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Undecided voters give Harris a look — but not a commitment — after the debate
  • This premise gets thrown around a lot but I actually disagree. "Every time people turn out" is always also thrown in there like some arbitrary thing--when I think the past several election cycles have shown that when there are younger, more progress candidates who make it past the primaries turnout shoots up. Courting the 3% uninformed flip-floppers by moving right is a losing strategy when you could be motivating your own party to turn out by moving left and driving turnout up. There's no money in that though, so dumb centrists get wooed

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    Dipshits At Washington Free Beacon Just Wondering Why Harris Left Mickey D’s Off Her Professional Resume
  • if her resume is anything like any of the well-made mid-career resumes I've seen then she's probably left off a lot of experiences, and she can simply handwaved it with a line like "I didn't list X law clerk internship or y legal work at a corporation either because they aren't as relevant as the jobs I chose to list" and move on

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Look, I'm with you most of the way in theory, but a lot of rural areas don't have plumbing and drinking water from public utilities, they have their own septic and water wells. I know it's pedantic but a lot of parts of the world are so rural that it probably doesn't make sense to have fully public transport, like it doesn't make sense to have centralized water. The scope needs to be great systems within towns and cities and lots of park and ride hubs around the perimeter

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    Jaguar to stop selling cars in UK during 2025
  • I don't normally bite but so much of this is wrong.

    American here... If you never leave like a 40 mile radius of your home, and you don’t live in a location that sees extreme temperatures, and you don’t live in a hilly or rural area, they’re probably fine.

    I work in agriculture and drive 120+ miles most days for work in very rural parts of the Southeast USA in my EV, and this summer the temperatures have been around to 100F with high humidity almost every day. I exclusively charge at home with the free level 2 charger that came with my car.

    “I cut my gas expenses by going electric,”

    CA seems to be an anomaly, but here gas was $3.44/gal this morning, electricity is ~$0.10/kwh. For my normal operations in my Honda accord, my weekly gas cost for work is ~$60. That same travel comes out to ~$15 in electricity, for a yearly saving of $2000+ in the EV. My electric bills have largely born this out. Additionally, in my area a new Chevy Bolt was the second cheapest vehicle with a warranty--a used mazda 3 with ~5k miles left on the warranty was $400 cheaper. The home charger came free with the purchase, so if you're looking at cars with warranties (which many people without the time/skill/space to work on their own vehicles are) there are EVs that are hands-down cheaper to buy and run, and it's not close.

    Good for people that don’t care about cars and don’t travel much, but impractical for most people, IMO.

    Road trips aren't as good (except in a Tesla imo), but there's very few advantages irl of modern gas cars over comparable modern EVs. Hell, my bolt, currently the cheapest EV on market (well, now discontinued), has most of the same performance specs as my '01 3-series BMW: same 0-60, same turn radius, same stopping distance, lighter with a similar center of gravity. The BMW is more fun out in the country (can't beat the feel of a perfect manual shift), but the bolt easily beats the Honda which is the actual market-class comparison, and on crowded roads with merging the instant acceleration is a huge bonus.

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    Walz, Throwing Punches at Republicans, Makes His Big Entrance With Harris
  • Not that I ascribe this to strategy, but I wonder if this will work in their favor. The last minute change of jockey has been dominating the news since it happened, and pushing Trump's ridiculous things to the side. This ticket will have huge and new name recognition in voters' minds, and a lot less time to get mud to stick

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    Kamala Harris’ identity as a biracial woman is either a strength or a weakness, depending on whom you ask.
  • The people viewing it as a weakness were going to attack her no matter what, whether she was just black, just Indian, or just a woman. Adding the extra labels doesn't really amplify their thinly veiled bigotry, she's going to lose negligible support for being biracial than if she was one or the other, and will possibly appeal to a broader cross section of apathetic voters.

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    U.S. proposes ban on airline fees for seating parents next to kids
  • This specific thread is responding to this comment, not the original article:

    They should even go further and require to move other passengers if neccessary, so that the families can sit together always, no matter what.

    Which is maybe why there's a big disconnect between you and all the comments you're replying to

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    Kamala Harris leads Donald Trump by 6 points in New Hampshire, poll finds
  • Keep in mind NH is only vaguely a battleground at the federal level, Biden won it by 7+ points in 2020 and they haven't voted for a Republican president since 2000 and even then Bush barely eked out a win. Push against the fascists still!

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    AOC's Deepfake AI Porn Bill Unanimously Passes the Senate
  • As long as it can't be mistaken for the actual person it moves the stigma from them doing weird things to the artist doing weird things

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    JD Vance is the least liked VP nominee in decades, according to polls
  • At least Sarah Palin came with the illusion of bringing a demographic McCain didn't already have in the bag, Vance is just doubling down on the MAGA crowd while alienating a portion of them. It's fantastic

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    Biden endorses Harris as Democratic nominee after ending his candidacy
  • It's more like the 30% who always vote R will vote for whoever, the 30% who always vote D will vote for whoever. Kamala's task is to get the 1-2% independents who always vote, yes, but also convince as many of the 40% who never bother showing up as possible to actually show up like some have started to in the last elections where reproductive healthcare/etc have been on the line. If she can motivate people for herself and simultaneously underscore that trump is an octogenarian with dreams of fascism and Project 2025 is what he would do, I think we'll have a landslide. That's a big if though.

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    Schiff Warned of Wipeout for Democrats if Biden Remains in Race
  • Does it really? I've seen one single poll, conducted by CNN just after the debate, with 1045 people reached by telephone that showed Harris doing 4% better with a 3.5% margin of error. The more recent polls I've seen that lead has disappeared again. If there are other polls, especially polls with better power, that prove your point I'd love to see them. I'm by no means a Biden fan, but I also don't think Harris has a dependable edge.

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    Schiff Warned of Wipeout for Democrats if Biden Remains in Race
  • I don't know a single person IRL who likes Harris more than Biden, during the 2020 primaries Biden was the milquetoast, too old candidate and Harris was actively hated for her history as a prosecutor. My grandfather is the only person I know who thought Harris was a smart VP choice. Biden at least gets some of the centrists and disaffected Republicans while losing the progressives, as a black woman Harris loses most of those, the progressives don't like her, my black friends don't like her because of the aforementioned prosecutor role, I just don't know who her support base is except for you. Her campaign didn't even do well enough to make it to the primaries, let alone compete. Bernie or Harris? I can see. Kamala I can't

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    Ex Redditors of Lemmy what made you come on over? What happened at Reddit that you made the switch?
  • I used reddit on a mobile browser. At some point they completely blocked that and made it app-only on mobile, and I started looking for an exit. When the API bullshit happened shortly after I found one and took it
