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The Sliver Kids: How Two Nobodies Broke the Pro Tour
  • @MysticKetchup best PT ever.

    It gave a lot of people hope of being great

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    The Nadu Situation – Mark Rosewater on Tumblr
  • @Semjaza At least there the were trying to straight nerf. And going from +1/+1 to +1/-1 is a nerf, just not on *that* card

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    The Nadu Situation – Mark Rosewater on Tumblr
  • @Semjaza the history of untested changes breaking is long. Skullclamp is another example

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    The Nadu Situation – Mark Rosewater on Tumblr
  • @Spzi opperating in fear of a too strong card leads to boring sets. But it is the right way to do the changes that don't get tested.

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    The Nadu Situation – Mark Rosewater on Tumblr
  • @andrew @Evu any process will have changes that occur without testing. Unless the process is willing to miss shipping dates.

    I think the design crime with Nadu was the fear of shipping a bad card after nerfing the card. Not realising the modification was risky is something professionals should know: novel abilities are risky.

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    August 26, 2024, Banned and Restricted Announcement
  • @meant2live218 @MysticKetchup some of the Mirrodin block bans were similarly wide sweeping, but had to hit more cards in each deck.

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    August 26, 2024, Banned and Restricted Announcement
  • @morphballganon @Evu does it? They always ban after a deck is turning people off the format. So there is downside to being slow to act.

    Does a broken deck drive enough people to crack packs to find the broken card to play it? That is questionable.

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    How did your prerelease go?
  • @MysticKetchup I've always cracked into one pool and built from there. But then the bulk I've done were pre prerelease kits.

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    How did your prerelease go?
  • @MysticKetchup um, 2hg is one card pool for the team, you don't really on open cards individually.

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    How did your prerelease go?
  • @MysticKetchup @Semjaza 2HG is awesome, but random partner is definitely a mixed bag, you never know how it is going to go.

    Hopefully not paired up with someone that is anal about ending the day with perfectly equal value split of the cards that were opened.

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    For the limited players out there - how'd your opinion on Play Boosters settle out?
  • @prodigalsorcerer LGS will use them as prize packs to have cheaper events. It's shit but it will happen

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    For the limited players out there - how'd your opinion on Play Boosters settle out?
  • @prodigalsorcerer @ech Except WotC keep replacing the empty booster slot with more new types of booster, so the less SKUs aspect is failing.

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    I really wish they'd use a different method.
  • @HexadecimalSky @morphballganon Aesthetic choices can be expensive. Sorry, that's capitalism.

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    For the limited players out there - how'd your opinion on Play Boosters settle out?
  • @ech @Fluid some of the 50% is that most places had kept prices flat for too long, the jump in pack prices from draft to play boosters came at the same time they needed to reset prices anyway.

    That then gets conflated with drafts (and especially sealed) now be in ng a less good experience.

    So the numbers are much worse, it still might be worth it, but I can't see anyone doing the 4 drafts a week I did in my 20's and I'm sad for today's kids in that situation.

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    Blogatog: While we continue to do Universes Beyond, the Magic in-universe sets also serve an important function. Having sets that don’t have to interface with outside partners has a lot of advantages.
  • @morphballganon @meant2live218 Standard has had way too many cards compared to standard of old. Remember when Standard was Block + Core + 1 Large set after rotation?

    That is 3 large sets + 2 small sets.

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    New Value Booster Announced -- 3 commons, 2 uncommons, 1 random rarity card and a land or possible foil
  • @meant2live218 my head is still regular = draft. So ~ a third of a play booster, price should match.

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    New Value Booster Announced -- 3 commons, 2 uncommons, 1 random rarity card and a land or possible foil
  • @meant2live218 @mike aren't the essentially half of a regular pack? So half the price would be reasonable.

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    New Value Booster Announced -- 3 commons, 2 uncommons, 1 random rarity card and a land or possible foil
  • @mike and it's too big to be brough by anyone who would act noticbly better.

    Unlessit has already 'died'

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    New Value Booster Announced -- 3 commons, 2 uncommons, 1 random rarity card and a land or possible foil
  • @Fluid @mike no, a non growing company is illegal and a failure.

    Private ownership has up sides.

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    New Value Booster Announced -- 3 commons, 2 uncommons, 1 random rarity card and a land or possible foil
  • @fubo @mike essentially, but probably big retailers too.

    Sadly I'm sure some stores will use them as prize packs.
