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Firefox to the moon.
  • I installed Palemoon because it's more independent from Firefox, having forked longer ago, but what I'm really looking forward to is for a usable browser to come from the Servo project.

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  • It was me actually, I turned into a wasp and travelled through time to sting you because your comment annoyed me.

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  • They don't do that with me. A wasp stung me once because it was in my shoe, so I was obviously perceived as a threat when trying to put it on. I think there was another time but I don't remember, I might've touched it first as well. The rest of the time, wasps seem to respect me, and it's mutual. I've had wasps centimetres away from my face, but I never flinch and I've never regretted not flinching. Took more hits from people trying to kill wasps than from the wasps themselves.

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  • I think they might've diverged from therians (placentals+ marsupials) before their ancestors became viviparous.

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    apt install firefox
  • Tbf, Unbuntu works, but they're ran by a company which has taken some questionable choice. You can still go with it if you don't care to much, it has the advantages of being user friendly and well documented.

    If you'd rather not, but you want something not to far and equally easy, you can go with Linux Mint, which is based on Ubuntu but disables snaps. They also offer differently choices of desktop environments, the default being Cinnamon (which looks a bit more like windows), and another being Mate, which is closer to Gnome.

    They also have a "Debian Edition", which aims to stop being dependant on Ubuntu and may or may not replace the default edition someday, but so far it's not the one they recommend for new users.

  • Des erreurs ont été commises

    Un nombre insuffisant de chaussures a été emmené lors du déménagement.

    Des chaussures ont été mises sans chaussettes, qui n'auraient dût être portées qu'avec.

    Du bicarbonate de sodium a été mis pour absorbé l'humidité, jusque-là sans beaucoup d'effet.

    Les souliers retrouveront-ils une odeur tolérable ?

    Seul le temps nous le dira, l'histoire reste encore à écrire.


    Only one page this time, but the color is back... Sorta, I'm experimenting different methods.

    Previous part

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    Part 1


    For context, the post I'm referring to is a map of Africa with subsaharia Africa in deep green, Sudan in light green and north Africa was white or some other color. The poster was claiming nothing had ever been invented in the green zone. My comment was gonna be this:

    Antiseptics before Europeans.

    Iron Smelting Not the first to discover it, but recent evidence show it was invented independently.

    Sudano-Sahelian Architecture

    Some modern Archtecture taking inspiration from Sudano-Sahelian features such as a roof shape favoring natural ventilation. And since I just transitioned to recent inventions, there's the Cardio Pad, invented in Cameroon, to help diagnose cardiovascular disease.





    part 1

    previous part )

    Next part Yeah, I've become too lazy to make full color pages. Maybe I'll color them later, probably not.


    !icecream aircraft woman

    Made on phone using pocket paint to create each frame and exported using ffmpeg on termux. High effort shitpost.


    I know we now know they went extinct 66 million years ago, and 64 millions is another date I've seen around, but how long how we known it was definitely way more than 40 millions ? I'm asking because it's the date given in the the song "walk the dinosaurs" by Was (Not Was), and I wondered why such a number. Would it have seed credible at the time, or was it just arbitrary?


    It was so bad Ever on and on, I continue circling With nothing but my hate in a carousel of agony 'Til slowly I forget and my heart starts vanishing And suddenly I see that I can't break free I'm slipping through the cracks of a dark eternity With nothing but my pain and the paralyzing agony To tell me who I am, who I was, uncertainty Enveloping my mind 'til I can't break free and

    Maybe it's a dream, maybe nothing else is real But it wouldn't mean a thing if I told you how I feel So I'm tired of all the pain, of the misery inside And I wish that I could live feeling nothing but the night You can tell me what to say, you can tell me where to go But I doubt that I would care, and my heart would never know If I make another move, there'll be no more turning back Because everything will change and it all will fade to black


    I ascended for the second time ever, this time with freerunner. I had the seal shards and was aiming to get the "You made it too" achievement. I was surprised when I finished the game and didn't get it...

    Then I remembered I let a thief get away on my way back up without paying attention to what he'd stolen...

    Dude robbed me of my achievement.


    I beat the last boss thrice, once with the warden and once with the battlemage. The first time I died on the way back up, the second, I was out of potions didn't feel confident, so I quit while I was ahead .

    But with the monk and the assassin's blade, I made it! This combo is great, especially since the last upgrade, which gave us the [ teleports behind you, unsheathes blade,"Nothing personal, kiddo" ] attack. This really felt fun to play!


    Killing someone doesn't change whether or not they die, only when.

    The only thing that determines whether or not someone will die is whether or not they were born. Therefore, the only cause of death is birth.

    The only case in which murder changes the amount of people who will die is if a person who would've otherwise had children is killed. By preventing birth it prevents death. In other words, murder can only decrease the amount of people who will die or keep it the same, but never increase it.
