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And they say there's some sort of so-called mental health crisis...
  • If they're getting inundated with it to the point it's affecting their actual mental health, then they obviously need to change something. Whether it's the quantity or the quality of the content they consume. Logging off and going outside is always an option.

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    And they say there's some sort of so-called mental health crisis...
  • If someone is engaging in a certain kind of content, I would argue that's the content they want to see. It might not be what they enjoy seeing, or what's good for them, but you can't seek out right wing content and then tell me you don't want to see right wing content. At some point, there has to be a level of personal liability here.

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    And they say there's some sort of so-called mental health crisis...
  • I mean, it's not like social media doomerism is some mandatory thing. The internet shows us what we want to see - if someone wants to spend their whole life reading about every possible bad thing in the world, that's on them.

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    Are microservices really the future?
  • I guess what I'm saying is that I think things will generally stay balanced the way they are. Monoliths are never going to completely die out, and neither are microservices.

    They both serve different functions, so there's no reason to think one will "win" over the other.

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    Are microservices really the future?
  • I mean, if anything, I would say microservices are the present.

    As assaultpotato said, horses for courses, but I mean, microservices aren't really a new concept at this point.

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    What's Some Tech That Was Better Than It Is Now?
  • Speaking of analog: Light Guns don't work on modern televisions due to the high latency relative to CRT screens (which had essentially zero latency).

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    rule (reminder don't take dietary advice from internet strangers)
  • Do people really talk about their metabolism that much? Or are some people just so self-conscious about their weight and eating habits that they place particular weight on those comments such that they appear to be more frequent than they actually are?

  • Hi everyone!

    I'm looking into self-hosting, and I currently have dynamic DNS set up to point to my home IP.

    My question: is it worth getting a dedicated IP through a VPN?

    I'm pretty technically savvy, but when it comes to networking I lack practical experience. My thought is that pointing my domain to a dedicated IP and routing that traffic to my home IP would be safer - especially if I only allow traffic on certain ports from that IP. Just curious if that idea holds up in practice, or if it's not worth the effort.
