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I think he couldn't
  • That kind of seems lame... I thought the hammer was protected by some magical power that required to user to be worthy.

    But this would indicate it just takes strength.

    Which makes it kind of silly that Hulk couldn't move it an inch 🤔

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    Be careful.
  • The browser can't access your clipboard contents without permission, but it can place text into the clipboard.

    The problem is people the talking the copied text and pasting it into the command prompt.

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    Exclusive: Your First Look at the Samsung Galaxy S25
  • I remember when I used to get excited for new phones...

    Since about the s20 it's all been the same shittery. No jack, no SD card, just gimmicks and prices that rival my mortgage payment.

    Pure shite.

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  • It's all relative. Sunscreen itself has carcinogens. It's kind of like blood pressure medication. It's easy and works. But obviously exercising and eating better would be better.

    Same with the sun. Gradual exposure and not baking deliberately in the sun would be better, but sunscreen is easier.

    At the end of the day we're extremely well adapted to the sun for the most part, within reason.

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  • We need sunscreen becuase we're indoors 8 and months of the year, then run out naked to sunbathe.

    If we were outside more and naturally built up a tan it really wouldn't be that much of an issue for most people.

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    The Product is . . . Comprehensenility
  • It's way worse than gambling. When you win a jackpot there are laws that require you to get paid out.

    Insurance companies can just say no and fight you in court until you die because it's cheaper for them to pay some lawyers than for your treatment.

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    Also caviar
  • I mean.... The bread, cheese and sauce is doing a lot of heavy lifting here.... Using those 3 you can almost throw anything else in there and it'll be decent.

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    Linux Directory Structure - FHS
  • So where are programs installed?

    I was playing with Linux the other day and installed something and was tearing my hair out trying to find where the exe or whatever was to launch the damn program.

    None of the folders made any sense to me.

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    Gray wolves making historic comeback in California
  • Does anyone know how wild wolfs behave? They are social animals, so I wonder if they act differently than let's say they mountain lions towards humans.

  • Does anyone have any idea where to find the original Punk'd episodes? I was having some nostalgia and it seems like that show was nuked from the internet. Any chance anyone has a copy somewhere somehow?


    I'm running a raspberry pi 8GB version, as my plex entertainment center. I also ruin a pihole. The pie has an Ethernet connection.

    I have two TV'S, a 2017 Samsung and a 2021 Hisense. Both with Ethernet connections.

    My Samsung tv can't stream certain shows at all, they stutter like crazy I'm guessing it has something to do with the encoders? Yesterday I got a message color range not supported whatever the hell that is.

    The Hisense TV does better on some shows, but still 4k content is unwatchable, it's constantly buffering.

    So, is the problem with the pi? Is it not powerful enough for 4k shows, or some encoding problem or something?

    Or is it the TVS, should I buy a Roku box instead, would that solve the streaming problems?


    I'm using wefwef and I only see the total number for a post. So +15 or - 12 or whatever.

    That's how it is on reddit and I believe it's one of the main reason discussion turned so toxic. Everyone is just looking at the number and deciding if a point is valid.

    Seeing a comment with -1000/+900 is a lot different than just seeing - 100.

    I believe it fosters toxicity and stifles discussion.
