One thing I have found it to be useful for is changing the tone if what I write.
I tend to write very clinicaly because my job involves a lot of that style of writing. I have started asked chat gpt to rephrase what i write in a softer tone.
Not for everything, but for example when Im texting my girlfriend who is feeling insecure. It has helped me a lot! I always read thrugh it to make sure it did not change any of the meaning or add anything, but so far it has been pretty good at changing the tone.
Also use it to rephrase emails at work to make it sound more professional.
Pretty sure that dude has genital warts caused by hpv.
I work with a person like that and it's driving me up a wall.
He starts arguments for the sake of arguments. He is extremely vocal about anything that he knows will cause any sort of disagreement with anyone. Actively looks for ways to pit other people against each other. Endlessly talking shit to and about everyone. Just an annoying, toxic person. Leadership sees him as harmless, but he is a real cause of a lot of drama in the workplace. Usualy not Involving him directly, but often caused or stirred up by him. Motivated entirely by two things, his amusement, and his money. Everyone else just exists in his world to amuse him.
collage educated, smart, reletivly successful. But fucking toxic.
My point is you are absolutly correct. These people exist. They are emotional stunted and live for cause problems for others. It's kinds funny for a little bit but gets realy fucking old realy fast.
Capitalism doesn't mean being an asshole. One can be a capitalist and also a decent human being. It's an economic system not a moral one. Using it as an excuse for being a vile human being is just an easy out.
That's a wild take. Everything is subject to change when you change political leaders. A single person, the president, can't do THAT much on their own. But when they have a large portion of the government in their pocket and a huge number or rabid fans, then yes. Everything can change.
Without power all those hospitals are nearly useless. Sure there are backup generators but they only run the bare minimum and only for so long.
Disable the power grid and the affects will be catastrophic on any developed nation. All the food will be spoiled within a few days to a few weeks. No business will be able to run including gas stations. Most communication will be down.
The whole area grinds to a halt untill power can be restored. Do enough damage to take out the power for a week to a large city and the damage will be incalculable. Not to mention the lives lost in that time.
Nothing a out what you said is correct.
Trump is undeniably in the pocket of Russian oligarchs and most likely Putin. Trump bends of for him every time Putin tells him too.