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Bloc Québécois wins LaSalle—Émard—Verdun riding in a tight race
  • My taxes are higher and the value of my dollar has greatly reduced under Trudeau... not sure what else there is to explain.

    One thing Trudeau took away before my bank account even had a chance to be happy about it was the spousal income splitting.

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    Bloc Québécois wins LaSalle—Émard—Verdun riding in a tight race
  • I never said he made my bank account happy, I said my bank account misses him, ex. things were a lot better for me financially under Harper than they have been under Trudeau, even excluding Covid

  • Bloc Québécois wins LaSalle—Émard—Verdun riding in a tight race

    Louis-Philippe Sauvé narrowly took the lead away from the NDP and then the Liberals late into the night.


    Certification Denied In Proposed Negligent Design Class Action Against Gun Manufacturer For Mass Shooting Certification Denied In Proposed Negligent Design Class Action Against Gun Manufacturer For Mass Shooting - Trials & Appeals & Compensation - Litigation, Mediation & Arbitration - Canada

    The Ontario Superior Court recently emphasized the need, in a negligent design claim, for evidence on the product from a qualified design expert, even in the context of a certification motion.

    Ontario Superior Court refused to certify the class action against S&W with respect to the Danforth shooting (and M&P 40 was used)


    Canada tried to copy New Zealand's gun buyback program — what went wrong?

    https:// /news/politics/gun-buyback-canada-new-zealand-1.7323100
    There is a community outside Toronto where most people can’t drink their tap water. Patience is running out.
  • Stupid take, there's plenty of other construction happening on reserves, both private and commercial. You really think the federal government is specifically disallowing wells and cisterns while allowing other forms of construction?

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    There is a community outside Toronto where most people can’t drink their tap water. Patience is running out.
  • In what world do you need a second mortgage for a well or cistern? You could do it with an unsecured line of credit unless you're an idiot and destroyed your credit rating.

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    There is a community outside Toronto where most people can’t drink their tap water. Patience is running out.
  • This is fucking stupid. I have lived around this area for my entire life and literally everyone who doesn't live on a reserve (and isn't part of an actual town) have wells or cisterns that were paid with privately.

    The only thing stopping someone from getting their own well would be if the ground water isn't available (very low probability that everyone around the reserve has ground water but the reserve doesn't) or that the ground water is contaiminted (also very low probability for the same reason as before, and especially because contamination that bad would have a huge affect downstream in the Grand River).

    Like shit, I have both a well and a cistern, as do all my neighbours around me... If someone could explain why wells and cisterns don't work on this particular reserve I'd really appreciate it.

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    Proton CEO comments about proton drive client for linux
  • Huh, as a Linux user who puts up with Proton's unwillingness to support Linux, to me this seems to he saying "Stop paying for Proton until they make Linux clients"

  • Gun control group calls Trudeau government's buyback program a 'waste' of money

    https:// /news/politics/gun-control-buyback-trudeau-polyremembers-1.7319182
    Nearly two-thirds of Canadians support tariff on Chinese-made EVs, poll finds
  • The first two (labour and quality control) aren't really what affect the MSRP. Labour makes a difference, but it' materials cost that really drives price, and QA isn't really the differentiator you might think.

    Uh, what, both of these have a massive affect on final price.

    The fact that labour is so expensive in Canada, the US and Western Europe is a big reason we farm stuff out to cheaper places (like Mexico and China) that don't have pesky things like high safety standards or employee benefits. I mean, shit, the fact the huge disparity in labour costs between the two countries is reason the TFW program even works. Not to mention that cost of labour is the main reason companies push for automation... it costs a lot less to have a couple guys maintianing robots than 20 guys on an assembly line.

    You are correct in that QA itself is basically nothing on the MRSP but failures can cause the end user a lot of time and money to deal with... not a hassle I personally want and nobody else should either. QA is one of the biggest reasons I never buy any big ticket items made in China.

    Plus there is the fact that buying literally anything Chinese is supporting an oppressive authoritarian regime.

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    Woman who was denied a liver transplant, after review highlighted alcohol use, has died
  • I'd be willing to bet that the number proportion of motorcycle owners with health problems caused by riding is a hell of a lot lower than the proportion of people who don't eat right and don't exercise enough and have health problems linked to that.

    And no, it's not just overweight people I don't like, it's also people that are sick all the time (like, weak immune coughs and colds type of stuff).

  • Nearly two-thirds of Canadians support tariff on Chinese-made EVs, poll finds

    The survey by Nanos Research for The Globe and Mail found 43 per cent of respondents say they support the move, while 20 per cent say they somewhat support the measure

    36 Ukrainian group says it plans court challenge to prevent release of names of alleged Nazi war criminals

    The Ukrainian Canadian Congress says it's planning a court challenge to prevent release of names of alleged Nazi war criminals

    8 Commons committee calls for second, more in-depth audit on 'green slush fund'

    The call comes three months after Auditor General Karen Hogan published a scathing report on Sustainable Development and Technology Canada.

    Hopefully this doesn't get lost in the mix of other scandals (ex. ArriveCan, foreign interference) like it did last time.


    TACCOM 2024 - Sept 6-8 Taccom Canada Inc. | Firearms Expo | 6900 Airport Road, Mississauga, ON, Canada


    0 Billions in federal contracts awarded to ‘Indigenous’ enterprises without verification |

    The Canadian government mostly relied on an honour system when it awarded billions of dollars in contracts to enterprises identifying as Indigenous.

    Wow, people taking advantage of discrimination-based government programs... who could have possibly seen this coming?

    4 Vancouver pro-Palestinian leader praises 'heroic' October 7 massacre on Iranian TV

    Charlotte Kates is the coordinator of the Vancouver-headquartered Samidoun Palestinian Prisoners Solidarity Network

    5 Justin Trudeau’s Liberals blamed spiking inflation on global factors, but now take credit for its slowdown. Here’s what’s actually going on

    Economists who spoke to the Star generally agreed that global factors were primarily responsible for a spike in inflation, and that global factors are the main reasons it has slowed

    6 Appeal court strikes down law on searching phones, tablets and laptops at border

    “Because the border is not a Charter-free zone, it is also not an almost-anything-goes zone,” wrote Chief Justice Michael Tulloch in a 114-page decision released Friday.

    2 Exasperated Ontario judge 'tired' of apologies from violent addicts

    "I'm tired of this same old song and dance," says Gethin B. Edward of the Ontario Court of Justice.


    Since a Linux client for Drive doesn't appear to be in the works for anytime soon, having folder statistics (ex. # items in the folder, size of data in the folder) available from the web app would be pretty damn useful for figuring out if a given folder matches an offline backup.

    (Yes I know that unofficially there's the rclone thing but I tried that and got an "unusual account activity" error).

    More broadly, it would be really helpful if Proton worked on base functionality for their existing products rather continuing to launch new products.
