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Why does it seem the world is all of a sudden concerned about sexual orientation? Especially America. Did I miss how far we came as a society to see it take a 40 year step backwards?
  • That's... disingenuous. Lot of stuff happened between those points, including the murder of homosexuals for the crime of existing.

    The LGBT community keeps the fight up because complacency gets our rights taken away. Justice Thomas has explicitly stated that gay marriage is on his list of wrongs* to right. To say nothing of Project 2025.

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    AI bros
  • Absolutely. It's why asking it for facts is inherently bad. It can't retain information, it is trained to give output shaped like an answer. It's pretty good at things that don't have a specific answer (I'll never write another cover letter thank blob).

    Now, if someone were to have the good sense to have some kind of lookup to inject correct information between the prompt and the output, we'd be cooking with gas. But that's really human labor intensive and all the tech bros are trying to avoid that.

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    AI bros
  • Gradient descent is a common algorithm in machine learning (AI* is a subset of machine learning algorithms). It refers to using math to determine how wrong an answer is in a particular direction and adjusting the algorithm to be less wrong using that information.

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    Chat GPT appears to hallucinate or outright lie about everything
  • Best use I've had for them (data engineer here) is things that don't have a specific answer. Need a cover letter? Perfect. Script for a presentation? Gets 95% of the work done. I never ask for information since it has no capability to retain a fact.

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    Illegal voting by noncitizens is rare, yet Republicans are making it a major issue this election
  • There's an amendment on the ballot here in Missouri to ban non-citizens from voting this year. Also to ban ever adopting ranked choice voting, but it's really about that non-citizen thing. Totally not ballot candy to do something undemocratic.

    If you're in Missouri, vote no on amendment 7 please.

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    Not all ai is bad, just most of it
  • The thing the pedants will screech about is that AI just doesn't actually exist. General AI is essentially creating a thinking thing that has human level intelligence. Everything else is a machine learning algorithm of some kind and muddies the waters for the real thing that may or may not ever happen. Even things we've sometimes called AI historically, such as NPC behavior in gaming, is still just a script. There is no intelligence to any of it.

    At the end of the day, machine learning is generally some very clever linear algebra that can do crazy shit if you string it up correctly. We've made the worlds most advanced parrot (chatGPT) and fingerpainter (stable diffusion). with them, but neither are intelligent. They just predict what people expect with no regard to reality, ethics, or anything beyond what answer is probably right. And even that sentence is over-personifying them.

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    Suddenly it all makes sense.
  • In this case, nothing. High dose testosterone is a hormone, hgh is a hormone. Both are PEDs (performance enhancing drugs). Now, the difference between them is a bit more interesting.

    Testosterone, the original steroid, makes you big by maximizing your existing muscles (super paraphrased, as is everything I'm about to say). It's the one that gives you breasts and shrinks your balls (for those that have them).

    Human growth hormone makes you big by inducing the creation of new muscle. As well as everything else. The stand outs being the heart, which you really don't want to grow, and the intestines, which gave bodybuilders roidgut.

    Like I said, very paraphrased, but that's the gist of it. And doesn't touch more advanced things like tren.

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    Hail our true supreme leader
  • And contextually, the guys in the background are openly amused. I would expect North Korean military guys to be more subtle.

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    Sick burn
  • I agree in principal. But my comment was made to point out that the achievement of "bestselling author" is just not as meaningful as it once was. Many people like him cheat to get on the bestselling list so they can put that on the book and it's as informative on the book jacket as "made with 100% beef". Seems nice, but doesn't actually mean much.

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    Sick burn
  • By definition, bestselling is what it is. The question is "does bestselling mean they're a good author?" And that's what we have reviews for.

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    Sick burn
  • Except that list gets manipulated all the time. It's a known practice to order shit tons of your own book, get on the list for a week, and hand them out (or resell them) later.

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    AI models fed AI-generated data quickly spew nonsense
  • It's an issue with the machine learning technique, not the specific model. The hypothetical thesis would be how to use this knowledge in general.

    Why are you so agitated by my off hand comment?

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    AI models fed AI-generated data quickly spew nonsense
  • By measuring how it does with real images vs generated ones to start. The goal would be to show a method to reliably detect ai images. Gotta prove that it works.

  • orphiebaby is awesome

    Not a sockpuppet.

    I was venting over at ! about Reddit mods being... Reddit mods. On top of having a good version of offmychest that allows people to be angry at the things that are bugging them, orphiebaby went ahead and made a new community to replace the one I was venting about on behalf of my partner.

    Cheers to you orphiebaby! This isn't quite the spirit of the sub as I understand it, but you get praise anyway.


    So I stopped generally using Reddit after the whole API thing but my husband still does and we talk about stuff since Lemmy gets the job done.

    One thing he likes is to hop on r/freecompliments and participate there.

    Well, today he got permanently banned. Why? Because a bot dredged his profile and found that he sometimes participates in porn subreddits. Usually to complement people there, never posting himself. He's pretty ace, so it's rarely, if ever, sexual. But that was enough for the bot to ban him.

    They sent a message about how they are sfw subreddit and don't allow users to participate in NSFW subreddits.

    He's heartbroken about it. He really likes to be nice to people and it makes his day when they respond to him. Now he can't do that in a sub that's meant for it.

    I feel like the site rules have opinions about banning like this, but it's not like the admins give a fuck. So fuck those mods and their puritanical bullshit making at least once persons day worse, for the low cost of a user that was participating in good faith.

    And since I'm on a roll, fuck spez

    I tried posting this to trueoffmychest to dredge some sympathy for him, since that seemed appropriate and he was good with it, but they don't allow 'anger' or 'impersonal' posts and that got quietly removed immediately. So fuck them too. I didn't realize how far down the shitter reddit has gone.
