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Cambodia starts work on canal linking Mekong River to sea
  • No. The river runs into the ocean anyway, and even if a new source of freshwater were to run into the ocean, the oceans are so massive there wouldn't be any measurable change in salinity. A canal like this probably won't have much flow anyway, as it's meant for shipping and transportation rather than water diversion or irrigation.

    The article does note some concerns in terms of additional pollution and disruption of wildlife due to increased traffic and more industry.

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    Public personal dev accounts: opinions?
  • Good that those things are taught in some places. I can only speak from my own experience in high school - we were required to have laptops for school but were never taught how to be safe online.

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    Public personal dev accounts: opinions?
  • Some people put their whole lives on the internet and never once stop to think if it's a good idea. Then again, online safety and security are never taught or communicated, at least in the west, maybe by design.

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    Microsoft bans US police departments from using enterprise AI tool for facial recognition
  • Ok so they're not allowed to use Azure OpenAI, but there's certainly a secret Microsoft department called Thin-Blue-Line ClosedAI which provides support to cops using AI for facial recognition and pre-crime.

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    WTF Happened In 1971?
  • From my reading Hudson's Superimperialism is an more an extension of Lenin's Imperialism, based on how material conditions had evolved over the interim fifty years and the lessons learned from (at initial publication) the first generation or so of US dollar hegemony. To simplify it maybe too much, it adds a monetary dimension to the already established framework of finance capital being the driving force behind imperialism.

    Superimperialism is indeed the same English term often used for Kautsky's Überimperialismus hypothesis. Yet apart from the initial parallel of a global cartel, ie. dollar hegemony, I don't see much of Kautsky's ideas represented in Hudson's work, but I'm also not terribly familiar with überimperialism.

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    WTF Happened In 1971?
  • For an actual explanation for what happened in 1971, economically and monetarily at least, go ahead and read Michael Hudson's Superimperialism and Global Fracture. Superimperialism was so prescient at its original publishing that the US government itself used the book and the theory as a manual on how to be better superimperialists right back around 1971, and hired Hudson as a consultant.

    I won't comment on the fascist economics presented in the linked website.

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    🤡Blinken🤡 discovers a genocide, just not the one his regime is aiding and abetting, turns out the actual genocide is not in Gaza it's in Xinjiang.
  • I don't know of any links between Adrian Zenz and his ETIM buddies and Falun Gong aside from their mutual friends at Langley, but I may have missed something. In any case, libs never really dropped it (what we consider proof there isn't anything untoward going on is ignored and played off as "CCP propaganda"), it just kind of went to sleep once the situation in Ukraine flared up.

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    When your proxy loses the battle, just redefine what battle means.
  • There was a Business Insider article maybe a month ago taking that line very seriously and not sarcastically at all. Going so far as to favorably compare Ukrainian advancing backwards to Nazi advancing backwards and praise some Nazi general.

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    China keeping rent low and housing affordable is the reason why the West thinks China's economy is collapsing. They can't comprehend a world where the economy doesn't prioritize the rich.
  • It's not the Chinese buying real estate in the west, it's Chinese capitalists. A lot of Hong Kong bourgeois for example have been buying property in and in many cases have moved to the west since 1997, since they're terrified of losing their extortionate privilege of property ownership under the dictatorship of the proletariat.

    Working class Chinese people, while on average wealthier than their western working class counterparts, do not have the capital nor the material interest to buy real estate in the west, whether for speculation or to move their ill gotten gains out of China.

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    GitHub Is Not Open Source, A Rant
  • Forgejo is foss fork. Gitea, while being free and open source as well for the time being, is run by a for-profit corporation now.

  • TikTok Chinese Trojan Horse Run By Former CIA

    TikTok is once again under public scrutiny, but a much bigger issue is being swept under the rug: that it is increasingly controlled by the US national security state.

    Not sure if this one has been posted in the last few weeks, but this follows up previous MintPress reporting on the links between western TikTok and the US military-intelligence apparatus. It was probably clear to us from the beginning, but the crusade against TikTok has been an entirely cynical ploy for the empire to gain even more control over the internet.

    Previous articles:

    1 Was sich bei der Einbürgerung ändern soll

    Der Bundestag hat eine Änderung des Staatsangehörigkeitsrechts beschlossen. Einbürgerungen sollen künftig schneller möglich sein. Was genau ist noch geplant? Die Kernpunkte der Reform im Überblick.

    German politicians have been discussing making applying for citizenship easier for a couple years now. Today the Bundestag (Parliament) approved the draft legislation, with two surprising new additions.

    In applying for citizenship a person will now not only have to say they agree to and respect the German constitution (standard practice for gaining citizenship anywhere), an applicant will also have to agree to a statement "on Germany's special historical responsibility for the unjust Nazi rule and its consequences, especially for the protection of Jewish life." It's reasonable enough if taken literally, but we all know what this means in practice: Zionism is the law of the land. There could be an additional statement regarding the "illegalty of wars of aggression" required as well. If a person is found to have lied during the application or even behaves against such statements in the future, their newly gained German citizenship could be revoked.

    To be fair, all of this is based on press reports and I haven't seen the law directly yet, so it may only be half as bad. But things are going in a really worrying direction.


    I have been having such a difficult time getting a 2018 Dell Latitude 7930 to run any Linux distro stably. Maybe there is something obvious I am missing or maybe it really is dying hardware that's the root cause of the issue.

    The silly thing is I had a stable install of openSUSE Tumbleweed running for a few months but because I made some poor choices on disk partition when I installed it I was eventually backed into a corner where I had to wipe the SSD and install from scratch.

    I since then have tried Tumbleweed again as well as Ubuntu, Mint, and finally Manjaro to no avail. The Debian based distros completely freeze at some point, either immediately upon login and loading the desktop or when running apt update. Tumbleweed gets a kernel panic within an hour or so, even though I changed kernel options to a previous known-good config. Now after quite a frustrating time installing Manjaro it freezes within an hour as well and the diagnostic light code indicates a CPU issue.

    Strangely enough none of these issues are apparent when running from a LiveUSB, but occur on two different M.2 SATA SSDs with proper installs.

    At this point I don't really care which distro I use, as long as it doesn't crash constantly. Does anyone have any suggestions on other things I can try?

    Edit: seems to be solved with the kernel options I already mentioned. For whatever reason it didn't work for the Tumbleweed reinstall but Manjaro has run for a couple days without crashing.

    https:// /abs/2212.04474

    A preprinted study by James Hansen and collaborators suggests that we've all but locked in 2°C warming by 2050. They go on to calculate a likely equilibrium warming of 10°C considering current GHG levels and known feedback loops.

    I know we need to take this as yet another call to action, but at the same time I think so many of us feel absolutely paralyzed by the enormity and incomprehensibility of the situation.


    I really stepped in it last night. My partner is livid with me for suggesting Stalin wasn't the evil dictator he's made out to be in the west. For a German who grew up with anti-communism and went to some very liberal universities for political science it was too much. They said something to the effect of "this feels exactly like if you said, oh Hitler wasn't that bad, he was actually a good guy." We're in the midst of planning our wedding and they were suddenly at the point of doubting that they know who I am and if this is a relationship they want to maintain.

    We have a hard time discussing politics as it is. We are still not so great at interpreting the nuances of way each other speaks, and our background knowledge is very different. So we have to figure out what we do from here.

    I can't come at this from the direction of "trying to convert them." They already think I have gone into a conspiracy theory ridden and propaganda laden hole, and believe me, I ask myself the same thing every day. It really weighs heavily on me, as some of our close family members have fallen into conspiracy theory echo chambers.

    We've decided we need to go back to basics and make sure our core values align, which I genuinely believe they do. They're an anti-capitalist as well, although don't have a strong idea of what to would be better, just that it shouldn't be communism.

    I'm not sure where to go after we sort out what our shared values are.

    There's a certain condescension I sense when it comes to the leftist sources I read, many on recommendation from GenZedong members. I'm often met with "leftists just make up all kinds of stuff to suit their narrative," or "how do you know that's a primary or reliable secondary source, it's so easy to fake anything these days." Meanwhile they go to Wikipedia and see that Stalin killed millions and signed a treaty with the Nazis, even as they understand that much of western capitalist media is propaganda as well. We can't have any useful discussion on current events at the moment because we have vastly different knowledge of what's happening, as well as entirely different analytical tools to pick it apart with.

    They're also terrified I'm going to say very extreme things in front of their family (privileged petite bourgeois liberals). I try to be careful but at the same time I won't pretend to not be a communist. We have political discussions often and I'm not one to just sit those out. I'm sure my family would react poorly as well, but with the geographical distance to them it's not as present an issue in our minds.

    How do you all deal with this? How do you have these discussions and share these ideas with the more soc-dem or liberal minded people in your lives?
