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Search Risk – How Google Almost Killed Proton Mail
  • I think the best bet at federated video hosting is with something like IPFS or even bittorrent. If every client is also a host, that would greatly reduce the bandwidth needed for any one server.

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    Subscribing to YT premium is also an evil act
  • Over time I've curated the list of creators I watch, so my recommendations are pretty good at feeding me what I like, though I do usually have to scroll through a lot of junk. And when the recommendations aren't doing it, I'll just manually go to a channel I like and find something and the algorithm will quickly adjust.

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    Subscribing to YT premium is also an evil act
  • Patreon takes a cut of your money and gives the rest to the creator. Youtube does the same thing with Premium, plus creators receive a higher rpm from Premium viewers than they do from ads. And people left Reddit because they stopped supporting 3rd party apps. Youtube never supported 3rd party apps, plus there's no suitable alternative to leave Youtube for.

    Also, I'm not completely fine with Youtube Premium, but the pros outweigh the cons enough for me to justify paying for it.

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    Subscribing to YT premium is also an evil act
  • Do I hate giving money to Google? Yes. Do I watch 6+ hours of Youtube a day? Also yes. I almost always have something playing in the background throughout my day, so it's the one service I'm ok paying for and I don't have to worry about it breaking like I would with other frontends.

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    Could the dogwhistle blow any louder?
  • Why does your mind immediately jump to black people at the mention of chimpanzees? Sounds like you're the one with bias that needs unpacking.

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    As He Realized His Mistake, Elon Musk Begged Twitter Staff to Turn Off the New Feature He'd Pushed For
  • It's because when banks make loans, they sell of the debt, but nobody has wanted to buy the debt for Musk's loans. My understanding of this is essentially, if someone takes out a loan of $100 million, the bank will sell that debt to an investor for $101 million, and the investor will make back $102 million once the loan is paid off due to interest. But no investors are confident enough that Musk will pay back his loan so no one is ponying up the dough to buy it.

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    Why does the USA have so few legal protections for ordinary people, and how can we change that?
  • Isn't that ideally what the government is supposed to be? We can't all individually fight for ourselves, so we vote for people to represent us and work to protect our interests. That is, if politicians actual represented their constituents and not the highest bidder.

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  • The true landlord way is to not even bother gluing them down so you can keep your tenant's security deposit for "damaging the floors"
