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What is your favourite open source software that you discovered in the past year, that you can no longer live without?
  • Vorta for Borg Backup - for linux and MacOS. You use it remotely but I use it for local backup because a) its encrypted b) its Borg so awesome and c) easy to use. I just pointed it at my home directory, told it where to place the encrypted backups and how often to make them.

    I've had to recover files twice and recovery is just as easy as set up.

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    Race is on to produce a super-coral to survive world’s warming seas
  • Wouldn't it be better to just stop doing the thing that's making the existing reefs die?

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    Share your stories
  • Came here to say this. Fucking traumatising.

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    Two women found guilty of false transgender claims against France's first lady.
  • It's not an 'either/or' situation - both sets of people are culpable.

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    What inappropriate sounding names can you come up with ?
  • Incontinentia Buttocks.

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    Two women found guilty of false transgender claims against France's first lady.
  • Want to see the direct consequences of unfettered hate masquerading as free speech? That would be Elon Musk, Nigel Farage et al spreading utterly incorrect rumours about migrants in the UK and goading right-wingers to set fire to hotels where migrant families are staying. Luckily no one was killed but do you think tutting and calling them idiots before you move on is going to change a thing?

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    MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
  • Weirdo Republican Talking Head No. 3464592

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    What are your favorite examples of 'media within media' (e.g., shows, stories, or movies inside of other shows or books)?
  • Invitation To Love the soap opera that a lot of residents of Twin Peaks, especially Nadine, seemingly adored.

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  • The concept of absolute truth is, ironically, the lie that exists at the heart of thiest religion. It provides a comforting certainty to them where they don't have to do any thinking or work out what their own opinions are on a given subject - they can just claim there is a set of absolute truths and that their particular god is the sole arbiter of that truth.

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    If you could time travel, what would you change ?
  • Bad idea. Last time someone did this we ended up with this timeline.

  • Last week, our "Satan Not Hatin'" campaign - set up to challenge hate and far-right extremism in alt music scenes - welcomed it's 200th opt-in participant. That's 200 artists, bands, record labels, promoters, venues and other organisations not prepared to tolerate hate.

    As well as the documentary on the project (which is still being shot), a Stockholm based radio show, Trigger, have announced they will be dedicating an episode to the campaign and playing bands that are participating!

    You can read more about the campaign at it's dedicated website and details of how to access the Trigger episode (either as its broadcast via their website or the next day on their Mixcloud account) are also on the site.


    Bluesky continues to soar
  • Mate, I was simply extending an analogy you introduced. I neither know (nor care) what the presence of a McDonalds does or doesn't do so don't Sagan me. Nor am I claiming mainstream social media is all arseholes. What I'm saying is that mainstream social media most certainly has the ability and propensity to make people into arseholes due to constant enshittification - part of which is the influencer phenomenon in my opinion and the need for growth at all costs.

    I most definitely have reached out to lots of good people on the fediverse and had lots of great exchanges that follow both professional and 'hobby' based interests I have.

    But here's the thing - you want growth? OK. I also have no issue with growth. But the best sort of growth in my experience comes organically. It happens at its own pace. The minute you start prodding it along with managed algorithms and all the other stuff mainstream social media now has you end up with an extended hate room. I don't miss Reddit or Xitter at all. I genuinely mean that. No more 'suggestions' of people to follow, no more manufactured outrage getting pushed to my feed, no more clickbait. Instead what I have now is a curated feed across multiple different types of experiences that I spent some time getting how I want them and dipping in and out of when I want to.

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    Bluesky continues to soar
  • You're using words like 'ambition' and 'irrelevant' like the Fediverse is some sort of corporate entity. It's not - that's a point very much in its favour in the opinion of quite a lot of people on it. Contrary to your opinion that no one cares, lots do. What some of us don't care about is catering to a set of people who are paid to express opinions and who, it seems to me, over a period of time end up becoming Andrew Tate or Russel Brand.

    There's no McDonalds in the town I currently live in, which is 20 minutes away from one of the largest cities in the country. It might come as a massive shock to you but I - and I think the majority of people - can survive just fine without a Mickey D's. Not having one doesn't make a place desolate, it makes it healthier. And if someone really wants a Big Mac, they can go and get one from elsewhere.

    Do you see what I'm saying? This isn't the same place as that - it's quite nice to have a place online that still isn't. And for those that do want that, they can still spend time there if they chose to.

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    Bluesky continues to soar
  • Strangely comforting for something I'm sure you thought was a snappy comeback,

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    Bluesky continues to soar
  • I genuinely don't care about influencers. Like, at all.

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    Bluesky continues to soar
  • Maybe they should stop caring about visibility and engagement and concentrate on participating in, building and y'know enjoying a community?

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    What do you love about Lemmy, compared to Reddit?
  • Less privacy invasion, less corporate, less fash, less incoherent fury, less trolling, less need to doomscroll.

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    Man Arrested for Creating Child Porn Using AI
  • I've literally got no idea what you're talking about or what your point is. Are you saying this person hasn't committed a crime? Because that's incorrect. Lots of jurisdictions have laws preventing things like CSAM generated imagery, deepfake porn and a whole raft of other things. 'Harm' doesn't begin and end with something done to an individual for a lot of crimes.

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    Man Arrested for Creating Child Porn Using AI
  • The purpose of a game is to play a game through a series of objectives and challenges.

    Even if I grant you that the purpose of viewing CSAM is to see child abuse

    Very curious to hear what else you think the purpose of watching CSAM might be.

    it’s still less bad than actually abusing them

    "less bad" is relative. A bad thing is still bad. If we go by length of sentencing then rape is 'less bad' than murder. that doesn't make it 'not bad'.

    so implying that viewing such content would increase the cases of child abuse is an assumption I’m not willing to make either.


    I didn't claim that AI CSAM increased anything at all. Literally all I've said is that the purpose of AI generated CSAM is to watch kids being abused.

    Neither did I claim that violent games lead to violence. You invented that strawman all by yourself.

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    Man Arrested for Creating Child Porn Using AI
  • Intent is defined as intention or purpose. So I'll rephrase for you: the purpose of playing a FPS is to play a game. The purpose of playing GTA is to play a game.

    The purpose of AI generated CSAM is to watch children being abused.

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    Man Arrested for Creating Child Porn Using AI
  • This guy did do something - he either created or accessed AI generated CSAM.

  • We are delighted to welcome back our dear friends in Sweden, Satanistiska samfundet, as an official Order of Global Order of Satan after a hiatus of a couple of years. As the right-wing religious threat grows across Europe, Satanism in Sweden has seen an uptake in interest and after a surge in membership applications GOS Sweden are now ready to once again stand with us in active opposition. You can find them in the following places:

    (side note - I'm hoping to get them active on the Fediverse too!).


    Two days ago, LW started behaving very oddly. It suddenly stopped rendering pages - but only on some sites. For example, the default Lemmy skin is fine but the Alexandrite skin is not. The BBC website doesn't work either. A few others seemingly totally random.

    The domain resolves and it makes the initial connection and then it takes up to a minute of doing nothing and then just craps out, unable to render the page. Checking the Inspector reveals no errors or warnings and the network inspector is making a connection but not loading anything other than headers and basic tags.

    The page presents no errors it just shows a blank screen. <html> <head> and <body> tags load but nothing else.

    All these pages work fine in all other browsers I've tested in (floorp, Mullvad, vanilla FFox and Brave).

    Details: LibreWolf 128.0-2 (flatpak) on LMDE (Faye).

    Any clues, pointers or advice very gratefully received. I love the browser and have it set up just how I like it so don't really want to switch to another.


    Firstly, in an amusing turn of events YouTube removed the latest episode of GOSPod from their site. The reason? The episode - the subject of which was Satanic conspiracy theories - briefly mentioned the antivaxxers and YT said we were peddling medical misinformation. We appealed but nope. You can still hear the episode in all other places listed here.

    Secondly, the S8N Not H8N campaign now has its own dedicated website as its was just getting too big (over 130 participants now) for one page on the main website to cut it. You can find that here: and we also have launched socials for it too if you want to follow them:


    The far right, emboldened and enabled by political leaders such as Nigel Farage, are currently engaged in a wave of misinformation-driven violence that is in danger of engulfing the UK. See it for what it is - extremist thugs manipulating the totally unrelated murders of children to further their fascism.

    They are using the tools of right wing social media outlets to organise and spread their misinformation and hate via the usual suspects - Tommy Robinson, Katie Hopkins, Andrew Tate, Elon Musk etc.

    How can we fight back?

    One way to effectively fight back is to support groups like Hope Not Hate and their 'Hold On To Hope' campaign: where you can sign up to lend support, keep abreast of developments and donate if you are able to.

    If it is safe for you to do so, another way is to talk positively about multiculturalism on your social media presences and challenge the prejudices you encounter. This country was literally built by thousands of years of multiculturalism with hands and minds from many places and of many colours creating the very best of it. We must never let the far right deny that reality or allow their misinformation to gain a foothold.

    EDIT: Here is a list of UK wide anti-racism protests being held this coming weekend:


    A member of our UK Order took time off from our own podcast ( to be interviewed on the Spiritually Incorrect podcast about Satanism and GOS. You can listen to the whole episode on their website (also contains links to other podcast supporting platforms).


    On December 12, 2023, within the corridors of the Polish Parliament, a scandalous incident occurred, exemplifying extreme discrimination and a lack of respect for the freedom of conscience and religion. During the ceremonial lighting of Hanukkah candles, Member of Parliament Grzegorz Braun extinguished them using a fire extinguisher. Following the incident, Braun gave an interview to the tabloid Super Express, justifying his actions by claiming that “the act that took place in the Parliament was a religious act, deeply satanic in nature” and that “it would be a betrayal of his principles to tolerate and ignore Satanism.” Thus, in the view of the Global Order of Satan, Braun’s act resonated not only as anti-Semitic but also as anti-Satanic. For this reason, one of the members of our community has filed a complaint with the prosecutor’s office, citing a justified suspicion of committing a crime under Article 196 of the Penal Code(commonly referred to as ‘the insult to religious feelings’) to the detriment of one of our members.

    Read the full article here (Polish and English available)


    The latest episode of GOSPod is out. It's also on YouTube and PeerTube as well as the usual places - Spotify, Amazon etc.

    In this episode we talk about the campaigns we've done in the past as well as our current campaigns and some ideas for the future.


    A documentary about our Satan Not Hatin' campaign is underway!

    An award-winning documentary filmmaker — who has also directed numerous high-profile music videos for metal bands — was intrigued by the campaign, and by Satanists working towards positive change in the music scenes we love. They are now in the process of interviewing participating this space for more updates on this exciting development.

    Meanwhile the campaign progresses apace, with nearly 70 participants signed up! If you, your venue, or bands you know would like to join in you can get in touch using the form on our website at . Let's make sure we're all #protectedbythepitchfork


    We're thrilled to announce our latest Order - and second in the USA - House of Heretics: Global Order of Satan Seattle.

    Our second Order in the USA, House Of Heretics was established in early 2023 in Seattle, Washington. House of Heretics is registered and licensed by the State of Washington as a non-profit church, and serves the Pacific Northwest region.

    Read more about them on our site.



    Satanists on the island of Ireland! Talk has recently started about the creation of an Order for you. If you're interested in guiding that discussion and/or joining the potential Order, please head to our International Discord server and when filling out the Discord access application, mention your interest and we can add you to the appropriate Channel.#Ireland #eire #northernireland #UK #satanism #satanic #atheism


    So, as well as subbed to this Community, I'm also moderator of ! which is a Community for an atheistic Satanist organisation I'm a member of.

    We recently (re)launched our Satan Not Hatin' campaign which we're running to try and tackle the incidents of hate (racism, homophobia, transphobia and Nazi shit etc) that sadly some metal bands put out. The campaign isn't just for metal bands, we also cover punk/goth/industrial/alt/indie too but the emphasis is metal bands. It's early days, but it'll continue to grow.

    If you'd like to read more and see how you can help (if you'd like to) please visit the page or if you want to skip straight to the music, there's a playlist on YouTube | Invidious | Piped.


    Satanists come from a range of eclectic backgrounds with many of us coming from the various alt music scenes – rock, metal, punk, goth, industrial and more. Our love of these scenes, along with the bands, venues and organisations that exist within them, intertwines with our Satanism, often embracing the same themes, imagery and symbolism.

    Sadly, we are noticing a rise in hatred and bigotry in the music scenes we hold dear. We’ve witnessed racism, homophobia, transphobia, and other hate crimes. We’ve seen the symbols we use co-opted into messages of hate. People have been made to feel shamed and unwelcome in what were once open and inclusive communities.

    No more. This is where we start to reclaim these spaces.

    We have therefore relaunched the Satan Not Hatin’ campaign to combat this rise and are thrilled to have been joined by a number of bands, orgs and venues from those scenes.



    We are excited to share that we can be found at Pittsburgh Pride this Friday (2-8) and Saturday (11-8)! We can be found on the map as SR 26, and will be on Sylvia Rivera St! We will be performing unbaptism rituals, selling merch (stickers, pins, and satanic rosaries), and collecting items for our Baphomet Bags project! We would love to see you there!

    ! ! ! ! ! !


    Episode Two of our Podcast is now live, the subject is Satanic Safety. We don't use pseudonyms to be edgy. Identifying as a Satanist carries real risk. We interview a few people to hear their experiences.

    As well as Podbean, the episode is on PeerTube, YouTube, Spotify, Amazon etc.

    There's also a YouTube version without ambient background music for those with sensory processing issues or who just find it distracting. YouTube videos will also be available on Invidious and Piped.



    Our UK Order will be in London at the Satanic Flea Market on Sunday June 30th. Come along and say ‘hi’!

    The Market is in Torrens Street, the nearest tube is Angel. It starts at 12pm and ends at 6pm, entry is £4 per person.



    An announcement from our UK Order:

    "Whilst we never usually share details of our membership, we will make an exception in this case. Please welcome our two newest members, Fleur (left) and Flo (right)."



    Our UK Order's next market is a month today! Saturday 8th June, 12 - 6pm at The Dirty Black Summer Market at The Black Heart in Camden, London (The Black Heart, 2 - 3 Greenland Place, Camden Town, London, NW1 0AP). Nearest tube station is Camden Town, less than 1 min away. Entry is free, under-18's welcome, dogs welcome.

