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They call themselves a news channel
  • I wish but no, it comes from a post on reddit. I didn't want to use them as the host of the image so I uploaded it here.

    There a few of these if you just google Trump without hair and makeup.

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    Remember: GNU/Linux and other UNIX systems can make files that are case-sensitive, Windows can't make files that are case-sensitive
  • This thread is giving me flashbacks to the times before Unicode, when swapping files between Windows and Linux partitions would have a good chance of fucking up every non-ASCII characters in their names.

    There was ways to set it up so the ISO character sets would match, but it was still a giant pain to deal with different ones.

    Blessed be Unicode.

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    "Quick" security check... I had to do 15 of these...
  • Microsoft uses some of these. I remember having to do something like that to setup a minecraft account and at some point I thought I would just give up and lose my money.

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    I don't know what they expected when they invested in an Elamite company...
  • Isn't it the risk of trying to make money with money? It's like gambling. If you don't want to risk losing that money, don't play that game.

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    This Is Why You Should Never Store Your Retro Game Collection In A Shed | Time Extension
  • Where I live temperatures can reach -30C in winter and 30C in summer, so storing anything "sensible" in a shed is a very bad idea. Everything has to be stored in a controlled environment or it will quickly get moldy and rusty.

    However, I kept my old 5.25" diskettes in a box where they were a bit squeezed together and they obviously didn't like that. It could also just be time. Anyways, a few years ago I decided to copy everything on hard drives and some diskettes were now unreadable.

    I waited too long to backup them and now it's too late for some of them.

    And even stored "properly", I also have burned CDs from the early 2000 that are also unreadable. It's unfortunate but there's nothing I can do now, except to learn and remember the lesson.

    I'm always baffled by people that find old computers stored in barns and still working. Where I am I don't think they would last more than two winters with this kind of temperature and humidity variation.

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    How much firmware is initializing???
  • I work with IBM i/AS400 servers and those are not exactly the quickest thing to "reboot" (technically an IPL). Especially the old ones. I have access to the HMC/console but even this sometimes takes several minutes (if not dozens) just to show what's going on.

    It's always a bit stressful to see the codes passing one after the other and then it stops on one and seems to get stuck there for a while before continuing the IPL process. Maybe it's applying PTFs (updates) or something, and you just have to wait while even the console is blank.

    I've been monitoring those servers for years and I'm still sometimes wondering if it hanged during the IPL or if it's just doing its thing, because this part, even with codes, is not very verbose.

    Fortunately it's also very stable so it pretty much always comes back a few minutes after you start wondering why the hell it's taking so long.

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    Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive”
  • I am fortunate enough to know how to set up VMs and use Linux, so I run my own IRC server with a web interface (TheLounge). I can set the upload limit to what I want and settled for 100MB. This way my friends and I are not at the mercy of some proprietary software.

    I do pay for a dedicated server that I also use to host my games' servers and also a mumble server, but it's so worth it, just to have control over our stuff.

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    Hey, it could work out
  • In Québec there is a moving company that has been using the same jingle and phone number for decades. Ir's really catchy and sticks in your head.

    Le clan Panneton, pour déménager, faut composer le 937-0707.

    The ad from 1997:

    The ad from 2018:

    Ask anyone in QC what's the Clan Panneton's number and they will start signing it.

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    Lack of food, water and toilets: Via Rail passengers fume after being stranded 10 hours in Quebec
  • Knowing the CAQ and how they are literally cutting funding for public transit inside cities, hell will freeze over if they do anything about trains here.

    "Get a car, looser" is pretty much their message.

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    Lack of food, water and toilets: Via Rail passengers fume after being stranded 10 hours in Quebec
  • Again? It also happened two years ago with passengers stuck on a train for 12 hours.

    I hate VIA Rail so much, yet sometimes I have no choice but to use them, as I made the stupid choice of not having a car.

    I always prepare for the worse with them. Bring snacks and water because they can't even do that when trains are running "normally". For example if you have not eaten before taking a VIA Rail train and count on their services, they will probably be late with the food cart and pass 3 minutes before your stop.

    And don't forget to buy your ticket 3 weeks in advance (or more) because god forbid you think of going in another city "only" a few days before. Being last minute for them is apparently about one week before taking the train.

    I wanted to make Montreal to Drummondville saturday but I thought about it tuesday and it was already "too late". So instead of the normal exorbitant price of $35 that it normally costs if you reserve 3 weeks in advance, it's $60.

    They also don't take bikes on the corridor and they can't say if they will eventually.

    Employees will also threaten to kick you out of the train in the middle of nowhere if they want to have authority on you. Or they won't let you out when they have an issue. You're basically at their mercy.

    And unfortunately buses are not exactly better. Intercity travel in this country sucks soooo much if you don't have a car.

    It's so bad that in summer I prefer to cycle the whole 130 km to go visit my family instead of taking a VIA Rail train, or an Orléans Express bus.

    I'm in Europe right now and I'm so envious of their trains. I don't even have to plan ahead a few weeks before! This morning I booked a ticket from Aachen to Liège about 30 minutes before the departure and it went so well. And there was another train an hour after this one. Or a high speed one too. Aaah, we suck so bad at this.

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    Everyone deserves a joyful life
  • I don't want to say it gets worse, so I tell them to enjoy being young and have experiences while they can, because it gets more difficult.

    Like, if you do stupid things and break a bone, better do it while it will heal much faster. If you want to get good at gymnastics or anything that requires being physically fit, better do it while being young.

    I'm starting my 40ies and can only see how my knees are starting to hurt and my body aches in ways I didn't know it could.

    My grandmother is 95 and wants to die. She was active for her whole life but now that she is losing sight, hearing, and is mostly bound to her apartment, she's had enough. And I can understand.

    You certainly can stay young and joyful in your head, but at some point your body is not going to help.

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    Texas resident used Apple AirTags to discover plastics taken to Houston recycling centers aren't being recycled
  • I put everything else that can be recycled in my recycling because I know metal, paper and to some extent, glass (here) can and might be recycled. However I also know plastic recycling is mostly a scam, and I bother much less with it.

    Where I live we have a deposit system for plastic bottles but even the expansion of this program has been postponed because we don't have the facilities and can't export it.

    So PET recycling is somewhat working but we can't do much woth the other kinds of plastic, and often end up dumping it. In fact my city is even having trouble recycling glass and it also often dumps it.

    We also just throw everything together in the same recycling bin and whole truckloads are often too contaminated to be recycled.

    It's not very encouraging.

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    Map of the USA: filled by a Canadian
  • I think it depends where you live in Canada. I'm in Quebec so the bunch of states you circled in New England with "who lives here?" is rather easy for people living in QC or NB, as they are our immediate neighbours.

    Like, south of Montreal it's New York, then east of the Richelieu river/Champlain lake it's Vermont, then New Hampshire when you're getting east of the Memphremagog lake or south of Sherbrooke, then there's Maine between NB and QC. I dont know the rest but this part is easy.

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    Scientists Travelling
  • I smoke my cannabis with a pipe. I've discovered that grinding it and putting it in a travel bottle makes it easy to carry around and as a bonus, also easy to dispense it in my pipe's bucket.

  • I've been doing some rail trails on the "green roads" (routes vertes) to visit my parents for the last three weekends and I stopped at the park for overnights as I didn't want to cycle the full 140 km in one shot and then back. It's getting greener!

    The Yamaska National Park is a small park located around a reservoir in southern Québec. From there it's possible to access multiple rail trails and "linear parks" going in all directions.

    More pictures in the comments.


    The last two upgrades have broken my audio setup.

    First the options for Network Server and Network Access in paprefs were greyed out and my sinks disappeared after upgrading to bookworm. I just had to create a link to an existing file and it was working again but, it's weird that it was needed in the first place. Pretty sure it has something to do with the change from pulseaudio to pipewire but I'm not very up to date on that subject and I just want to have my current setup to continue working.

    Then yesterday I just launch a simple apt-get upgrade and after rebooting my sinks disappeared again. The network options in paprefs were still available, but changing them did nothing. I had to create the file ~/.config/pipewire/pipewire-pulse.conf.d/10-gsettings.conf and stuff it with "pulse.cmd = [ { cmd = "load-module" args = "module-gsettings" flags = [ "nofail" ] } ]" in order to have my sinks back.

    I know it's not only a Debian thing, as I can see this happening to people on Arch forums, but as Debian is supposed to be the "stable" one, I find it amusing that a simple upgrade can break your sound.


    Using Boost for Lemmy, I got an obvious political ad from the right asking to sign a petition to scrap the gun "ban" in Canada (it's a registry not a ban).

    Now I understand this is an ad but I don't appreciate having propaganda from the right injected into my browsing on lemmy. Have better ads, or let us report them.
