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  • Completely agreed. PFFLP exists, its not like we need a settler communist party to speak for them. I think a platform where settlers who want to support the indigenous people of palestine could be a thing, but that's not a party specifically for settlers with the name of their settler state in the title.

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    What happened with some of the mods?
  • oh god I forgot about their twitter

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    What happened with some of the mods?
  • Im not sure specifics, but like in their 20s I assume. Definitely not under 18.

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    What happened with some of the mods?
  • As far as I know it happened on the discord server she ran


    (many people were minors too, yikes)

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    What happened with some of the mods?
  • Im part of the trans commies discord (though on hiatus from discord right now lol) and as far as I heard about them they did things along the lines of


    sexual harassment, being bigoted against trans men, enbys, some other stuff that sounds fucking horrible, etc.

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    What happened with some of the mods?
  • Grace was a piece of shit as it turned out so yeah....

    I am not the one to educate on it at all, but I'll be the one to mention it.

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    10% of Americans have no close friends. The share who have no close friends rose from 3% in 1991 to 12% in 2021. The share who have 10 or more close friends has also fallen from 33% to 13%.
  • Well sure, but the culture isnt being an asshole. What I mean is thats it comes off as condescending of people in specific through wording. Hard to put into words but im sure someone knows what I mean.

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    10% of Americans have no close friends. The share who have no close friends rose from 3% in 1991 to 12% in 2021. The share who have 10 or more close friends has also fallen from 33% to 13%.
  • highly false. Thats the same kind of bullshit some fascist anti-feminist podcast of bald incel men would say. (Maybe not the observation of amerikkka being individualistic, or individualism being bad, but still.) The shift is because of how capitalism isolates us. And how in Amerikkka how expectations of how social interactions are "supposed to be" shaped effect us. This comment itself is individualistic because you blame people instead of all the larger trends that cause this type of thing. I personally have close friends, but I didnt until 2021 to be honest. Not because I was being an asshole, but because I wasn't going to make friends by going to Mcdonalds and working.

    (Also not trying to be an asshole here, but this gets me a bit worked up lol.)

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    Spotify, but with songs of North Korea
  • Damn this is great! I like listening to a lot of DPRKpop so, very cool!

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    Campism | No, Russia is NOT Anti-Imperialist
  • im scared to comment

    But I guess well (thanks for your comments comrades):

    Something I don't seem people talking about is Russian Imperialism. And I mean like for real. (I'm not sure if this is touched on the video, I probably will agree with Paul's conclusion, but I haven't watched it yet.) Russia has finance capital in other countries. (Pretty important for imperialism lol.) In places like Belarus, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Pridnestrovia (weird right?) and also until recently Ukraine. I feel very firmly Ukraine is thoroughly fascist, and perhaps being in a critical position of Russia, removed their finance capital. Still though the invasion (special operation, whatever you call it) is and Imperialist action in my view. I also do not like Putin playing off the ethnic conflicts in the area, as well as fascism. I support full succession of the Donbass region (maybe not as the different republics (Lugansk and Donetsk) still though.) As well as Crimea, if not a Tatar republic or independent oblast in the RFSSR, (as we know all the states in the conflict are illegal and should be part of the USSR.) as part of Russia. (Brezhnev Gave it to Ukraine for some god damned reason.) The fascism is serious and using for a Imperial war is fucked. Still either way Ukraine should be de-nazified. Feel free to debate though, I'm open to new ideas.
