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How much do y'all spend on coffee a month?
  • I use an aeropress every morning to make americano style. Roughly 17g of coffee ground somewhere between espresso and turkish coffee.

    I get my coffee from a local roaster that will roast and grind the beans for you on the spot, in about 15mins. 200g for around $12

    ~17g per day depending on how much over or under I scoop, ~6205g per year, ~517g per month

    • ~$30 USD per month at home
    • another ~$20 USD per month on decaf at restaurants/cafes
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    Brutalist Palace Interior [Midjourney]
  • Any chance you still have this image of the exterior shots? It seems to have disappeared and I would love to set it as my desktop background again, I forgot to save a backup. Or if you have a repository of your images like on midjourney or civitai or something? thanks!

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    COSMIC Alpha Released! Here’s what people are saying.
  • Yes. In Steam I tried both a native Linux game (Team Fortress 2) and a windows game (Expeditions Mudrunner) in compatibility mode with Proton. Both worked just fine but there are minor annoyances with COSMIC DE.

    • COSMIC Settings: There's no option to set your primary and secondary display, so I had to switch around some display port and HDMI cables.

    • Display Issues: When I updated the display setting to 120Hz for my gaming monitor, it crashed the system and refused to boot the OS on restart, it would hang up with some error messages after the login screen. I had to start my desktop with a different monitor plugged in, and then connect my gaming monitor and make sure it was only set to 60hz so it wouldn't crash again.

    • COSMIC Files: The file system doesn't display filesize of folders or groups of files, only individual files

    Verdict: COSMIC is still in Alpha but it feels really crisp and snappy, smooth interacting with applications. You may run into some minor annoyances or bugs that could lead you to need to reinstall. If you're like me who only uses Steam and Firefox and hardly any local files/applications, you'll probably be fine if you run into any bugs. Also I have my laptop with Gnome POPos to fall back to if my desktop running COSMIC gets bricked and needs a fresh install.

    For now I am having a better experience in COSMIC PopOS than with GNOME PopOS. For a few weeks now I wasn't able to get the PopStore running in Gnome DE, and also my firefox kept freezing the entire system after leaving a twitch stream running for a few hours. None of the issues I was having with GNOME PopOS are here in COSMIC PopOS. I'm looking forward to all the improvements and updates until full COSMIC launch. Also planning to get a System76 gaming desktop with AMD, probably next year when I can save up some money and maybe COSMIC will be more refined by then.

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    COSMIC Alpha Released! Here’s what people are saying.
  • Thanks, that helped. I installed Cosmic on my gaming desktop yesterday, runs everything I need just fine (after a bunch of updates and restarts) - Steam, Firefox, Freetube, VLC, Chromium, Discord

    Some minor hiccups when transferring files from a flash drive or opening local files, but otherwise everything runs great on Firefox/Steam/VLC (95% of my computer usage)

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    COSMIC Alpha Released! Here’s what people are saying.
  • I couldn't get video conferencing to work (zoom/google meet) so I reinstalled PopOS. Also the timezone was stuck to UTC.

    I don't have an extra computer lying around just to test COSMIC, but I did like what functionality was there. Will definitely move desktop and laptop over once its ready for daily driver.

    Edit: I forgot to connect to wifi before running the terminal commands to update and upgrade. I now have COSMIC working on my gaming desktop.

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    Presidential election popular vote tallies lined up against “did not vote”
  • Should split this out by electoral college votes/states where the 'did not vote' could actually have made a difference. This is great info but also a bit misleading cause votes in swing states have more of an effect than increasing votes in deeply blue or deeply red states. The US president is not selected by a national popular vote. See on the chart how W Bush won the election but Gore had the popular vote, due to how the electoral college works.

    Not discounting that more people should vote. I wish there were a national holiday in the US for everyone to get out and vote. But some votes matter more than others, depending on where you live, and this chart misses that nuance.

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    Japanese keyboard layout and input in KDE Plasma 5
  • When I switch from English (US) to Japanese (Mozc), the default option is "Direct input" meaning my US keyboard layout. Im sure if I check in settings I could change the default.

    I have a dropdown menu on my Desktop Dock for Input mode. I have to change it over to Hiragana to start (I haven't figured out the keyboard shortcut yet for that step).

    So I hit Super + Space to switch to Japanese Mozc Then I use my mouse to change from "Direct Input" to "Hiragana"

    Not sure if that's where you were having issues, but yeah there's probably some youtube guides that'll help.

    Edit:this guide here helped me. I had to set shortcuts for the muhenkan, henkan, and eisu keys, but now I don't need to use my mouse anymore to swtich.

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    Japanese keyboard layout and input in KDE Plasma 5
  • Install Mozc Japanese instead and then learn the keyboard shortcuts to toggle between english and japanese, and the F keys to toggle between english(direct input), hiragana, katakana with width variations. You can edit the shortcuts in settings if you like.

    I use mozc in android and linux. Search the web or watch youtube videos for guides if you need help installing.

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    Stark difference in temperature on both sides of Himalayas.
  • Its a map of future heatstroke and kidney disease as humans sweat out all their water tryin to cool off. Probably a lot of human suffering and migration in the near future.

    I’ve been using maps like these to figure out where its safe to live and also for retirement planning.

    Delhi temperature hits 52.9C, shattering India’s national record

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    Delhi temperature hits 52.9C, shattering India’s national record
  • Its a map of future heatstroke and kidney disease as humans sweat out all their water tryin to cool off. Probably a lot of human suffering and migration in the near future.

    I've been using maps like these to figure out where its safe to live and also for retirement planning.

    Edit: I thought i was replying on a different post but its highly relevant

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    A3 receipts is wild AF
  • Right looks like instagram DM in dark mode, and left looks like a list of accounts he doesn't follow (looks like they are a Blue rectangle with the text 'Follow' inside)

    potato.jpg idk I'm speculating.

    Maybe he thought he could hide it if he didn't follow the accounts and only stuck to DM's lol
