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Swiss Army Man (2016 480p?)
  • Seconding this. One of those bonkers films that makes you really impressed that they convinced a studio to give it the green light.

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    Has anyone been watching House of Dragon Season 2? How is it?
  • I watched half of the first episode of season 2 then realised how utterly disengaged I was feeling, and so stopped there.

    I suppose there's still some lingering resentment of the final season of GoT which is making me feel reluctant to invest my time in this.

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    The thick of this twit
  • Or they could just Photoshop it (which is what has happened here - you can clearly see that the "on" is further right than it should be, relative to the yellow part of the logo)

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    On your own.
  • I think the point of this comic is that AI is doing all of the fun creative stuff for us but the jobs that we actually hate doing are beyond its capabilities.

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    Fake stamps circulating in the UK are originating from China, lawmaker says
  • As it says in the article, these are also being purchased by small retailers, so even if you buy from a bricks-and-mortar store, there's no guarantee that you're getting the genuine article.

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    Do you track your games?
  • I just have a page in the back of my diary where I list the games I've played, but I also use categories in my Steam library to organise my games into finished, in progress, unstarted and abandoned

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    UK retailer GAME to cease video game trade-ins, staff say
  • Fair point, I suppose the fact that I need a decent desktop PC for other things too means that it makes sense to spend a little more to get one that is also decent for gaming.

  • Assuming you have one at all, what time do you have your daily stand up meeting? Are there reasons why you have it at that time? Do you like having it at that time?


    Any bass players in the UK on this thing?
