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  • Ich nutze systemd nur wo es sein muss. Und mache mittlerweile alles was geht mit FreeBSD.

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    Is there an app that can make multi communities?
  • This is the Lemmy issue for multi communities:

  • I just realized Bean now has a community grouping feature. I think this is super great to deal wirh Lemmy's federated communities.

    However, seems that groups do not honor sorting by New. Having that would be awsome.

    Which iOS apps support pict-rs?
  • Confirming that current Lemmios version smoothly uploads to pict-rs. Thank you.

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    Which iOS apps support pict-rs?
  • Sorry about the direct wording. I stumbled over the resizing dialog asking for a numerical value without unit, plus the default compressing a phone photo down to significant blurryness. I do not know how to use it.

    Would be great if the resizing was transparent, without that numerical value and with better image quality.

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    Which iOS apps support pict-rs?
  • True. In my defense, when writing that post, Bean did not yet have the capability to post at all 😅

  • Am I missing something or is it not yet possible to post from Avelon?


    Am I missing something or is it not yet possible to post from Bean?

    This post is obviously not sent from Bean :-)


    Which iOS apps support pict-rs, Lemmy's own image store backend, with compression if the iPhone camera image is too large?

    Seems status for some clients is:

    • Voyager: yes
    • Memmy: no (Imgur only)
    • Lemmios: yes, but not usable
    • Mlem: no (no image backend supported)

    How do other clients handle this?

    I think the camera size is getting out of hand on iPhone 15 Pro (iPhone 15 leaks)
  • That is entirely true. However if one makes form a priority over camera performance it does not count.

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    I think the camera size is getting out of hand on iPhone 15 Pro (iPhone 15 leaks)
  • I have an iPhone 11 Pro. Had a worn down battery until a month ago.

    That is really a reason for upgrading. Four year old phone which frequently does not get through the day without a recharge.

    I did not upgrade. The camera bump on the current models made me not upgrading. I just do not like the camera bump. Looks ugly. Feels strange. I want the phone flat on a table.

    I did a battery swap on the 11 Pro. That should do for another two years. Lets see what are the options by then.

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    What do you love or hate about Safari?
  • I do not like Safari's tab groups. I need all tab groups always visible. That is something Chrome got right. Edge's UI is even better there.

    I don't want to use the sidebar. I don't want to have tab groups hidden behind a button.

    I have tried. It just does not work for me.

  • Quick feedback on the new traverse UI:

    I hated it for about 10 seconds. Then I realized I can swipe to open the drawer. Then I liked it.



    A shout-out to Lemmios. I have been using it for the last couple of days. I find it pretty complete. Plus the dev is really responsive to Github issues and releases Testflight builds frequently.

    Recommended. If you liked Apollo you might like this one.


    Great app, just started using it regularly.

    One question: what does the app icon show? For me it is really hard to see. Additonally there is not enough contrast in the icons color scheme so that the icon appears as kind of color splash on the home screen. In my opinion at least.

    May I suggest updating the icon with something a bit more iconic?

    Programmierer frage: versionierung innerhalb eines programms?
  • Neu bauen, Kunden informieren dass für die neue Version Anpassungen seiner Umgebung notwendig sind und anbieten diese Anpassungen als bezahlte Beauftragung zu machen.

    Kunde kann dann entscheiden ob er auf der alten Version bleiben will, oder ob er migrieren will.

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    What do you think about cloud services such as iCloud? If you use one, would you recommend it?
  • I use iCloud for photos, shared albums and device backups. It just works, configure and forget. I am on a 200 Gb plan, for four devices.

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    Bier ohne Alkohol wird zum Massengetränk
  • Ich mag den Geschmack von Bier aber nicht die Wirkung von Alkohol. Da passt alkoholfreis Bier halt perfekt.

    Wenn man die Wirkung von Alkohol nicht mag, dann ist das selbtverstärkend weil, wenn man wenig Alkohol trinkt die Wirkung dann stärker ist weil man es nicht gewohnt ist. Das macht dass man noch weniger Alkohol trinkt.

    Alkoholfreies Bier hat ungefähr halb so viel Kalorien.

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    What's a company secret you can share now that you no longer work there?
  • Anyone who has access to any involved network infrastructure can trace the cleartext communication and extract the credentials.

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    iPhone 15 to enter mass production in August, expect Apple to increase prices on Pro Max model
  • Anyone else not happy with that huge camera bump?

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    Have you replaced your iPhone battery, and was it worth it?
  • I did a battery swap on a four year old iPhone 11 Pro that did not make it through the day sometimes, despite battery health at 88%.

    This did fix it, the phone feels like new. Did the swap at an Apple store, walk-in with appointment and wait two hours.

    The battery health percentage is not an accurate health measure. My battery was done, even with showing 88%. The Genius guy told me the number of charging cycles is relevant as well, and he recommends a swap after 750 cycles. Mine was at around 800 cycles.

    All in all: recommended.

  • Low power NAS mainboard w IPMI?

    I am looking into building a new NAS to replace my aging current one. I want to go self-built with focus on low power consumption and silence. It will run FreeBSD on bare-metal. Data disks are planned to be SSD with ZFS.

    With this, I am looking for a mainboard with these properties:

    • Onboard low power CPU with passive cooler (no fan)
    • Min 4 SATA ports for the data SSDs
    • Min 1 M.2 slot for the IS
    • IPMI, this will be headless, even for initial config

    Any ideas? Thanks very much!
