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What does everyone think of bots on Beehaw?
  • in others instances I've seen some ones that provide links to alternative front ends to social media sites, for example piped in the case of youtube

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    Useful android apps you are using?
  • Listing the ones that haven't been listed

    • MPV
    • Ankidroid
    • KDE Connect
    • LocalSend
    • Mint calculator
    • QR & Barcode scanner
    • suntimes alarms
    • The simple mobiles apps
    • anysoft keyboard
    • komikku
    • sobriety
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    Against Masculinity
  • I think that there is positive masculinity and there is nothing wrong with a positive masculinity. I find some stoics as my role model. for example Marcus, and also I used to find a lot of help from the Enquiridion from Epictetus . For example Marcus Aurelius was all about compassion.

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    What game mechanics do you love and hate?
  • (hard coded behaviors) Like when you think that you are supposed to died but you can't, or some character seems like it could die but it can't. It feels like the devs are playing with you
