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Supportive dad
  • I'm 40 and would have no idea how big penis of a toddler should be - and with all growth hormone stuff happening, I wouldn't feel comfortable at judging at this age (besides that it is mostly irrelevant in long term relationships)

    Also, my personal penis, so to speak, can be very minor, but as a grower I needed to step up my confidence, when being naked - but of curse instead of an actual micro penis, mine seems to be just shy and needs some encouraging words or kisses.
    So maybe I can't relate.

    Still I think this idea is idiotic

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    Bielefeld: "Das ist ein Stich ins Herz!" - Neuer Fußballplatz durch Vandalismus völlig zerstört
  • Wer hätte denn für sowas Motivation?
    Einfach nur sinnfreier Vandalismus oder Gigs Anrainer in der Nähe, die vom Würstel- und Fußballfest nicht so angetan waren?

    Da muss es ja vorab schon irgendwo Spannungen/Probleme gegeben haben.
    Das sieht zu "gut gemacht" aus, wenn bewusst die viel beanspruchten Stellen nachhaltig beschädigt wurden.

    Edit: und wer hat Schrauben und Glasscherben (kann schwer einfach nur ne Bierflasche in weichen Rasen werfen) dabei?
    Das klingt stark durchdacht und geplant

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    Stolen from 196
  • By now I think, that many people are stuck in emotional kindergarten level and it's only about who is to blame

    If I talk for example about climate change, everybody reacts with "but look at China/Africa/India!! We need to buy new cars while they are driving all the old stuff. We're getting cheated [somehow by having cleaner air?] and they are all at fault!"
    Like, I don't really think that you are responsibly alone for that stuff and I don't really care who is as fault, but we need to solve a problem that affects all of us.
    Ok, of you're the CEO of Exxon you're probably to blame. But come on, I wanna talk about solutions and not play a blame game

    ("You" obviously doesn't mean you, but my hypothetical talk partner)

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    2.750 Verletzte und 8 Tote durch Pager-Explosionen im Libanon
  • Blöde Frage vielleicht, aber wieviel Sprengstoff kriegt man in so nem Pager denn überhaupt unter, wenn man ihn noch funktional halten will?

    Das kann ja nicht wahnsinnig viel sein, denk ich mir.
    Wundert mich, dass es Tote gibt und nicht "nur" schwer verletzte.

    Kennt sich hier wer mit Sprengstoffen besser aus?
    Hab da leider nicht wirklich Ahnung, aber hätte gedacht, dass es mehr braucht um mich zu töten als ein paar wenige Gramm in nem kleinen Pager.

    Bei Pager reden wir von den kleinen Dingern, die hab anrufen konnte und dann piepsen und ich die entsprechende Nummer zurück rufe, oder?
    Oder ist damit iwas größeres gemeint, das gleich bezeichnet wird?

    (Nur falls es falsch verstanden wird: ich zweifel hier nichts an, ich bin nur erstaunt, dass das überhaupt geht und wüsste gern mehr dazu - ok, das klang jetzt vl auch seltsam...)

    Edit: ok, wenn man das direkt am Körper und nahe Bauch trägt, braucht es wahrscheinlich nicht viel. Find ich trotzdem arg

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    Nicky Jam
  • Best response ever!

    An upvote just isn't enough, this is great!

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    Pray for my boi
  • We feel you :'(
    Since 1.5 months we're fighting for the life of our cat Loki. He usually had 6-6.5kg and only has 4.25kg left because of his gastritis, after surgery of an unrelated eye tumour, when we're did a gastroscopy.

    We tried to give him some stomach protector, which he hated. So I mixed it into his food, which only led to him declining his diet food more and more.
    We switched the stomach protector to something more easily eaten and we started cooking for him - every 2h from 5 in the morning until 1 at night (sometimes also at 3, when he had appetite)
    Didn't really help...
    So he got daily subcutaneous infusions with antibiotics and after a week or two he was much better and even gained like half a kg.
    He was happy, we were jumping in joy.
    But exactly after the last control visit at the vet, he declined his food again and 2 days layer he was diagnosed with a pancreatitis.

    So he would need to go for 24 hours stationary at the vet with IV infusions.
    That didn't work out, as he wouldn't hold still without us.
    So we went with him and did daily IV infusions for nearly 2 hours a day and he finally got better.

    He gained nearly 1kg and we were happy as fuck - him as well, as he was enjoying just being outside again.

    Then he started puking again...

    So the vet told us, that we need to switch to a specific diet food instead of our low fat cooking.
    He surprisingly ate 1-1.5 portions, but after that he declined it again - even with Mirtazapin to give him some appetite.

    That was yesterday. So last night he like really proudly showed me his puke, with a face of "look what this new food has done" and we switched back to cooking.

    I'm currently at the end of my wisdom and we're emotionally completely drained.
    I'm self employed and haven't worked for the whole time now, because I can't focus anyway and with him being miserable I was just a 24 hours nurse. My wife luckily had a vacation now, so she could jump in a bit, so I could catch up with some sleep...

    But it's a daily rollercoaster. Sometimes he has good days and wants to go outside, sometimes he just want to sleep and mostly he cuddles with us.

    He is the nicest and bravest cat I've ever had and we'll fight however possible. But have my whole sympathy as we now how shit it is to see your loved cat deteriating and you can't do much but watch :-(

    I actually wanted to add some pictures as tax, but I can't find an easy easy in comments (in my mobile app) now

    At least feel hugged from very understanding other cat owners, currently facing mostly the same dilemma
    (By now I could probably fill a book just with the shit that happened in the last month...)

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    Cameras were designed to be connected to a specific server in China: South Korean military removes Chinese-made cameras at bases over security risks
  • Why does South Korea buy military relevant hardware from China?
    I mean, I'd have thought they would produce their own - especially with big companies like Samsung, I was expecting them to have such simple stuff in their own hand

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    Tiling Distro Suggestions
  • Not OP, but can only speak from my experience: Installing a second WM/DE usually messes up my install, as quite some stuff is just from one GUI framework, so I don't have to have to much stuff installed.
    Also getting rid of it afterwards always wasn't as easily possible.

    I completely get trying out a WM y firing up a VM. You could even just boot the live USB stick to check it out.
    But changing my working install just to try something (and then have to clean it up again) wasn't working out for me in the past

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    If it works it works.
  • I'm also happily running Manjaro on my new Framework 16.
    Even the fingerprint sensor works fine - although I'll still need to tune LightDM a bit, so I don't have to press enter.

    Do you have any tips what you have done further or any resources?

    At first the WiFi wasn't working and is still a bit unstable - like isn't available as interface after booting and I need to toggle flight mode.
    But it seems a newer kernel (6.10.6-10) mostly fixed it.

    Also sometimes coreboot seems to take some time. But only every 10 boots or something.

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    Sprint race just for F1 rookies increasingly likely this year
  • Keeping the older cars running would be quite some effort - like in keeping spare parts and so on

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    Climate Change Will Not Spare the Rich
  • Well hopefully, they deserve it at least just as much, for most of the them more, than the rest of us

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    Dropping By
  • I know this is not the real thing, but feel hugged

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    How Do People Get Tricked Into Believing Anti-EV, Anti-Solar, Anti-Wind Myths?
  • Not sure what you want to say with that

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    Blinken says Russia has received new ballistic missiles from Iran
  • Ok, I'll go search for your other comment

    Edit: I'm still not sure how the US supporting Israel is making Russia attack Ukraine or how that should be connected - obviously, geopolitical everything is somehow connected, but not causal

    Edit 2: I'm absolutely not in favour of US backing Israel (or their fucking imperial capitalism), but do you want to say, that Russia had no other choice or...?
    I do know this sounds foolish, but I'm currently really struggling to make sense of what you want to say

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    Blinken says Russia has received new ballistic missiles from Iran
  • I'm really not sure, if I can follow.

    How is Israel (absolutely doing a genocide atm - just to have that said) involved with that? What's the connection?

    Maybe I missed something just scrolling through?

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    She ate a poppy seed salad just before giving birth. Then they took her baby away.
  • Thanks! Couldn't come up with the correct word and settled for "syrup" ;-)

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    She ate a poppy seed salad just before giving birth. Then they took her baby away.
  • You don't make opium from the seeds

    You can wash them though and the "syrup" around contains morphine, codeine and stuff.
    The seeds themselves don't get processed, but the poppy cup gets cut so this white liquid flows on the outside.

    That you scrape of and gets processed to opium or heroin.

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  • Those USB adapters always seem to damage the USB port (or their side of it breaks) when I put the phone in my pocket.
    Tried several of them, because I have some expensive headphone pairs. I even tried to use a Bluetooth thingie with a jack, but having a second device to charge wasn't really convenient as well...

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    Speaking of manly ways to eat food...
  • Yeah, try be fucking efficient for once

  • Hi all!

    I'm currently looking into the flipper zero as a portable device to help me analyze stuff in my work. I'm travelling as a software developer, but often need to work at a very low level with hardware in the automation industry.

    I've found the Flipperscope, but I'll also need something to record streams of data on serial interfaces with different baudrates - and any other interface to gather raw data would be awesome as well (Ethernet, Profibus, Profinet, CAN,...) Also, the IOs would need to be able to handle something like 5/12-24/32V.

    I'm not quite sure where I should start to look or if the flipper even is a good device for that. But the form factor and option for extendability seems very intriguing.

    Thanks upfront for any input!


    Markdown Test

    had some trouble figuring out how strike through works, so I need to play around a bit


    ~~how about whole paragraphs? next line as well

    next paragraph~~

    maybe just single lines?


    well, ironically I try to solve this with creating a post. but also my profile shows, that I never created any posts. not sure if this is a Sopuli issue :⁠-⁠\

    is it just me?

    edit: ok, at least at Sopuli/local it's working. strange thing


    Image Post Test - completely cleaned Metadata

    preface: it seems pictures made with the Pixel 7 Pro aren't shown correctly as an image post, but only in the post body or comment, when inserted.

    as it seems that it's not the file size, I've now cleaned the meta data from the image with 'exiftool -all=remove'

    edit: surprisingly that didn't work. here the link to the uploaded image:


    Image Post with large File

    as changing the exif data didn't help, I try to find a upper size limit of the file


    Image Post Test with scrambled EXIF

    shared the image through 'Scrambled EXIF'

    ok, that seems to not work...


    another image post test

    seems pictures from my Pixel 7 Pro don't show correctly on the post header (only works in the body)

    this image was run through signal to get some compression and meta data removed - so should work now as well


    Image Post Test

    testing if image gets loaded correctly
