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How much do you all pay for Power?
  • in bc we have two tier pricing, the first X kilowatthours per month is I think 0.08CAD (~0.05USD), the second is 0.15CAD (~0.11USD)

    Our power mostly comes from hydroelectric dams, but we wheel and deal it interprovincially so within the course of a day we'll spend some time importing and some time exporting which gives us lower rates, and lets other places run more efficiently (ie Fewer gas turbines)

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    Canada is getting poorer when compared to its wealthy peers, data shows
  • Headline and article mischaracterize the report's findings.

    The country added nearly 1.3 million people last year — a 3.2 per cent increase — while the economy grew by just 1.1 per cent in the same time period. That means more people taking slices out of an economic pie that hasn't grown much bigger.

    Right, but if we're talking about GDP per capita growth, we should probably subtract retirees from the population number, and not count new residents that don't have the right to work. Also, one year data is probably not very valuable because I think the we're only just now reaching a post-pandemic equilibrium in terms of retirement/ migration flows. Probably a lot better to look at 10 year numbers.

    The news isn't all bad. Data shows real weekly earnings — a person's take home pay — has actually increased in Canada, even when accounting for inflation. The household savings rate is also up.

    So it's not that we're getting poorer, it's that we're not getting richer as quickly?

    This is toxic 'keeping up with the Joneses'.

    We should focus on equity and sustainability, not growth for growth's sake.

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    Tony Hawk claims he is ‘talking to Activision again’ [VGC]
  • THPS 1+2 (the HD remake) is excellent but they decided not to do a THPS3+4 remake. Presumably due to low numbers. BUT online is broken. What I mean by broken is that you basically can't log in to the server if your console is connected to the internet through a router. As far as I know Activision never acknowledged that failure. Do you think this problem might have hurt sales/microtransaction revenue?

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    So professional looking it must be true
  • I've never heard anyone with first hand experience complain about living in North Korea. They literally can't complain.

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  • I'm not convinced that just cash will solve homelessness or poverty. It may help, but it seems like a "give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime" kinda situation. Give people the fish so they can eat, but if you want them to actually be independent, then you gotta make sure they have the tools they need to do so.

    I think the reason you've taken so much flak is that money isn't fish. Money can be converted into tools. Yes, of course you're right that some people won't use the money in a way which will end their homelessness, and may benefit from 'other programs'. But the meme was specifically about people objecting to the idea of giving poor people money so that they can solve their own problems. Rolling out 'other programs' is great, but the 'other programs' will be much more effective if they're not clogged with people that can solve their own problems with a bit of cash.

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    Why Singh Had to Do It
  • I agree that the government should govern not politick, but isn't it a bit naive to think you can make lasting change without politicking?

    I wonder if it's useful to look at "governing", and "politicking" as either end of a spectrum with "leading" as the sweet spot.

    Just my two cents though.

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    Doctrine change
  • Have they looked at masers? Basically rf lasers.i think they're much cheaper than lasers and could be steered at drones but would only need enough power to interfere with guidance/ controls

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    This Brazil-Twitter stuff is hilarious. Great leadership Muskrat.
  • It was about one day before that for me. I was like

    oh that's so cool, he's got amazing engineers working to repurpose a pressure vessel from SpaceX to act as a rescue pod to save those kids.

    Then actual cave divers were like:

    any cave diver will tell you that this will never work

    What kind of cave diving rescue plan doesn't talk to any cave divers before drawing any attention to itself? The kind designed solely to draw attention and stroke ego. He tried to make those boys' struggles about himself because he thinks he's the most capable man alive.

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  • Yeah true, but I think they actually use wavelength of red shift, which is distance.... traveled by light in the time it takes to make a full cycle. So I guess we're back to seconds again.

    I think they use this for distance and time because at scales being dealt with they have the same implications.

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  • I think you need to be more specific than 'long distance', yes they use parsecs for 'long distances' but I believe only for intra-galactic objects. I think other galaxies are too distant for parallax seconds to be useful.

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    Upton Responds to Vance Using Viral Clip to Attack Harris
  • Mate it's a meme from 17 years ago, not 2017. It's from 2007.

    It's the

    ... like such as the Iraq...

    Clip right?

    Anybody else feel like it's pretty sexist to liken the anticipated performance of the vice president of the USA to a teen beauty pageant contestant?

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    Dude, take a look at this Miata.
  • Anyone interested in this should check out superfastmatt (YouTube) he has a video series where he converts a Dodge Viper for offroading.

    Not bolting a viper body onto a dune buggy frame.

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    Anon comes out to his religious parents
  • Makes total sense to me. He loved his husband and wanted him to be happy, but wasn't sexually attracted to him. But not a homophobe, so willing to try to make husband happy.

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    Are you voting pro rep?
  • The senate has become a golden carrot for political parties to reward friendly journalists. This is not healthy for our democracy.

    What if we replaced the senate with a longer cycle, partyless FPTP system, and used PR for the lower house?

    Just an idea I haven't thought through yet.

  • I'm trying to achieve variable speed control on two brushed DC motors powered by a 3s or 4s LiPo battery (~12V or 15V). This is for a nerf blaster I'm modifying, which is why I'm not using a pre-made speed control ie I want control over the shape/layout. I'd like to vary projectile speed with a thumb knob.

    I just finished watching ElectricMonkeyBrain's YouTube video on the TL494 PWM chip.

    I was initially planning to vary the duty cycle with a potentiometer on the chip's control pin, to get a PWM signal and feed that into a MOSFET. But in the video he mentions that the chip has an integrated over current protection function. Ie the chip will

    monitor the voltage across a sense resistor in series with the load

    and will

    kill the output if the sensed voltage/current goes above a reference voltage

    It occured to me that I could actually adjust the reference voltage as a way to control the motor speed.

    Would this be a better way to achieve speed control and protect my motors/battery? Or is it a terrible idea altogether.


    I met a Ukrainian today. He is my age. I met him at school drop off, our sons are in the same kindergarten class.

    They recently arrived here from overseas. I welcome them, but I wish we had done more to help Ukraine.

    There are numerous places in the world where people are being displaced by state violence, but I don't think there's anywhere that it's being done by a global power so directly. It's similar to Gaza/Palestine & Israel, but Russia can end the war by simply going home.

    If we had been meeting our NATO obligations for the last 30 years, would this family have been driven out of their home? I don't know. (I actually know almost nothing about their personal circumstances)

    I just feel like we should have done more, and that it's not too late.


    I have recently rewatched the movies Inside Out and Home Alone, having previously seen them while childless (I.O. as a young adult, H.A. many times at various ages).

    The parental behavior draws a lot more of my attention, and it really changes the movie for me.

    The parental panic when they don't know where their kid is, or if they're safe, just hits so much harder. Like, it's not that I didn't understand the movie before, I guess I just have a new appreciation for the parents emotions.

    Are there any other movies that you appreciate differently now that you have different experiences?


    I know this isn't build a pc, but everything over there is so gaming oriented I thought I might get better advice here.

    I'm a noob that wants a home media server for sharing photos of my kids with my family (across the country), video library sharing to some family members, and streaming my music collection to my phone (and maybe my dad's).

    But I'm considering ripping my father in laws extensive bluray collection (well seeing it up so he can rip them into my library) so I reckon a full tower is required for HDDs.

    I'm imagining unraid, with a big pile of used drives. What I like about that approach is that I can economically add storage as the video library grows as I/we rip. Or are used HDDs a false economy.

    I think the only processing intensive thing in the use case list is ripping and video library sharing. I have no concept of what sort of processing is required. Should I get a graphics card?

    There's a Lenovo TS-140 (E3-1226 V3) available available used for $80 Canadian. Is that a good place to start?


    15 Vancouver police seize gun, drugs after stopping no-helmet bicyclist - BC |

    A man was arrested after being found with a loaded gun and thousands of dollars worth of drugs in Vancouver.

    The cyclist was riding on the sidewalk, and ran a red light (a bit more justified to flag him down). He fled, eventually ditching the bike and fleeing by foot.

    I hope the police didn't screw up by performing an unjustified search.


    My friend John mentioned that he has been feeling depressed lately. There have been some bad things in his logs that would make anyone sad but the things that normally bring him happiness aren't doing anything for him lately. It's something he has struggled with in the past. He has a counselor and has been prescribed anti-depressants. I'm not worried about him harming himself.

    My understanding is that part of being a friend to someone facing depression is reaching out to spend time with them.

    How much should I reach out? I don't want to harass him, and he has a wife and other friends (that are emotionally closer than me). His wife for sure knows what's going on, but I'm not sure about his other friends (our kids go to the same school so I actually see him more then most of his friends).

    I understand that sometimes depressed people neglect chores in their life, should I ask his wife if there's anything I could help him/them with?


    My neighbour (40/m) ("N") confided that his recently retired father (70/m) ("G") has started going to the casino twice a day (all day but he comes home for dinner).

    G's losses affect the food they eat (multi generational household).

    N doesn't really know what to do. I'm not so concerned for N, moreso his mother/G's wife.

    It's not my business but, when I was a kid my boyscout leader committed suicide after gambling away his house so I'm pretty sensitive to this sort of thing. I'd like to help if I can.

    Any advice?


    This goose has adopted my parents, and is attempting to establish residency in their cabin. We suspect it is domestic and escaped from its coop. It's a seasonal cabin and they're planning to close up soon. What should they do? Central Ontario. Near Bracebridge.

    UPDATE: A neighbor of theirs is set up for chickens, so could accommodate a goose. And shortly after making that arrangement an ad appeared in the community message board. So the goose is going home.


    I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the scale of the problem of nuclear waste. If we took all the nuclear waste produced in a year and evenly blended it into all gasoline burned in a year would the radiation be deadly? Dangerous? Detectable?

    It's easiest to get numbers for the US.

    2 000 000 kg of waste per year

    510 000 000 000 Liters of gasoline

    Obviously this isn't a real proposal, although I think it would reduce carbon emissions...


    Wikipedia says

    >A superhero or superheroine is a stock character that typically possesses superpowers, abilities beyond those of ordinary people, and fits the role of the hero, typically using their powers to help the world become a better place, or dedicating themselves to protecting the public and fighting crime.

    So yes, he is definitely dedicated to protecting the public, but it feels wrong to call him a super hero. What do you think?
