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I redid the meme with what hurts me
  • I know this may be an unpopular opinion on lemmy, which leans so heavily towards Linux and FOSS, and I’m a Linux user myself but….

    I actually really like C# and .NET (the modern cross-platform version anyway).

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    It's official: consoles cost as much as gaming PCs now
  • I’m just going to hang out over here with my (modded) PC games from the early 2000s that I love so much…

    Modern AAA gaming is not for me.

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    The most awkward episode?
  • “Nerdy guy who has trouble with women” has been a decent premise for a story for a long time. It even allows for some character development.

    But the way it was handled in TNG with Geordi was terrible. Geordi, and LeVar Burton deserved a lot better than that.

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    Colm Meaney Isn't Sure Star Trek Needs an Old Man Miles O'Brien
  • O’Brien is my favorite character in all of Trek. And as much as part of me would like to see him again, sometimes a character’s story is over and that’s ok!

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    Popular Programming Book "Clean Code" is being rewritten
  • I generally agree with the idea that code should be as simple as it can be to accomplish the goal of the code… I just haven’t been convinced that Clean Code is the way to get there, necessarily. The book does contain some good advice , to be sure, but I wouldn’t call it universal by any means.

    I also think TDD is a very optimistic strategy that just doesn’t match up with reality terribly often.

    Actually, I think that’s what confuses me the most about all of Uncle Bob’s books. I’ve read a couple of them and thought, “All this sounds great but real world development just doesn’t seem to work that way.” Like, all of his advice is for best case scenarios that I certainly haven’t encountered in my career.

    I say confusing, because surely he’s been in the profession long enough to have seen the disconnect between what he’s preaching and real life, right???

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    [Bazzite] Important announcement regarding system updates [Action needed] - FYI
  • At work, we’re a Windows shop. So mostly Docker (desktop) via WSL2. But it depends on the project. Sometimes it’s just NodeJS in Windows itself!

    At home, mostly tools like nvm and Python venvs to handle multiple projects with potentially overlapping/problematic dependencies that I want to isolate from the base system.

    Either way, initial testing happens locally with Docker compose, sometimes minikube depending on the project.

    With Bluefin-DX it’s a lot of the same concepts but the included tools get you there a different, and honestly easier and more convenient way. But I have learn how to use those tools!

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    [Bazzite] Important announcement regarding system updates [Action needed] - FYI
  • Bluefin-DX is great! I’m still figuring out how everything works - there are a lot of tools included that are new to me, despite being a cloud-oriented developer.

    It’s a very different way to use Linux, from how the OS is constructed, to the container-first nature of the default applications and intended workflow. But I’m really enjoying learning how to use it.
