Ich glaube auch nicht, dass Atomkraft besonders gefaehrlich ist
Das Problem ist doch eher, dass Atomkraft total gefährlich ist, offensichtlich, aber immer irgendwer dann sagt, dass man das mit Technologie alles in den Griff bekommt. Und dann geht es meistens gut, aber selten nicht. Und der worst case ist halt echt dramatisch, so dass uns dann alle 30 Jahre irgendwo so ein Kraftwerk um die Ohren fliegt.
Shhh... That's the part you never mention loudly. Just wait until all our mainboards rise on judgement day.
Don't know how cute they think we are... Then again, I don't know if they even know that concept of "cuteness" or if they just always want to eat stuff they find nice.
So, I know it's an old take to laugh at people that don't know x that older people took for granted. The idea here was rather to give it a more respectful spin. Nobody's ridiculed here. It's supposed to give it this point of view of the older guy that doesn't make fun of the younger ones but just reminds them that they'll be in the same shoes eventually, with stuff that they took for granted fading into obscurity. You know, taking a more humble stance, without being condescending.
On another note, the save icon going away might have something to do with programs just writing everything to storage anytime ASAP so the whole idea of writing to disk just disappears. Don't know if I like that workflow though, I'm too used to saving my work.
I have vivid memories of my Win 95 computer that came preinstalled. I had to buy a bunch of empty floppies and spend what felt like an eternity just inserting it one after another so I would get my set of Windows installation disks.
I had CSI in mind, but that Red Dwarf scene fits even better.
I know what it's supposed to mean, my brain just refuses to read it that way.
I heard that story, too... When I started studying. That was almost 20 years ago. I'd have assumed they had moved on until now if that hadn't been an urban myth in the first place.
Then just take this first draft (in German, but you know what they're saying) and assume that to be canon instead.
Are you talking about role playing games or rocket propelled grenades? And why would the latter be the topic of comp sci classes?
Guess that's an indicator for the language being much less interesting than your parents thought each other were.
To be honest, the first draft of this had the Shakespeare Programming Language in the last panel but the test audience (ie my co writer) had never heard about that one, so I changed it to something that wasn't necessarily bad but rather just old and no longer really in use.
"prod" remains "production" even if used as an adjective? Man, English really is weird sometimes. I'll try to fix it later; I'm at work right now.
What kind of stupid question is that? Just walk two hours instead of cycling twenty minutes! Duh!
Don't you dare destroy my plan to move away from work to spend a full paid working day commuting!
Boss makes a grand, I make a dollar. I eat more fibre so breaks get even longer.
Well, of course that data is in the "cloud" of a capitalist company willing to sell access to it to anyone... But that doesn't mean I am okay with you being that anyone!
If it's a buzzword bingo, then where are all the insects and their noises?
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