents and 6 requests, when you hit the generate button 60 letters will pop up as a pdf which you can then print, sign, and send. I recommend priority mail envelopes. Repos:

    3 GitHub - josephmbasile/FOIAs: An advanced mail merge for generating paper FOIA requests.

    An advanced mail merge for generating paper FOIA requests. - josephmbasile/FOIAs

    Hi folks, I just finished my first complete desktop application today and so I'm doing a bit sharing this morning. This program is called FOIA(s), and its an advanced mail-merge designed to help advocates and professionals in the United States generate FOIA requests for discovery in ongoing court cases. I made this program with folks like you in mind, because I think you're folks who care about truth and justice. Let go find some. Thanks

    3 GitHub - josephmbasile/FOIAs: An advanced mail merge for generating paper FOIA requests.

    An advanced mail merge for generating paper FOIA requests. - josephmbasile/FOIAs

    Hi folks. I know a lot of you are worried about what's happening to our country right now, and although it's okay to be worried, it's a lot more productive to do something about it. On that note, I wanted to share an open source program I just finished called FOIA(s) and I wanted to get feedback from the community on any suggestions or bugs that you find. Keep your heads up! Thanks everyone

    Irrational numbers are an infinite source of information.
  • Nah I replied to someone else with a similar thought. The Notorious Fibs sure I agree with you they are new information, similar to the primes but just adding +1 over an over again or even some repeating pattern doesn't add new information beyond the initial pattern.

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    Irrational numbers are an infinite source of information.
  • True although I would like to note that the digits of Pi are the heart of r-n jesus and the number line just does boring stuff like steadily increasing forever.

  • They're probably the only things that "create" information in the sense that you can always grab another slice. Thank you delicious pi!


    Do gravitons exist?

    Just musing here, I've been a proponent of new ether theories the past few years and so there's some assumptions that go into this.

    1. Spacetime is a fixed grid with planck-length-cubed voxels.
    2. Information can travel through the grid at 1 planck-length per planck-second.
    3. Particles evolve from this grid to perform some function, typically related to self-propagation.

    I would posit that the big bang theory makes no sense. A tiny spec of everything which may or may not be finite just kinda gesundheit's itself into existence for no particular reason and then sputters out over trillions of years.

    Nah I'm with Max Tegmark, we're an information set, since everything in physics really boils down to information anyhow. What makes more sense to me is if the big bang is instead a white hole, spewing information from some source of random information, possibly the digits of pi or some such.

    Back to ether theory, the Permittivity of Free Space can be looked at as the inverse and called the "Electric Tension" [Roychoudhuri 2021]. This is the fundamental resistance of space to accept new information, and conducting Roychoudhuri's experiment (Michelson/Morely in hard vacuum) could verify that this is indeed the bedrock of reality.

    So back to a graviton, what would it need to do?

    1. Undetectable. The graviton must be smaller than a photon and much smaller than an electron. The diameter of an electron seems to be 10^20 Planck-Lengths.

    2. Emitted from all massive particles.

    3. Carries information about where the massive particle that emitted it is.

    4. Collides with larger particles, with the negative direction vector being the source of the emission.

    So what about the particles? Well an electron is (1020)3 10^20-cubed voxels, so there is room for extremely complex structures in there, and I would posit that massive particles (and photons) exhibit intelligence and try to survive. What would they use gravitons for?

    1. Emitting gravitons causes the particle to decay. Absorbing gravitons prevents this decay, therefore it is advantageous for the particles to move close together, as this increases the absorption of gravitons.

    2. The direction vectors of incoming gravitions are summed up and the direction with the most mass is where the particle tries to go.

    So what do you think? Do gravitons exist? If they do they're basically the particles shooting spit balls at each other. We can talk about time dilation next.
