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Operating environment for the new internet
  • i don't think you can atm iiuc, all the data is stored and synced between your devices you use anytype on 🤷‍♀️

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    Please hit the subscribe button!
  • not with that attitude

    (we commit a little tomfoolery 😉)

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    PSA: Lemmy votes can be manipulated
  • 💀😂

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  • bc it is? 🤨

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    Admin of an anarchist Mastodon server raided by FBI, insecure user data gets seized
  • plenty of places w/ no extradition 🤷‍♀️

  • Modern C for C++ Peeps

    (update 26-Aug-2020: the MSVC team has recently added C11language support to their roadmap, hooray!)

    0 Modern C for C++ Peeps

    (update 26-Aug-2020: the MSVC team has recently added C11language support to their roadmap, hooray!)

    Admin of an anarchist Mastodon server raided by FBI, insecure user data gets seized
  • mfs doing stuff like this really need to stop living in america bruh 💀

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    Meta Uses Khronos Open Standards in New Intermediate Graphics Library
  • it allows you to write graphics code in a backend-independent manner (supporting vulkan and metal for example), looking a little closer, it looks like a nice level of abstraction over various rendering backends 👀

  • Meta Uses Khronos Open Standards in New Intermediate Graphics Library

    Deploying and developing royalty-free open standards for 3D graphics, Virtual and Augmented Reality, Parallel Computing, Neural Networks, and Vision Processing

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • 💀💀

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • 💀💀

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    I love me some grassy trams
  • these tracks are in helsinki, and these are finnish trams, i think skoda may be exporting them to germany, and i don't know what you guys do with them there, but these are pretty comfortable personally (even comparing to SBB trains, which travel so smoothly that it makes me dizzy, bc there's very little sensory points of reference)

    you're most likely having a poor experience bc the tram tracks have fallen into disrepair, bc even comparatively old trams (from the 1970s and the like) can be pretty comfortable on proper tracks (take budapest, their fleet consist largely of older models, but due to good track maintenance and relative straightness of tracks themselves, it's a pretty good experience)

    not sure why you're extrapolating your particular experience onto something so vast and vague as "public transport systems outside of china and singapore", not to mention that a decent amount of comfort is a baseline that good systems of public transport operate off of, with accessibility, frequency and location being more important factors

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    So where are we all supposed to go now? - The Verge
  • idk maybe it's just frivolous thinking, but imo since social media is corrupted by corporate profiteering brought about by venture capitalists, a social media platform that can be scaled and run very cheaply and in a decentralised fashion (think JUST text posts, all media has to be somehow hosted externally) could genuinely succeed, and be BOTH a mainstream place, while also being friendly to its users, and creating a friendly and cozy environment 🤷‍♀️

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    I love me some grassy trams
  • i'm not sure where you grew up and live, but as someone who grew up in a very large city (10m+), i can tell you that children aren't stupid, if they grow up in an environment in which they're given an appropriate amount of responsibility in the face of danger, while also explained the possibilities of danger and how to avoid it, they grow up to be pretty responsible, and certainly wouldn't be endangered (or really bothered in any way) by something as trivial as grassy tram tracks

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    I love me some grassy trams
  • there’s been like 3 deaths total from tram collisions in the last 200 years 💀

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    I love me some grassy trams
  • elegant systems in like Singapore or China

    how’s grass on tram tracks contradictory to any of that

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    US says Chinese spy balloon downed in February did not collect information. Yet, Biden was referring to it as a spy balloon just this month.
  • not misleading per se (more like confusing), bc ppl may choose read the article and engage with the post depending on the title of the article, which they expect to come from the publisher, not the user posting the link to the article (but that's just my opinion 🤷‍♀️)

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    US says Chinese spy balloon downed in February did not collect information. Yet, Biden was referring to it as a spy balloon just this month.
  • do you think there’s no value in not misleading ppl who don’t engage w/ the post? 🤷‍♀️

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    US says Chinese spy balloon downed in February did not collect information. Yet, Biden was referring to it as a spy balloon just this month.
  • i kinda agree with /u/u_tamtam, it's standard practice to not change titles when posting articles to link aggregators, so most users (reasonably so) operate off of the assumption that the titles aren't altered, this gets esp confusing, when ppl change the headlines only slightly

    imo it's good to have a clear line separating the article (with all its potential biases and misrepresentations) and opinions/commentary of the user, esp when lemmy allows link posts to have an attached text segment 🤷‍♀️

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    Linus Torvalds -- Creator of Linux -- defends gun regulation, woke communists, womens rights AND trans rights. Linux is political!
  • comrade linus 🫡🫡

    but also he’s finnish, which is communist, so he’s obviously a communist smh 🤷‍♀️

  • i'm curious to get some concrete data wrt to worker rights/labour legislation in prc: is it as bad as it's often perceived in the west? has anything changed recently? there's a weird duality to it in my perception, on one side it's a relatively happy nation, but on the other side there is the crazy 996 work schedule, poor safety net that's largely substituted by investment in housing etc 🤔


    found this quote on a competitive typing website, and for some reason it really resonated with me, thought i'd share it :)


    curious 🤔🤔🤔


    greetings everyone, there's already >3.5k members here, not all of them are active obviously, but there are still a lot of posts on this sub, and even more comments, i can't really meticulously go through each and every one of them

    if you are somewhat active in this community, and have been on lemmy (or one of the other instances) for a few months, and would like to dedicate some time to moderating this community, please pm me :)

    1 Google AMP is dead! AMP pages no longer get preferential treatment in Google search

    From the release of the page experience algorithm, there is no longer any preferential treatment for AMP in Google’s search results, Top Stories carousel and the Google News.


    Rescue Mission for Sci-Hub and Open Science: We are the library.

    cross-posted from:

    > This is a Reddit post, not my own work. > > ---- > > Rescue Mission Links > > * Quick start to rescuing Sci-Hub: Download 1 random torrent (100GB) from the scimag collection and download it. Seed forever. > * Mission Success Tracker, thanks to phillm > * Contribute to open source Sci-Hub projects: freereadorg/awesome-libgen > * Join /r/scihub to stay up to date > > # A Rescue Mission for Sci-Hub and Open Science > > Elsevier and the USDOJ have declared war against Sci-Hub and open science. The era of Sci-Hub and Alexandra standing alone in this fight must end. We have to take a stand with her. > > On May 7th, Sci-Hub's Alexandra Elbakyan revealed that the FBI has been wiretapping her accounts for over 2 years. This news comes after Twitter silenced the official Sci\_Hub twitter account because Indian academics were organizing on it against Elsevier. > > Sci-Hub itself is currently frozen and has not downloaded any new articles since December 2020. This rescue mission is focused on seeding the article collection in order to prepare for a potential Sci-Hub shutdown. > > Alexandra Elbakyan of Sci-Hub, bookwarrior of Library Genesis, Aaron Swartz, and countless unnamed others have fought to free science from the grips of for-profit publishers. Today, they do it working in hiding, alone, without acknowledgment, in fear of imprisonment, and even now wiretapped by the FBI. They sacrifice everything for one vision: Open Science. > > Why do they do it? They do it so that humble scholars on the other side of the planet can practice medicine, create science, fight for democracy, teach, and learn. People like Alexandra Elbakyan would give up their personal freedom for that one goal: to free knowledge. For that, Elsevier Corp (RELX, market cap: 50 billion) wants to silence her, wants to see her in prison, and wants to shut Sci-Hub down. > > It's time we sent Elsevier and the USDOJ a clearer message about the fate of Sci-Hub and open science: we are the library, we do not get silenced, we do not shut down our computers, and we are many. > > # Rescue Mission for Sci-Hub > > If you have been following the story, then you know that this is not our first rescue mission. > > * We protected the Library Genesis book collection > * We unlocked over 5,000 COVID-19 research articles > * We successfully petitioned publishers to unlock their COVID-19 paywalls > * bookwarrior, the founder of Library Genesis, took his library onto the de-centralized and un-censorable IPFS web > * Next? Make Sci-Hub un-censorable too. > > # Rescue Target > > A handful of Library Genesis seeders are currently seeding the Sci-Hub torrents. There are 850 scihub torrents, each containing 100,000 scientific articles, to a total of 85 million scientific articles: 77TB. This is the complete Sci-Hub database. We need to protect this. > > # Rescue Team > > Wave 1: We need 85 datahoarders to store and seed 1TB of articles each, 10 torrents in total. Download 10 random torrents from the scimag collection, then load the torrents onto your client and seed for as long as you can. The articles are coded by DOI and in zip files. > > Wave 2: Reach out to 10 good friends to ask them to grab just 1 random torrent (100GB). That's 8,500 seeders. We are now the library. > > Final Wave: Development for an open source Sci-Hub. freereadorg/awesome-libgen is a collection of open source achievements based on the Sci-Hub and Library Genesis databases. Open source de-centralization of Sci-Hub is the ultimate goal here, and this begins with the data, but it is going to take years of developer sweat to carry these libraries into the future. > > Heartfelt thanks to the /r/datahoarder and /r/seedboxes communities, and NFOrce for your support for previous missions and your love for science.

    0 Think you own your stuff? Think again.

    Everything from your fridge to your tractor can change without your permission.


    so glad the FREEMARKIT^(TM) graced our sinful souls with this heavenly hydrogen tiddy juice 🥳🥳


    reposts are bad, bla bla bla

    but if almost nobody saw it before, or new people saw the repost for the first time, is it really a bad thing?

    i see many reposts in communities, but both the [oc] and the [repost] do get many upvotes, which means that there are definitely some people who missed the post before; the question is: should reposts be allowed within a smaller time frame (if at all), and whether it’s worth the sacrifice of the imaginable property of q u a l i t y of content

    i’m interested to hear what you think

    0 GitHub - panagapko/Tor-FF-Icons: TOR Themed Firefox Icons

    TOR Themed Firefox Icons. Contribute to panagapko/Tor-FF-Icons development by creating an account on GitHub.
