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Be careful, your understanding of incognito mode in Firefox may be wrong and that could be costing you
  • seems counter intuitive.. each incognito window should be separated into their containers.

    seems like a good idea to take that container addon and apply that to incognito.

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    Add-on: same password, same identity.
  • That sounds not ya I'm sure it stops a , as long as the actual password is also strong. IMO there's still some vulnerability. If someone finds out your password and notices thepattern 'pass+Site', then they mighttryyon another site.

    Also why it's a good idea to have a few emails yo use across multiple sites.

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    Add-on: same password, same identity.
  • Yes that's definitely a concern to keep in mind.

    The problem is that if someone doesn't use a password manager they're morenlikely to reuse weak ones.

    Using a password manager is a better path, as long as there is awareness on how to keep it secured.

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    Please, do not use Brave.
  • Might I add brave's BAT wallet is garbage. You had to sign up to some random exchange and upload your ID (I didn't), but even that you couldn't even backup your wallet into a new install, so hope that you would never have to format or reinstall or change devices - it'll be a pain to restore, if it was even possible.

    Firefox over brave any day.

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    [Rant] I swear to fucking god. Windows is harder to use than Linux. Have any of you ever USED Windows lately? Holy fuck.
  • honestly i don't know what you did to mess up a windows install like that, but i agree overall that linux is easier. However there are quirks that can arise for a new user that will eat time or seem daunting.

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    Google is already pushing Web Environment Integrity into Chromium
  • for work purposes, ok fine. but personal purposes i'd try and steer clear as much as i can.

    My general point is we should use alternatives whenever possible to discourage this kind of centralized power developing in the first place.

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    Google is already pushing Web Environment Integrity into Chromium
  • For sure, I agree and it's bad. But frankly unsurprising. This is the trajectory of the internet: greater control.

    We've become too dependent on centralized tech companies and erred in allowing tech companies to change, define, and control the internet in the first place.

    Alternatives must be promoted in mass scale.

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    Google is already pushing Web Environment Integrity into Chromium
  • hey everyone a friendly reminder that alternatives exist, and just drop this shit fast and move to better alternatives. In this case firefox.

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    The state of the internet 2023
  • well, i guess some silver lining is that threads is basically non-existent after its launch. The serious and place to be instances will block threads. If i need to go see something on threads i'll join an instance that allows it, but doubt i'd ever bother.

    Didn't even bother checking it out.

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    Mozilla opposes Web Integrity API proposal
  • ya, using the internet without an adblocker is a security risk because Google enables scams across its services.

    How about they learn to clean house first before shitting on the internet lol.

    incompetent company will do incompetent things.

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    Mozilla opposes Web Integrity API proposal
  • good stuff, glad to see this opposition.

    Also slightly related, but I'd absolutely hate if I were an employee having to work on this project and having my name attached to this. Quite embarrassing for all those involved.
