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Peace of mind
  • It's is used as a contraction for "it is", however, its is used as a possessive noun.

    Edit: I am a dumbo. I read your comment wrong.

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    [OC] (Cropped from a bigger picture) Guess the movie
  • Reminds me of Natural Born Killers.

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    Donald Trump Mistakenly Refers To Nicky Jam As A Woman While Introducing Reggaetón Singer At Campaign Rally
  • As I would anyways. You provide me no value in your "bias checking."

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    When I tell people I'm vegan
  • My favorite, as a long time vegetarian and recent vegan, is "do you know what meat tastes like???"

    No. I don't. I haven't had meat since I was like six. No clue what it tastes like.

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    I asked Perplexity AI to help, but it wrote a virus instead
  • Depending on your definition of virus, Windows itself is a virus.

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    What online print service would you recommend?
  • Thanks for the offer, I've been in contact with someone in this thread and they helped me out with it already. Very generous of both you and them. Thank you!

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    What online print service would you recommend?
  • Will do lol.

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    What online print service would you recommend?
  • I don't think there is a local Discord community for my area, but I can search around. I can check out Nextdoor, I forgot about that site! Thank you!

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    What online print service would you recommend?
  • I checked the library today, no such service unfortunately. However, I could get my husband to go on Facebook and post something there. Thank you!

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    What online print service would you recommend?
  • Ah I didn't know that about the file! That's good to know, I just remember seeing files before that said something about metric vs imperial, but maybe I am mixing up something else.

    Would it be alright if I message you about the part? I really appreciate the offer.

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    What online print service would you recommend?
  • That's a fair point. I'm a fair shoot off Indiana, unfortunately. There appears to be someone else in this post that wants to help! If that doesn't work out I will ask my husband to get on Facebook and post on one of those forums there. Thank you. (=

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    What online print service would you recommend?
  • Unfortunately a 3D printer is not in my budget. I could afford one, but it would come at the expense of some upcoming costs I have to account for. Maybe in the future when I have a better living situation it would happen! I have always wanted one. It would be fun to mess around with.

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    What online print service would you recommend?
  • It looks like ABS was the recommended material on the forum that the part was posted on. Here is the forum it was posted on and here is the Thingiverse page for it. It would be the "modified" file, out of the two listed. I am not sure about how the specifications work, like measurements, but it would be meant to fit a 6.5" car speaker if that makes sense. I know just about nothing about 3D printers.

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    What online print service would you recommend?
  • Added to the post, located in the US.

    A local individual is a good idea, unfortunately I live in a very rural farmland area, not many "local nerds" to speak of. But I could do some traveling.

  • I need to print a discontinued part for my car, I have an .stl file for the part, I just don't have a 3D printer. It's a speaker mount.

    What online print service have you used that you can recommend? Thank you!

    Edit: located in the US.

    type the distro you use and is and let your keyboard finish it
  • Void Linux is a misinformation section in the handbook. Wtf...

    I think it is remembering a previous comment I made LMAO.

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    [OC] Somewhere in Utah
  • Nice. What did you take the photo with?

    Edit: I really like this, may I have your permission to download it and recolor it?

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    Update to Terms of Service + New Bylaws (Protections for users)
  • Why are you being downvoted lol. Animals are living beings.

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    Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • Missed the joke lol.

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    Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • Don't be sorry about the cats, be sorry you missed the main topic of the post.

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    Moderation conflict involving c/vegan
  • I understand that nothing is forcing me to remain on this instance, so I require no reminder, but every single new pinned "all" post that I see at the top of my feed makes me dislike this instance more and more.

    I haven't encountered a single admin here that I don't dislike. Every feature that is added is pointless. (Most recently, the "media bias" bot or whatever you call it.) Just waiting for ads now. There shouldn't need to be a "misinformation" section in the handbook. If someone doesn't like that being vegan the right way is good for you, they can block the community they think is offending them.


  • https:// /blog/announcing-rug-island-the-album/

    "Bluey: Rug Island" will be released on 25 October, 2024.

    Full tracklist:


    • Bluey Theme Tune (Vocal Version)
    • Rug Island, Pt. 1
    • Obstacle Course
    • Octopus feat. King Stingray
    • Wild Girls
    • Escape
    • Onesies
    • Fairytale
    • Rug Island, Pt. 2
    • Explorers
    • Muffin Drive
    • Turtleboy
    • Bin Night
    • Cricket
    • Café
    • Rug Island, Pt. 3

    Looking for a FOSS SMS app that is fully compatible with Android 14. I've had issues with finding one, I used to use (I think) QKSMS, but it started to crash when I upgraded to LOS 21. Now I just use the LineageOS SMS app, I think it is AOSP messages.

    What SMS apps do you use? No required features. Scheduled texts are nice, though.


    I believe this is by Costa Kassab. Not sure.



    I was unsure where to post this question, but I figure that this community is as good of a place as any. ___ I am looking for wireless mouse suggestions. I currently use a Lenovo ThinkPad Bluetooth mouse "MOBTC9LA". It is fine and serves its purpose, but it is horribly small and uncomfortable as well as wasteful in regards of using AA batteries.

    My basic requirements are wireless and preferably rechargeable via USB C, but micro USB is okay if USB C isn't available. I would also prefer if it were Bluetooth. I see a few listed online, but I was hoping for a real human suggestion as opposed to sifting through paid off and fake reviews.

    Thanks in advance for any guidance!

    Mods if this is the wrong community let me know and I will move on.


    Sometimes when I am scrolling through a comment feed, I somehow make this dialogue pop up and it seems to involve comments with links in them. I don't like it and I don't know how I am making it happen, it just gets in the way.

    Long short, how do I make it stop or disable it entirely? It happens very often.
