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“We cannot support it:” Polestar follows Tesla out of car lobby over Toyota led campaign
  • Nokia dragged their feet on smart phones and paid the price. The fact that they went with Microsoft when they did start making smart phones almost certainly didn't help matters, but they were already way behind at that point.

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    Google reviews are a complete waste of time, aren't they?
  • I take reviews on any site (especially Google/maps) with a huge grain of salt. I mostly only go straight to the negative reviews though. If they're all petty shit, then it's usually a good sign. I also like to see if the business/owner has responded. If they're posting snarky responses to negative reviews, then I'm inclined to think that this isn't a business that I want to deal with.

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    Monthly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing?
  • I'll preface this by saying that I haven't played it in probably at least two decades, but I used to love Wacky Wheels. I believe it's on Steam now, too.

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    Meanwhile in a Oneshot they chose a name immediately.
  • I never even realised it was a thing people did commonly until I started watching Critical Role.

    The closest my group has ever come is playing the Hell's Rebels adventure path for Pathfinder. In that you resurrect an old group called the Silver Ravens, so that essentially becomes your party's name.

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    Brisbane City Council Meeting - 17 October 2023
  • They could probably save themselves a fair chunk of money if they stopped plastering their faces on everything they can. You won't see a sign or flyer advertising a service the council provides without the faces of Schrinner and usually the local LNP councillor as well.

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    Why cyclists should NOT get the same fines as motorists | Car Culture 6 - Motonormativity
  • That would be a 23 kg bike. That’s crazy heavy. It’s more than double most bikes’ weight, and triple the weight of a racing bike.

    It's actually not that crazy. E-bikes tend to be at least that heavy. Mine is 30kg. In our example of a fat man riding a bicycle, he's probably more likely to be riding an electric bike anyway.

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    What game holds a special place in your heart?
  • I'm guessing you mean the original Most Wanted. That game was excellent. I think the 'special place in my heart' is probably reserved for NFS 3 (which I played the absolute shit out of and was the first NFS game to include cop chases) or the first one just because it introduced me to the series. Most Wanted though was the last good NFS game in my opinion. I lost interest when Underground came out, but when the demo for MW was released I played it so much I had to buy the game. The soundtrack was good as I recall; I think it was also the last NFS game where I didn't immediately mute the music.

    And yeah, the police pursuits were really good in that. Hard enough to be a challenge, but not so hard that it was punishing.

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    What game holds a special place in your heart?
  • On a similar note, Full Throttle is my favourite game ever, and has been since I first played it. I love everything about that game.

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    After 'technical issues' Queensland's school zone cameras are snapping 500 drivers each week
  • I get the stress of dealing with impatient dickheads behind you, but you should absolutely be erring on the side of caution. If you think it might be a school day, slow the fuck down. School zones are generally what, a couple hundred metres? The impatient wankers in their emotional support vehicles can wait a few extra seconds.

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    The endless gripes of a cantankerous Gabba traveller
  • I still think the school needs to be moved regardless. It's tiny and it's in a terrible location. I don't know where it could be moved to that wouldn't upset people, but that doesn't change the fact that it's unsuitable.

    I'm guessing that the athletics is one of the most popular sports, so they wanted it where people can get to it more easily (and also closer to the inner city area, where there's more opportunities for tourists to spend their money.)

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    Daily Discussion Thread - Thu Aug 24 2023
  • Just saw an article on ABC about that exact thing (drip pricing.)

    It must be exhausting to go anywhere in the US. You'd need cash on hand to tip people in situations where you can't just opt to add something to the amount taken off your card. I'm also opposed to the tipping culture (like most rational people) but would be acutely aware that most of the workers you'd be likely to tip are relying on them.

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    Daily Discussion Thread - Wed Aug 23 2023
  • Custard is an obvious choice.
    I went to practically every gig that george did in Brisbane back in the early 2000s, so they're definitely up there.
    Cheap Fakes are also excellent.

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    Media Discovery without Ads
  • Mostly it's through recommendations from friends, or when I frequently see people talking about a particular show in a community. For example, I discovered Hacks thanks to people in the Frasier subreddit frequently talking about how amazing Jean Smart (who was in several episodes of Frasier) is in it (she really is.)

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    Is there a game that you've been very patient for, which turned out to be dissappointing when you finally started playing it?
  • The "Can it run Crysis" thing was purely about the fact that it was one of (if not the most) resource-intensive games out at the time. I remember it being a big jump in terms of both visual quality and the requirements to run it well.
