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Oh cool, a sword of detect evil
  • Yet here we are, and evil we are. Case closed

    You can go ahead and waste time beleaguering the point if you want. It's not gonna change the fact that humanity is inherently evil whether you like it or not.

    If it makes you feel better, it means I am evil too. Then again, so are you. We all are. It's just the natural state of being human.

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    Amazing Cutting-Edge Revolutionary Technological Algorithmic Science Invention
  • If everyone was biking, people would deliberately bump and swerve over each other and they'd still block the streets. Cars aren't the problem, people are.

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    Random 1-31-17
  • The ones with kids are purposefully thrown into care homes so the kids can steal their house and all of their retirement money.

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    Oh no the poor millionaires
  • If there's anything one should notice in life, it's that yes, that is how grown adult humans act.

    They're all just entitled spoiled brats. Their kids are unironically more mature than they are.

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    Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. Now I cry on company time
  • Either way you can produce a strong argument they're influencing when you cry so by your logic they've already won. Your lost agency has jack shit to do with whether you cry or not so let them cry.

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    Oh cool, a sword of detect evil
  • It's still wrong as it would still be the DM's fault for manipulating someone else to harm other people.

    Or did going full Joker become moral while I was away?

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    Oh cool, a sword of detect evil
  • No, you're not understanding my point. I'm analyzing what's happening and rightfully blaming the DM for those deaths because they're his fault.

    Would you blame someone if they gave an AR-15 to someone they knew was gonna commit a mass shooting?

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    Oh cool, a sword of detect evil
  • I put an ethical dilemma in front of a Paladin. I do not consider this evil.

    No, you knowingly put innocent people in harm's way because you wanted to get one over on someone. That, by anyone's standard except yours, is evil. That ain't gonna change.

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    What is it ?
  • I have. It doesn't change the fact that humanity is inherently evil and for one's greater happiness it's best to keep them at arm's length. I never trust my friends that much and I am never expected to. 🤷

    The fact that you reacted so strongly to me pointing out facts says you're upset at even the idea that someone would openly reject others.

    If you were really so righteous, you wouldn't have said a thing.

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    What is it ?
  • Meh. I live alone and can tell you from a biological standpoint it's not healthy. People have to be around others because we are hardwired for it. Loneliness is more destructive than smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, and that's a hardwired consequence you can't get around with your worldview and moral outlook. Those who live alone live shorter lives on average.

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    What is it ?
  • Humans are inherently evil and selfish and will take whatever they can to meet their needs, many of which involve the satisfaction of dominating others.

    Thefts among friends and loved ones are considered normal because everyone steals from each other and no one wants to be held accountable for their actions, for example.

    Just more base animal shit from humanity

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    Oh cool, a sword of detect evil
  • Debatable. I don't really think the thing is about what people deserve. A sword like that could be used for all kinds of different things, not just some moral crusade.

    Hell, I'd use it to detect so-called good people without the stabbing and avoid them. The worst kind of people are good ones. Goodness itself is a kind of evil.

    People are quibbling over what is good and evil but no one considers how useful a sword like that would be. D&D already has a hard-coded alignment system with predictable behaviors associated with each alignment so implying good and evil are subjective is meaningless.

    Then again, morality itself is pretty meaningless so 🤷

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    Oh cool, a sword of detect evil
  • a hateful bitter man who antagonizes everyone but obeys the law

    As one of those hateful bitter people in the eyes of others who still is lawful, I emphatically tell you that we are evil and absolutely would and should be killed by Holy Word and other such spells.

    a teenager

    Wait, what?

    Actually everyone on your list should be killed by that spell, even the teenager though I vehemently disagree with that.

    Like you can sit there and quibble about what is actually evil or not but this is magic, and what matters is what the majority of people consider evil, and they all hit the mark. Most adults are ageist bigots who'd wipe out all teenagers on a dime if they could, for example, even though that's pretty evil.

    Good and evil are honestly pretty meaningless.

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    0 Scientists just opened the lid to NASA’s asteroid sample canister

    "There is some black dust-like material that's visible. We're hoping that's from Bennu."

    0 Louisiana police accused of ‘unconscionable’ abuse in ‘Brave Cave’

    Baton Rouge officers allegedly brutalized and disrobed detainees in storage shed once used for anti-street crime unit

    29 Incredible new moon images show Artemis 3 landing sites near the lunar south pole (photos)

    This striking composite shot appears in National Geographic Magazine's special space issue out on Sept. 19.


    Assume you're life-lusted and are willing to abandon every moral you have just to live. Paying for cancer treatment is also worth prison time to you.

    Also assume you've exhausted all ethical fundraising options, i.e. GoFundMe, loans, etc. and that insurance won't cover treatment for whatever reason.


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    [OT] Welcome to the Writing Sub =D

    Hello everybody and welcome to Lemmy's newest writing sub. Loosely based off of r/writing back on Reddit though with no official affiliation, this place is a place to post all of your written creations.

    As this place grows, we can do weekly activities like brainstorming sessions, theme days, whatever suits the sub's fancy.

    Oh, and we definitely need to do something for NaNoWriMo.

    Have fun and enjoy~


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    0 OSIRIS-REx asteroid probe heads toward Earth for Sept. 24 sample delivery

    OSIRIS-REx put itself on course for Earth with a crucial thruster firing on Sunday (Sept. 10).


    Ashton Kutcher is trending on Twitter because he defends his Scientologist rapist buddy from that 70s Show. Twitter is not happy

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    > ! > ! > ! > !
