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Does all our energy on Earth come from the sun?
  • Which wouldn't have the potential if the larger sun didn't form first to create the gravity to allow the rest to form.

    This is simply incorrect. The gravitational potential of the body would be there regardless of what else is going on around it. And either way, the OP's question was not about some hypothetical where the sun doesn't exist, it's about where energy came from in the real world.

    Star != Sun is just pointlessly pedantic. You're not trying to learn anything, just be a smartass.

    ? The OP's question was literally "is there energy on earth that didn't come from the sun." I am not the one being pedantic here.

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    Does all our energy on Earth come from the sun?
  • Nuclear materials were formed in supernovas. They wouldn't exist in the first place without a star.

    Well, yeah, sure. But that star is not the Sun.

    Earth wouldn't have coalesced without the sun in the middle. Otherwise we'd still be a gas blob.

    I mean, sure? It wouldn't be a gas blob, but it would be a very different system. But that still has nothing to do with it -- even if the gravity of the sun influences how the earth coalesces, it's still not where the thermal energy of the core came from. That came from the potential of the dust itself.

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    Does all our energy on Earth come from the sun?
  • The heat in the Earth's mantle and core comes from the gravitational potential energy of the original stellar dust clouds the Earth originally accreted from. So, geothermal energy mostly isn't. And there's also evidence that a few natural uranium deposits have undergone natural nuclear fission chain reactions. That one's a pretty negligible amount, though. Other than that, no, it all traces back to the sun.

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    Why give up and stop annual payments is not enough to get out of vacation club/membership?
  • Yes, your aunt has (probably) signed up for what's essentially a scam. This is their whole business model, they know timeshares sound better than they end up being, so they intentionally trick people into signing contracts that are very difficult to get out of, so they can't just dump it the moment they realize they don't want it anymore.

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    How is Open Source project work paid?
  • Like others have mentioned, there are various options (donations/sponsorships/grants) that larger projects will generally have some of, but for smaller projects (99% of what's out there, by project count if not usage), the answer is simply "it isn't." It's done as a hobby, as a resume booster, or with the hope of eventually becoming big enough to hit one of those revenue streams.

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    PSL is almost here...
  • Sorta. I mean everyone expects there to be actual pumpkin, but that'd be gross. It's just all the stuff you add to the pumpkin in a pie to make it delicious

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    PSL is almost here...
  • I mean, it's basically just cinnamon, cardamom, and clove. Yeah, it's great. One of those "ruined by its fans" things

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    Did conservative folks just liquidate a bunch of their holdings?
  • That's... An extremely bizarre take on what happened, and on whether selling would be a good idea. The stock market almost never has anything to do with electoral politics, and electoral politics almost never have anything to do with what your market position should be.

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    What if Magical Energy is Matter that follows the law of conservation of mass
  • There's nothing to criticize, because there's no evidence being presented for consideration. You're just presenting a bunch of hypothetical ideas about how some other universe might work. It has no relationship at all to how anything in the real world is observed working, ever. This is not any different than the "world building" forums where fantasy writers ask for criticisms of their fictional magic systems.
