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How we migrated our PostgreSQL database with 11 seconds downtime - Government Digital Service
  • read till the end please.

    We chose to use DMS because it was well supported by the GOV.UK PaaS and we could also get support from AWS. If we were doing a PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL database migration in the future, we would invest more time in trying alternative tools such as pglogical. DMS potentially added more complexity, and an unfamiliar replication process than what we may have found with other tools. This backs up what AWS say themselves on PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL migrations.

    it doesn't come across as an ad to anything.

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    What kind of polygon doesn't exist in Star Wars?
  • One day I was walking and I found this big log. Then I rolled the log over and underneath was a tiny little stick. And I was like

    "That log had a child"

  • A tryangle.

    Because, "Do or do not there is no try"

    PS: Yoda would've made a terrible Math teacher!


    We took him to the hospital in the middle of the night. After checking him, the doctor assured us:

    "This two shall pass"

    What's to best way to integrate another repo into my own and keep it updated.
  • take a look at subtree, it incorporates the history of the upstream repository into your repository easily and if the upstream vanishes one day, you would still have a full repo history of upstream
